God what a fucking WHORE...

God what a fucking WHORE. You travel around the world THEN TO THE FUCKING MOON to save her and she turns down your proposal and fucks off on her own vacation without you.

Peach is now the WORST Mario girl.

1. Pauline
2. Rosalina
900000000000000000000000001. Peach (whore)

Other urls found in this thread:


Take more adderall.

I hope Mario won't save her anymore.
She'll still have a yandere dino turtle, but I hope she'll die of old age in complete loneliness.

Are you okay?

>woman is a whore for NOT having sex in exchange for a service

what did he mean by this

Let's not forget it's not like Mario is unlikeable. Let's face it, he's a cool guy, rich as fuck, has cool hobbies to spend time together like karting or tennis, is badass enough to take out entire armies alone and in case shit goes wrong he has a job that will always be needed even after Skynet will take over. Clearly the best father and husband material around. And Peach liked him /as a friend/, invited him for festivals, vacations on a island full of assholes, cakes and stuff, leaving poor guy in hope just so he'll save her.


Peach probably would have said yes to mario proposing if it wasn't just after bowser tried to cuck him, and then he has a juvenile fight with bowser that made it seem like he was a literal child doing the proposal to "win" against him, rather than something serious. It's not a surprise to anyone who isn't autistic that even though she looked like she might say yes, she got fed up when he pulled his childish shit and wanted to leave. He should propose seriously and not on the spot, marriage isn't something you do to piss off your enemy. And Peach didn't act bitchy or pissy whenever you encountered her post game, she was kind and gave you moons she found, so clearly she was annoyed at him for a direct action of treating her love like a game at the moment but still highly regards him.

It still isn't enough to justify leaving Mario to die on the moon.

when did that happen

>Draw her naked
>Paint her skin pink to simulate clothing

End of Oddysey. She just flew alone, Mario was just lucky that Bowser unintentionally gave him a boost.
10:00 youtu.be/pqUtAFr8y94?t=600

>add a crease on skin to counter complaint

I want to killfuck peach!
I want to make her orgasm as she dies from asphyxiation!

If I go to the moon and say it was all for you does that mean I get to fuck you in your ass

yeah but you wont so you're not getting it

This artsyle makes me angry

Nothing at all...
Nothing at all...
Nothing at all...

Why people don't choose the superior girl is something I'll never understand

> Travels around universe
> Has maternal instincts
> Reads goodnight stories
I see you're a man of culture.

I know, right? It's so crazy.

People have no taste, I agree.

I wish I could kill this bitch so hard