Tales of Bearsea

Whats the verdict on this vidya? Its on sale for 20 bucks and I'm curious what Sup Forums thinks of it. Will I be totally lost if I don't play the previous games?

I want to lick Magilou's armpits

It's pretty good. A very long JRPG with a nice cast of characters. Battle system is okay but it's too easy to cheese, specially with OP Velvet.

It's a decent game. Very good by Tales standards.

Don't play as Velvet though. She breaks the game and not in the fun combo video way.

Behold, OP. This is the state of Berseria fans. They don't actually play the game. They just masturbate to the characters. Game itself is actually shit, combat is terrible, story completely goes to shit in the second half. Don't be fooled by the waifu fags

You won't be lost. It's a prequel to Zestiria and has no relation to any other Tales.

Finally caved in after all the shilling and pirated it, just escaped the prison haven' played in a week or so though.

am in the middle of playing it rn. just played 11 hours in the past two days. The story is p good and the cast is great. Battle is for brain dead retards but at least it's not annoying

I was actually about to post a this is eizen say something nice about him thread

>Will I be totally lost if I don't play the previous games?

No. Very few Tales games work that way, and when they do they have a "2" in the title.

For it's overall quality, it's pretty good.
it's low points are that the people on the dev team who dungeon/field design all forgot how to actually do that years ago, and it shows.
It's high point are that the characterization and party interactions are all very well written and the combat is serviceable (but not the best that series has ever had)

I'm glad I'm not the only one who thought this.

You're gunna play as the punch wizard and like it.

Fantastic cast of characters , mediocre literally everything else.

Forgot to include my actual opinion on the game.
Its ight, first weeb game in years so the fmvs are nice along with ths waifu bait in velvet, the crack came with tonnes of costumes

Cast is good but the gameplay and story are ass.

You will be fine without playing the previous games.
Only positive thing I can say about this game is that I really love the characters. I thought the gameplay was trash and I only finished the game so that I could continue watching the characters interact. It's the only game I bought that I genuinely considered watching a playthrough of instead.

They are gonna put underground tunnel building in the game soon right?

how do i cheese it


press rt

Cast is great
Gameplay is good
Story needs work
Music isn't that bad

Lame like every single other tales of game.

I caved and bought this shit. I haven't played a weeb game in ages, will this be a good return?

Spam consume claw. Eventually you'll be able to hold the button down the entire time and chain it infinitely.


tales games are always good on character interaction. If you are into that then get this game
Story is pretty good on this one too
Gameplay is debatable but I personally enjoy it. All the characters are unique enough and Velvet is insanely broken (though if you plan on playing in Chaos and go through the ex-dungeon) its justified
I dont like the music much. Velvet has a good theme, as well as other character themes but generally its pretty shit
And you can't carryover equipment in NG+ jesus why

It's bad even for Tales standards. I'm not trying to bait here but it's predecessor was probably better (both are terrible though).


Bullshit, don't listen to him OP, it's the best Tales in a while.

Epic """dungeons"""

The gameplay gets better as you kill more optional bosses that drop game mechanics for some reason.

You haven't played a single Tales apart from this one have you.

It’s good, nothing mind blowing though.


>he prefer Graces, Xillia/2, Zestiria over this

Best Tales after Abyss

Not that user but I do prefer Zestiria more, only because the combat. Not that Zest has amazing combat, but the lack of Velvet makes some fights a fun challenge

Which isn't saying all that much because there's a couple best Tales BEFORE Abyss.

>All these people shitting on the combat.
The only bad thing about it is the dependency on stuns when you're in a boss fight.

I really want to play this game again on NG+, but I can't bring myself to experience Velvet's story again after knowing how everything goes down in the end.

those are the people who only play velvet and complain about it being too braindead


The absence of CC already makes Xillia 1 & 2 better. And probably unironically prefer Graces and Zestiria over it, Berseria is just bad in every area.

>tfw get to level 200 and never play Phi more than 10 times
I don't know he just seems so uninteresting to play. Plus his AI is just so good

>that one Arte you love more than the rest

What's her name, Sup Forums?

>When the Slag Assault hits just right and stuns everything

He's the worst character in the party, I would have even taken Bienfu over him


Defiant Conviction is broken


Heaven's Wrath because it almost always stuns because it hits like 10 times

Her Mystic Arte is too cute

I can't put it in words, but something about Magilou makes me want to fuck the everliving shit out of her.

>People actually are unironically liking Zestria over Berseria
Did I hit bizarro Sup Forums by mistake?

Eizen's full Break Soul combo + Dragon Howling always makes me giddy.

It's her huge snugginess

I like it
It has great characters and actually manages to do the edgy character right
Everything else about the game is pretty meh but I don't regret playing it
20 is def worth the price of the amount of time you can sink in this game with its overall content

I realized. Playing literally any other character makes you get more familiar with the mechanics a lot faster.

>Whats the verdict on this vidya
censored(not even tits, storytelling), denuvo, no kanji.
So its pretty shit to me.

Which is why people use the best ____ since ____ format