What went wrong Sup Forums?

What went wrong Sup Forums?

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It ended ; _ ;

They tried to make it popular by dumbing it down and adding a main quest.

How so?


Game was crappy from the getgo. Had some cool stuff but most people couldn't solo a Tulsken raider and needed a group for it, but the try hard meta was to get 90 buffs and solo krayt dragons. Everything about the game was kinda cool but really dumb the more you leared about it. If a new game came out today like og galaxies it'd be dead fast.

I blame women.

>Had some cool stuff but most people couldn't solo a Tulsken raider and needed a group for it,
But that was what made Star Wars Galaxies great pre-cu and pre-nge

>but the try hard meta was to get 90 buffs and solo krayt dragons.
is what made it not great

John Smedley did nothing wrong and if more CEOs were like him video games would not be in the sorry state it is in today.

The NGE, obviously. JTL era was best era.

>try playing swgemu
>nostalgiafagging for a few hours
>slowly get bored
>slowly realize even in the original game how shallow it was
>slowly realize how little content there is
>slowly realize how every planet is so similar and not very big
>slowly realize that coronet city is tiny
>slowly realize that the combat has no depth
>slowly realize that pvp is based on one or two specific builds
>slowly realize how repetitive is
>slowly realize i'd zoned out
>slowly realize i'd uninstalled the game hours ago out of boredom and was blankly staring at my screen
>slowly realize playing swg is just like staring blankly at nothing

They copied Empire at War and added nothing of value and charged more money.

George Lucas never has and never will care about anything so he shut down the server.

>copied a game that came out 3 years later


Please stop. Its been 13 years and it still hurts user. Best times of my life playing vidya were playing swg.
>comfy cantinas full of people on remote planets
>sense of scale when realize how fucking huge every planet/city is. I remember i helped my grandmother move while I had a big battery hold the directional key to travel across lok
>player made cities, my comfy house in tattooine
>my glitched kilodragon pet
>seeing a jedi get hunted by a bounty hunter in coronet, blowing his cover
>my guild sneaking into an imperial party in a player city before flagging and triggering a major war

It hurts

One that was cool/bad about it was how powerful some people got. There was a guy in my guild that was THE weapon seller on the server. Making millions and had a small army of people hed pay to find the best mineral deposits and shit. He told us on comms how he sold a % of his money for $10,000 and went on a vacation. Which at the time was unheard of, because whales and shit didnt exist, or at least it was their beginning. Now a game that allows you to become something like that is impressive and cool as fuck, the problem being that only 1% of players could do it, and the rest are poorboys with no fun. Or if you got a lot of money irl, you could have bought one of the few jedi accounts for a few thousands dollars off ebay and had fun that way...

a better game came along and they tried to make SWG like it, instead of keeping with what made people play their game in the first place

it was a fantastic game that just needed refinement, but then wow came out, soe panicked and tried to copy it instead of addressing the flaws and playing to the strengths the game had. shame because even today its still fun on emu servers. i dick around with jedi shit every summer.

They reworked the skill trees to be more like World of warcraft.
Thats what literally killed the game, any other reason anons have been saying in this thread are wrong

I was going to make a post about how the NGE didn't come out until years after WoW was released, but apparently it was only 2 and a half years after SWG launched. Time really does move slower when you're a kid.

Smedley ruined everything he touched. Look at PS2.

bugs, lazy devs. the game was excellent even with the problems it had, easily the best mmo ever made from a 'social' perspective, it had real community, you depended on other people and players shops/malls would have loyal customers, one of the very few mmos to have a real crafting system, most have a very simple 'recipe' system that simply pumps out the same item everyone else had. Getting a weaponsmith to make a krayt enhanced custom carbine for you and having it custom named too is an experience no mmo now existing has. it offered mechanics adults liked, WoW offered teenagers a disney like cartoon linear experience.

It was then killed off because various manager types who never even played any videogame in their life complained that 'this game is star wars! it should be outselling this warcrap shit'

the game would have been a lot better if it were never a star wars game, no one that actually played it hardcore cared about the star wars setting.

The game had so many problems yet the core of it was extraordinary. i could place my little house out in the middle of nowhere on lok, go hunt stuff, cook it, eat it gather bones and hide and dna samples and go on long journey to sell it all. A completely player driven economy.

and they threw all of it away to try and make the game more wow like. they killed this game 3 times.
CU - trying to make the game more wow like and 'upgrade' the combat destroyed the look and feel of the game but did nothing to address the real balance issues. many people are banned for protesting this.
NGE- this completely destroyed the game people were playing since launch, most people just silently left the game as the game they had played no longer existed.

Final death - killed so that SWTOR could be the only star wars mmo.

NGE was the second thing to make it more wow like, CU came before and wasn't as bad, but it was clearly a move to emulate wow.

>get krayt scatter pistol with awesome max damage
>take it to smuggler
>speed slice


the shitty ass combat update
letting players be jedi from cc instead of having to earn it

>around the same time that the first force sensitive slot was opened up, resources for building comp armor, creating doctor buffs, making food with increased in quality far too quickly
>there was no real risk in PK anymore, or PvE really
>at the same time, it did introduce interesting gameplay in that you could no longer zerg people effectively (you had to be fully buffed to compete)
>even with all of the various ways to get weapon enhancements, once they patched in the corvette instance that became one of the better ways to reliably farm for item enhancements...without the risk of the open world dungeons they'd introduced with the Geo caves, crystal caves on Dant, and the other place for the Mando armor bits
>they take it a step further by introducing huge changes to the combat system itself on the test center (CU)
>most everyone hates the changes, but they proceed anyway
>Jedi camp on Dath makes it so that anyone can become force sensitive
>enclave trading gets even worse
>WoW comes out that fall and the playerbase dwindles even further (majority of players were on US servers, and I think there were only 3-4 non-US servers available)
>login one day after WoW came out, and the overture for Dant starts playing since I logged out in the plains one day
>gets me kind of pumped to play again despite all of the awful changes
>no one is around me in a huge player city, no one at the encampment, no one in Cnet aside from some of the bots, most player vendors are empty, etc
>in Theed there are 10~ Jedi/Sith standing around bullshitting while they wait for a shipbuilder to deliver their new ships
>ask them why they aren't fighting
>"No point, we're just going to fly around in our group ship while we wait for our WoW server to come back up."
>only log in one more time, just as the servers were going down

>lack of content
The content was what you made of it. Without a strong player run element, there's nothing to do.

“No one wants to be Uncle Owen.”

What did she mean by this?

We really just needed to make the game a lot more accessible to a much broader player base. There was lots of reading, much too much, in the game. There was a lot of wandering around learning about different abilities. We really needed to give people the experience of being Han Solo or Luke Skywalker rather than being Uncle Owen, the moisture farmer. We wanted more instant gratification: kill, get treasure, repeat. We needed to give people more of an opportunity to be a part of what they have seen in the movies rather than something they had created themselves.

Where muh middle ground? Not everyone should be luke fucking skywalker and not everyone should be a stuck farming womprats and checking their farming equipment for scraps. Make it so the best player cant win the game on his own and the worst player can group up with a few buddies and take on the best players.

>Where muh middle ground?

it ended

and im old

good times were had by all

never will forget setting foot on dath for the first time

>Original SWG was good.
>WoW comes into picture, becomes super successful
>SWG and other MMO's during this timeframe lost subscribers because of WoW
>SWG gets rid of a lot of shit to please the WoW-loving faggots
>Lose even more subscribers
>Gets shut down

SoE had a good thing going with SWG but after awhile they over-casualized it which ended up killing the game

Excellent post.

I agree completely that if the game is going to live up to the 'blaze your own trail' tagline it does need to ensure that non-combat focused careers are viable, although that shouldn't equate to simply removing any possibility of having to deal with some combat occasionally.

After all even Uncle Owen had to deal with some combat eventually and look how it ended up for him, roasted alive outside his farm. Them's the breaks in a living and breathing galaxy - sometimes you're going to be able to settle down and live out your life in peace watching the twin suns set over your farmstead with your sweet-natured wife beside you, sometimes you discover that your adopted kid holds the future of the galaxy in his hands and end up being killed by Imperial agents all because you made a poor droid-purchasing decision.

For what it's worth I'd quite like to be Uncle Owen some days. Other days I want to be Han, or Boba Fett. When I first saw Star Wars I wanted to be Luke but in my defence I was seven; it took me until my teens to understand that the guy who doesn't have the responsibility, flies the fastest ship in the galaxy and gets the girl is actually getting the better deal overall compared to a kid whose foster parents were murdered, saw his mentor murdered in front of him and then discovered that his dad is a genocidal maniac.

>everyone should be a badass legendary superhero
>sanboxes are stupid because I don't know how to have fun in one please give us amusement parks where everybody gets a map of the park and can ride every ride as many times as they want
>nobody should have to work to achieve anything
People like you killed MMOs

Non-combat roles did have to deal with combat occasionally, and the way the skill system was set up allowed for players to easily develop both combat and non-combat abilities.

I did and I made mad cash


Don't shoot the messenger.

It was a game that was too good for it's time, if they released something like that today people would shovel money at it.

being a jedi wasn't special after they tried to stream line it and being a jedi was a starter class.
tor has the same problem.

i was uncle owen and water farming made rich as fuck because doctors used it


WoW and the concept of the Themepark MMO permanently changed the landscape of the industry, and SWG was gutted in an attempt to compete.

They gutted the classes and ability system to make it more like WoW. Then they gutted the entire game and got rid of a bunch of jobs to make it even more like WoW. They also made Jedi a starter class to attract casuals who just wanted to play with lightsabers.

It had very little to do with Star Wars, and was one of one million other wonky early 00s MMOs by people who didn't know anything about making fun games.

>SWG Player: What's the one lesson from your two years of seeing Star Wars Galaxies being played that you wish you knew sooner?

>John Smedley: That straight sandbox games don't work. And that we needed to focus much more on the Star Wars experience. I think in the past, what we probably made was the Uncle Owen experience as opposed to the Luke experience. We needed to deliver more of the Star Wars heroic and epic feeling to the game. I think we missed there. That's what I think we really brought to the game [with the update].

I wonder if he ever regrets his decision.

>Where muh middle ground?

On average, people don't like middle ground or actually "working" for things. It's more of a Ricky Bobby "If you aren't first, you're last" mentality.

At the very end of the SWG installer, right as it's about to finish the last files it says something to the effect of "Now it's time for the greatest story in the Star Wars Universe to begin... Yours". The problem is the average consumer didn't want to make their own story, and be their own character living in the universe. They want things that they can immediately associate with franchise mainstays. That's why the NGE was made and the classes were all based off of "iconic" characters. It's for this exact same reason that all the classes in SWTOR are the same way.

The only people who want to expand the universe in their own minds and become a part of it are autists and no-lives like me. Normies just want disposable Skinner Box entertainment with lightsabers.

Smedley is the only reason PS2 was ever made, Higby was directly responsible for most of the dumb shit in that game and Wrel is just keeping the pieces together

For those that don't get Uncle joke, read this. Basically, they let a cunt that has no right or understanding of the fanbase promote something that would kill SWG just so LucasArt could get that WoW Money.

>everyone wanted to be Smedis

The whole thing is like an ironic shitpost
Except it was business logic at that time

Do they ever regret their choices?

that is sad on so many levels, not because it heralded the end of the game but also the horrific future we're now in. creating your own story is literally what sold the game. 'you can so anything' now is is meme because of shit games but swg you really could do anything and have fun.

What annoys me is that SWG has a modest profit with the fanbase they have, and you could still kill, get treasure, and repeat like most other mmo. With Jedi, you're fucking god at that point, and only the pvper or season bounty hunters can kill you. They don't care or even understand the playerbase to get that point. They force the NGE because WoW was release and getting all those cash, and the game bomb. All the blame got misplace to Jeff Freeman, which he kill himself. Even today, you got people blaming SoE when it was really Lucas Art that force and push this shit on SwG.

LucasArt didn't care. Nancy MacIntyre use her "experience" to make her own company. The only people that suffer are the people of SoE that actually care about making the game and the players that once play the game.

It was an MMO. There wouldn't have been any problems if it was a single-player game.

Pre-CU was a broken, slow, buggy, unfun mess. NGE was even worse.

CU hit the sweet spot for me but still so many bugs.

I'm still mad

>All the blame got misplace to Jeff Freeman, which he kill himself

Holy shit he seriously killed himself. I didn't know. What the fuck

>there was too much reading
is she pete hines' mom?

You should read this.

WoW came out and they decided to be just like it so people that it was perfect niche for left killing the game.

What were they thinking?

They weren't thinking

Gameplay centered on exploiting people via skinner box progression. Stringing people along with reward scheduling only works so far, then people get burned out on the "grind"

If their only focus wasn't exploiting people, they could have made a balanced, fleshed out game.

People hit the end of the grind, found an unbalanced junk heap, and left. They panicked at their subscription dive and reshuffled the game to try to get people back to phase 1 of reward scheduling.

People who are ignorant of how they are exploited point to the reshuffle as the error, sort of like how a gambling addict will blame the dealer when he busts at the casino.

I'm playing SWGEmu right now. They added Jump to Lightspeed, Jedis and the Corellian corvette a few months ago. Chilling in my home while im maintaining my extractors and factories to make medic buffs. I fucking love how the resources shift every week, its really motivating.

Which mmorpg lets me accept quests where I pimp myself out?

A better game came out