Tfw all the cool kids you went to school with are at the bar tonight having fun and you're here

>tfw all the cool kids you went to school with are at the bar tonight having fun and you're here

Who the fuck goes to the bar on a Wednesday?



Its the biggest bar night of the year in burgerland

cute pepe
should've gone with them

all the kids i went to school with are massive failures that do drugs all day and either live with their parents, joined the military, or are in jail

Oh sorry, not a burger.
Also, this thread isn't video games.

>Day before Thanksgiving
>Two days of roads being filled with cars
>People are getting drunk
Do you live in Alabama, OP?

I can't think of a more uncomfortable place to be than a bar. Especially if there's other people. And dancing.

Why do you know what they're doing?

>biggest night of the year
What about new years eve? Or Christmas? Halloween?

It's Saturday now where I live.

Statistically tonight is when all the uni kids go back home for the holiday. Bars do like 500% their normal biz tonight

>tfw all the cool kids all have houses and wives/long term gfs with great paying jobs meanwhile you still only make 15 dollarydoos an hour while getting cucked paying your step dad's bills because he mismanages money

>all the cool kids you went to school with are either fat, balding or married to 3/10 overweight slags

You can trade three years of your life for up to 450k USD in savings on medical expenses, education, etc. Plus you get cheaper car insurance, free pancakes on Veteran's day, 10% of firearms and ammo at some places, a lifetime of good fitness habits - you'd be a fool not to take it as an able bodied American.
You know, unless you're a fat video game playing LOSER.

This. I can't handle loud noises and crowded places.

>getting ready to work what will hopefully be my last black friday

Hours aren't even bad this year. All smiles.

>You can trade three years of your life for up to 450k USD in savings
yeah but they all have shitty jobs like military police

>tfw even if you aren't very successful, you're finally free of all the people who made your life miserable back in school
Thanks for reminding me, OP

>tfw I still have to work six more months until I'm finally "promoted" to $15 an hour
>24 and still living with my mom
It could always be worse, my guy.

Go to Gaia then. 4chsn is not actually for faggots.

pancakes are shit

Amai makes such great femdom

I'm the same age as you son. It took me 3 1/2 years to get this much as well. I even signed another year lease with them to further cuck myself.

breh. you dont know misery yet. it will hit you harder than those bullies in school ever did.

>turned 21 back in 2013
>excited as fuck to hang with some friends at a popular bar in my town
>go there for the first time
>loud, cancerous pop music, could barely hear anyone
>beer was completely watered down and cost like 6 bucks a piece
>annoying drunk dudebros who laughed obnoxiously loud
>cigarette smoke
>too hot
>annoying drunk people constantly taking pictures or asking you to take their pictures
>shitty food
>disgusting bathrooms

Bars are a meme, all you need is a friend who has the biggest house/apartment and you’ll be fine.

That she does. Both really short women and really tall women make for good fendom.

>Bars are a meme


Nope. I am markedly happier than I ever was back in high school.

>0 blondes

I'm 24 here, working part time and finally in school because my parents wouldnt let me go to college.

getting ready to play Wario Land 3 for the first time so I'm pretty happy
1 and 2 were fuckin great

>Always get the black part right
>Almost never got the blonde part right
One day you'll nail the blonde part. Blacksonblondes.

But what's your major?

>going to the bar on a Wednesday
>going to the bar before Thanksgiving
>blowing money on booze before blowing money on Black Friday deals

who the fuck goes to the bar before thanksgiving?
you're suppose to get shitfaced and fight with your family, not some randos.

It's a feeling.

Sorry to break it to you, but Wario Land 1 is still the best one.