World of Warcraft: Battle for Azeroth

Is this literally just a PvP expansion?

And what's with the "new races" looking like recolors?

No, you idiot, it's a PvE expansion. And those are technically subraces.

>Is this literally just a PvP expansion?
of fucking course not.

we're going to fight old gods. anyone with half a brain can see it. blizzard at their whats next panel eluded to it.

the faction war is to help set up tensions in the plot, tensions that the old gods use to their advantage.

>pvp expansion
>remove pvp servers

They're removing pve expansions too.


>PvP expansion
>removes PvP servers

>And what's with the "new races" looking like recolors?
They're not presented as new races in same way as the pandaren or goblins, they're part recolor, and part a lorewise justification for having faction exclusive races on on the other side.

Anduin is the Justin Trudeau of Warcraft

>Is this literally just a PvP expansion?
They're also removing all the fun toys you picked up in Legion. Artifacts are being removed from inventory and given back to their rightful owners.


Can someone explain the ships and plundering for me?
Are they arenas, battlegrounds or scenarios?
3 man teams sounds kinda lame.

What about the skill you get from your weapon? A lot of builds need that.

The weapon skill could just be a skill.

>A lot of builds need that.

Do you honestly think the builds are going to be the same in the next expansion? Are you dumb?

talents change in every expansion

Yeah cmon guys don't forget that the game needs to be reinvented every "expansion" while we discard all the content we just made. Instead of you know, expanding on it.
Check out these new raids!

There's literally nothing wrong with that. You don't even know how much will change in the next expansion. There's a good chance a lot of the artifact traits will just be baseline.

Procedural generated 3-man scenarios. That dev guy at blizzcon says he wanted to avoid using that term but that's probably what it is. More D3 in WoW I suppose.

They will either rework it into the class or the Heart of Azeroth thing.

It's not the first time they'll be doing this. In WoD, the Protection Paladin HFC set bonuses were considered mandatory for them to competitive to other tanks. They later folded these bonuses into the artifact traits.

Why not add to the existing content instead of replacing it?

What are they replacing?

>Another expansion full of "Remember this boss you've already killed several times? Well they're back and stronger!"
Can't wait.

AnduinxYrel when?

I give you the nigger dorfs (because they are already established) but void elves and the whatever draenei are literally who recolor races

The four subraces coming early are fresh out of Legion. It looks like they will be used to round up Legion's plot. Not a bad way to end an expansion.

it's an old gods expansion disguised as a filler expansion

halfway through an old god is going to pop out of nowhere and go "hahaha i wanted you to fight, you fell for my supreme ruse" and then get raided to death

Through Worgen knot - Unity

>Is this literally just a PvP expansion?
Yeah, just like MoP was the 'PvP expansion'. The content will be themed about the Horde and Alliance fighting, along with what else is native to the new zones.

>And what's with the "new races" looking like recolors?
Literally called subraces.

PVP servers aren't going anywhere, your character just won't be bound to a PVP server.

You will choose to be on a PVP or PVE server in town and be commited to that until you return to town. No pussying out in the wild when Chads are raping your virgin ass and toggling PVP at a whim.

This was literally announced in the mechanics panel if you bothered to get a ticket.

>alluded* to it

Serious question:
whats the appeal of pvp in wow?
I found arenas pretty boring: full health --> low health --> full health --> low health --> repeat 2 minutes --> someone mess up or is out of mana --> kill

And they're replacing them with... the same exact toggle system. So not really.

Necessary ones will be worked into base kits, they'll have a new system involving an artifact power absorbing-type necklace and your main pieces of armor all being special and slotted with trait-type bonuses.

>ever giving a shit about PvP

There's nothing appealling about arenas, they're just pillar humping glorified duels.

REAL pvp is going out and stalking niggas in the wild, but that has been dead a long time due to flying, and the new opt-in system pretty much kills any organic feeling it will have in the expansion.

The current endgame?
Which is apparently the only part of the game that matters for some reason.

Wait for Classic, world pvp will be common with no flying mounts and people actually being in the world.

Then why is he trying to lose?

>but that has been dead a long time due to flying
In Legion they managed to attract even pve sheep to do those PvP world quests, flagging themselves for slaughter. They even gave you options to flag against your own faction. It was actually pretty fun ganking there while it lasted.

I imagine the PvP toggle option will probably have some incentive for PvE players to opt in as well.