Is this a good fighting game?

Is this a good fighting game?


Thank you.

You´re welcome.

Honestly dude me and my friends all hated it. I really like Pokemon but this shit is just all so awkward. The stupid ultra attacks every 8 seconds makes everything so slow. Maybe the new one for switch fixed shit or maybe I didn't give it enough of a chance but idk. Go ahead and try it but don't say I didn't warn you.

Pick up mkx or umvc3 for cheap or wait for dragonballfighterZ.

Yes, but only for competitive play, it's just as lacking as ARMS is for single player content.

It's a good game to git gud at and sink serious time into the MP for, not as a casual expierence.

>The stupid ultra attacks every 8 seconds makes everything so slow.

You don't know what you are talking about.

tourneyfag for this game here, anyone can ask anything and I'll try to answer

I enjoyed the 3d and 2d phase shifts. I know many people didnt like it but its all about managing your attacks and knowing when you trigger it. You can indefinitely stay in a certain phase if you have good control of the match. Theres a lot of movement options and some characters have negative edge cancels.

Where can I find tourneys for Pokken? I tried back on WiiU but there was literally nothing.

I'm also around to answer questions as a competitive player, though i'm also falling asleep in bed so I might pass out

I actually think how it handles attack heights so moves have "defensive" height properties rather then having height based blocks so moves can go under/over other attacks for punishes/forcing whiffs/mixups etc is more underrated then the phase shift system and ask around for your region. people parrot tourneys in there like crazy, you'll be bound to find something somewhere.
Good stuff is where the entire community is, and from there you can be directed to specific regional servers that will have more info on locals (I know some states/regions also have facebook groups which may or may not be better updated, that's the case for my state) also has an event calander, but this is less reliable for locals since not everything is added ther, it's better to only really rely on it for majors/the locals that consistently show up on there, but the site as a whole is also where resources get posted for posterity (other then specific player's twitters), but all the disscusion really happens on the discord.

Whait, i used to play the old wii u version and everybody shat on it and how it was glorified rock paper scissor and not competitive at all. What changed?

Absolutely nothing, you just saw the game differently and didn't stick around to see the meta develop.

Any examples? Im curious

Any tournament in 2017, from both Wii U to DX. Off the top of my head, good tourneys are CEO 2017 and Worlds 2017 since it really shows the upper levels of Wii U play. If you want DX kekery, SCR 2017 was launch weekend, GTX 2017 had a Gunk in top 3, and DHD had a Blaziken in top 3. All of these tourneys are a solid watch, though you might want to stick with just top 8.

Hey I'm just giving my opinion. And the opinion of literally everyone I know as well as the general consensus on the game's initial release. This is the most bland and hateable game I've played in a long time and was a serious case of buyers remorse. If you like it that's fine but I'd feel guilty not warning people about this.

And it's been a while but when I was playing on Wii u the meta was spamming every round with shitty supers over and over again. I know plenty well that this game is trash. I'd play tekken 7 or go back to soul Calibur before I touched this turd again. Bamco fucked up.

That's kind of the thing though, you played on launch when we were still figuring stuff out. Now that the meta's developed, there's a lot more fighting game to be seen. I respect that you don't like it, though it wouldn't hurt to watch a tournament match or two and see what the game's like now.

Man I really wished the combat was more like Naruto games and they had a bigger roster. It's such a shitty game, Jesus.

what the fuck


Jwong's not like that, he's a cool and honest dude.

I think.

Cool and honest about his interests.

>colluding is cool and honest

Is that J the mong who longs to put his dong in her thong Wong?

I got this game like two weeks ago and never played it

What am I in for

A slower-paced fighting game with simpler execution, unique roster, barebones single-player, and an active online and tournament scene.

It be your own niggas

Absolutely not. Proof: the only one playing it are pokemon fans (and maybe there's still a few people who get paid to play this but i doubt it). If it was a good fg on its own that wouldn't be the case.

Lot of the higher level players I know haven't played Pokemon since gens 2/3 and just got back into it because of Pokken.

I don't play Pokken but those "kindred spirits" characters have nothing to do with each others. Hakumen and Hime? Ryu and Jin? King and Akiha? Gigas and Vergil?

I only play the card game. Mainline games suck.

>man i really wish the games gameplay was shit and every character played the exact same just so there can be more characters that dont even play differently

Casualfags pls go

How much did you actually play it? Do you have experience with other competetive fighters? What exactly did you dislike about it?

You mention zoning being domiant but that ceased to be the case within 2 months of the game being out. Chandelure, Gardevoir, and suicuine, the three most explictly projectile based characters in wiiu, are considered bottom 3 in it. (Though still viable, because pokken is well balanced like that)

Bit of a weird chart yeah, I don't like it much, but I guess it's more about the Pokemon taking or sharing specific aspects or moves with the listed characters.

>*not so muffled Fat Joe lean back in the background*

More random factors than VGC, I'm sorry for you.

Except general pokemon fans don't give a shit about pokken. They got assmad when dx was announced, even. The Pokken playerbase is more FGC then pokemon, though mpst players are FGC people who also like pokemon

I only play Pokken, KI, amd Skullgirls, so i cant give you comparsions beyond those.

Lol no. It's it not even close to being as range inducing as the vgc.

Ultimate Ninja was fanservice circlejerk no one gave a fuck about its competitiveness. The same should've been done with Pokken. I play KOF13 and Rev 2 and I would never touch this arcade shit or ever take it seirously. No one gives a shit about Nintendo trying to enter esports or even trying to be a fighting game. It's so laughable.

It's good for Braixen porn, at least

This image makes me erect.