Buy PS4 because I want to play games with my friends locally

>Buy PS4 because I want to play games with my friends locally
>Buy a ton of fighting games and invite them over the day I get it
>None of them want to play videogames, let alone fighting games
>After a while they just leave and go back to their house so they can "drink a beer and vape".
Why do I even try? I can't compete with "getting fucked up" apparently. Even when they're literally going to just sit around and talk, they prefer to do it at their shitty house instead of my shitty house. Does anyone else know this feel where their IRL friends do shit like this without realizing how much it hurts your feelings?

They aren't really your friends. Alternatively, have you tried growing a spine

Fuck off, retard.


why can't they drink a beer and vape at your house? do you not allow them to?

Finish high school first.

I don't care if they do, they just have beer at their house. They never want to hang out with me unless it's convenient for them. They always wonder why I never hang out with them, but I don't want to lay around at their house, shut my brain off, watch some dumb show and drink. I guess you could say it's hypocritical because I want to play videogames with them and they don't want to, but it's not like we can't sit at my house and watch a dumb show. We don't need to be at their house to do that.
I am 22.

You need to realize that most men aren't passionate about video games. That's just reality. It fucking blows, but that's the truth.

Find better friends.
I'd love to have friends who would invite me to play fighting games, my friends only want to drink and I hate drinking.
OP, you're a cool guy.

You need some new friends.

It's nice you care but if they can't see that you are a good person who's willing to do stuff for them then you gotta find new people who will appreciate you and in return you will actually have more fun being with them.

Is that Lain?

Best friend for 17 years constantly says he wants to play games and initiates plans to play online. He flakes out every fucking time its disgusting and my other best friend only wants to play sfv of sb4 melee or sfiv

Don't give him false hope. Making new friends isn't easy. He's unlikely to ever find people locally that genuinely want to game with him.

I bought an entire console, like four different fighting games and I even have a TV coming soon with less input delay just so that I could play with my friends, but none of them care. I should have known this would happen. Thanks for being supportive.
I don't know where to get more friends. The only people who fit this description are online friends.
This is true. It seems like no one has the same passion for videogames and especially fighting games as I do. Unless they're internet friends.

Time to grow up user, days of sitting around playing video games with friends are long gone.

Fighting game fans are rare when it comes to actual gamers. Most people don't enjoy the genre.

The reality is that it was kinda silly for you to buy the console and games solely for the purpose of playing with your friends. Your heart was in a good place. I can genuinely relate. I've been there to a certain degree.

Just accept that your friends are more interested in normal guy shit. It'd be like if you had a friend that wanted you to watch sports. Would you enjoy that? No. Probably not.

Friends grow up different. That's life. Don't drop them or resent them 'cause they don't enjoy the same shit. Once you're friendless, that shit's never coming back. You'll miss drinking with your buddies. Trust me.

Id come play fighting games with you senpai

>go to friends just want to smoke weed and play some BF1 and Blops
>he spends the entire time hopping in and out of games getting angry
>play with his brother online
>im not the best at FPSs but im having fun doing decent like 5-5 k/d
>brother shoots me and leaves
>friend ends up just saying lets watch a movie.
Like jesus christ, why does it have to be so serious we were playing on his not serious k/d account.

My friends love video games. By video games I mean FIFA and just FIFA. I don’t like sports or sports games but I still have fun playing FIFA with them. Four player 2v2 is pretty hype. They also enjoy drinking and smoking. I don’t expect them to enjoy all the video games I do because we have enough fun without them. By the way, your friends sound like dicks. If your “friends” don’t care whether you’re enjoying yourself or not then they aren’t your friends and they’re just people you know.

All the time I read these horror stories about anons and their “friends”. My advice is always A. find better friends or B. learn to enjoy doing things on your own. I’m a loner who manages to have friends so I win either way.

you could always look for local fighting game meets/tournaments, unless youre really unlucky there should be something

This. I really just play vidya to pass the time in between shitposting on Sup Forums

>being in high school

Im sorry to hear what happened man. I can sort of relate with my friends not being into the same stuff. I give them some slack because most are married though.
I even took a few classes at the community college to try and make friends my age. Good luck and if you find the secret to meeting people let me know.

Same boat.
I love melee but the few friends I have just cstick marths that suck. All my other friends just play cod, pubg, and league.

sucks knowing there are people out there that like what I like but the hardest part is finding them.

I don't know what to say user
Make new friends, or keep your gaming habit and your friends mutually exclusive

Especially for friends like those, get games with lower skill floors and lower skill ceilings.
Something easy to pick up and understand

I recommend rocket league

just drink beer and vape with them faggot

find a local fighter scene for playing fighters with, you're living in present day present time where this is possible

I want friends but you have to have friends to make friends.