>on sale for $5
What's your excuse for not buying one?
On sale for $5
can it do anything else besides games? could I watch video files from my hard drive?
How's the imput lag? Can i play fightans decently if the pc is in another room behind a wall?
can I use an xbox one controller and then use that controller to navigate the OS? sorry I know I could have googled it, I'm just giddy.
I literally just got it so it's not set up yet.
From what I've read, you should really use ethernet instead of wireless.
Not sure how input lag sensitive games like fightan games will be
I got one last time it was on sale super cheap. Hooked it up and it works great but I just have no use for it currently. I don't like gaming on a couch.
input lag you dumb ape
I hesitated for that reason.
I only bought it for emulation and console ports.
For $5 it's hard to pass up
this is what I'm afraid of
I bought it for $1, and use it exclusively to stream my desktop to my tv for movies. If I had payed even like $15, i'd be pissed.
I own one. Most games are unplayable over wifi because of input lag. Basically it's a HDMI over ethernet box + usb extender for controllers.
>What's your excuse
My computer desk is right near my bigscreen. If I need anything on the TV, I'll just hook up an hdmi cable with no lag
HDMI cable is cheaper and doesn't cause input lag
Torn between getting this or a better e-cig for my vaping sessions.
I have literally no use for it. It doesn't matter if it's on sale I don't need.
show me a 10ft+ hdmi cable for less than
I dont have one. thanks for showing me this.
what the fuck, 7.99 S&H who even
I paid full price for one a while back. Used it a few times and now it collects dust.
gamestop has them for the same price with no shipping
I will say this though, it's not a bad device for just streaming your desktop to another tv, for watching videos stored on your PC's HDD or whatever.
Aside from that using it for games is just inferior to actually playing them on your PC itself, even when using a wired connection.
I would have no use for it honestly.
I have a raspberry pi3 which I'm sure I could configure to work as a Steam link somehow. And it has a lot more use as a media player/settop box
well its a good thing ive already bought the one with shipping. shit would be broken with no handling
Not online nigga, I would have got one but the local one doesn't have it, and the smallest shipping price is $6
I'm a leaf
I have a router upstairs, there I have my room and computer.
Downstairs I have the modem.
Cam I connect this thing to the modem and stream fine?
Because it isn't really the same web.
>Not sure how input lag sensitive games like fightan games will be
Unplayable, pretty much.
run it over ethernet and you'll be mostly fine
You're not playing hardcore competitive games in your living room, are you?
What about steam controller, any good?
1. I saw in another thread the shipping is $7.99
2. My PC is already hooked up directly to my TV as a secondary monitor
does this run through a full house on existing ethernet installations?
I have an HDMI cable.
But I've gotta admit I'm sort of interested..
However, if Plex gives me shit while streaming movies from my PC to my smart TV every now and then, gaming will basically be impossible right?
how well do joycons connect to these?
I have plex too.
What problems is it giving you? Constant buffering?
If so, you might want to look into powerline internet if you can't run ethernet
You basically have to use ethernet to get anything out of it
If you have a laptop, you don't need one.
most customizable controller ever but not for everybody and you need to get used to it. Totally not the controller you would give to a friend for some couch gaming though.
>Moving goalposts
Got one last week and can confirm its worthless wireless.
It doesn't even buffer, it just lowers the video quality to crap even though I turned that off in the options. I'm pretty sure it only does it when I'm trying to stream a file with AC6 sound, but it sure is annoying. I'd prefer like 10 minutes of buffering before watching.
different person, don't meme arrow me
HDMI cables never reached the goaline in the first place
>"Phrase not found"
Streaming is garbage
Dumb question here, if I'm using wifi as the source in another room but using ethernet for the steam box is that all that matters for a good connection?
Sounds more like a file compatibility issue.
Put whatever is running the plex client on ethernet with the plex server.
If it runs fine, then it's your wifi. You could always get a powerline adapter and hope for the best.
Im a poorfag
he said cheaper not the same price you fucking autistic cuck but basically I can write anything here because clearly you cannot read
I would love to buy a few of these as gifts but steam won't let you purchase more than one instance of an item per order and each delivery is 8 bucks. I'll just stick to my long as fuck hidden hdmi cable for myself.
Not even noticeable over WiFi unless you've got a shit router
I don't own nor want a TV that's not a CRT dedicated to retroshit..
I doubt it, it has the same problem with lots of different movies. If there's a file incompatibility problem, it doesn't play at all. Plus, sometimes it plays properly for a while before tuning down the quality again. I think the audio just makes it so it has to push too much data through.
I'd buy one for that price if it was a PS4
It has awful input lag and regular lag ethernet or not. It's not worth anything.
So I should hook my tv up to the wired network? That kind of beats the point, but might be better than plugging in and unplugging the HDMI cable so often.
>Anonymous 11/22/17(Wed)22:56:19 >No.397742978▶
>different person, don't meme arrow me
What is running plex? Your TV or a device connected to it?
Artifacting makes it look better
>shipping costs $2.99 minimum with Gamestop
>most sites that sell cheap HDMI has free shipping
If you want to play this game, here's an one on Amazon. Cheaper, without even considering that Gamestop charges for shipping while you can get this one shipped without prime for free.
>walk into store
>$0 shipping
wow so hard
Can it impregnate my wife while I'm at work?
is yes the only thing you can say?
>free shipping for the low price of $11/month
nice try
Do you really need further clarification on a simple yes/no question?
>tv close enough to computer desk
>just bought a long HDMI cable
lol why would I need one of those
>I'm retarded enough to a Gamestop during Thanksgiving/Black Friday
>they're guaranteed to have them in stock despite it being on sale
>it doesn't take time or resources to get places
>I can't read: the post
Prime is for two day shipping, you dumdum. Most small shit has free 5 day shipping on Amazon.
because it's actually $11.99 with tax and shipping from GS.
Steam Store is like $12 ish
I own one. It's nice for single player games, if you plan on playing on a tv downstairs, or far from your bedroom. if you're buying one for the tv in your room, just get a long ass hdmi instead.
That item doesn't. Maybe you should read the description of items before you post them
So will there be a new device or will the end support how did it get so cheap?
First half meant for
Distracted from playing vidya.
well, you could setup your home wifi with 802.11ac. Don't know if steam link support, so you may need a bridge
I walked in tonight and was in and out in less than 10 minutes.
Are you really too autistic to walk into a store?
I think the problem with wifi is latency/packet loss. Not so bad when you're buffering a movie, but terrible for a vidya
if I run a cable to my TV receiver should I leave my game settings at 1440p or drop stuff down to match the 1080p screen
brainlet btw
I'm from Australia, and the Steam Link store page links me to EB games where it's sold for $90 AUS. How do I get it for $5 USD?
I bought a vga cable $4
$6 at EB. probably gonna buy one even though I have no fucking use for it.
in-store pickup
Does it have a USB port or do I have to use the godawful Steam controller?
So this is basically a streaming device from your PC to a TV? This sounds useful for music and shows throughout the home.
>projecting his autism on to others rather than realizing that not everyone lives in walking distance from a gamestop
>he didn't see the cheaper 'Other Sellers' option with one for $3.69 with actually free shipping for non-prime users
No TV.
You can pass through any usb peripherals
It's $89.95 here.
I have mine connected through 5g wifi with no problems at all. Ethernet would be preferable, but 5g is acceptable.
>29 dollars here
for what purpose? Why don't I just an HDMI? my comp and tv are like 2 feet apart
it has 3 usb ports
I'm using my xbox 360 controller with it and it works well
do you guys really have your computers in your bedroom instead of your office or living room?
seems unhealthy
Doesn't ship to Chile.
A lot of folk here are living with their parents.
Literally no need for it, shill.
I currently have an HDMI cable running from my PC to my TV. Adding a wireless middleman can only make things worse.
I have a computer and tv roughly 2 feet apart in my living room.
But let's face it, most adults have tv's and computers in their bedrooms as well and pretending that only kids do so I think is incorrect.
No need + 300gb bandwidth cap
>input lag
If you have a decent network the input lag from a TV is more noticeable than the steamlink.
So it rules out Battletoads and FPS would be weird from a couch. But for everything else its fine.
Assuming the use of ethernet because gaming over wifi of any sort is ass.
Mine's in the living room because we moved from 2BR apartment to 1BR.