It's been 6 years since Skyward Sword released

It's been 6 years since Skyward Sword released.

What a terrible game

Ok? fuck that game

the game that btfo of "zelda cycle" theorists, it was so shit it demolished any kind of semblance of a cycle that previously existed.

I thought it was pretty underrated actually

It's amazing how BotW was so good it rendered every other 3D Zelda irrelevant.

>nobody but me enjoyed Skyward Sword
Feels fucking bad man.

Good music, good characters (other than Fi), good dungeons, good items

Only bad part was some handholding and waggle that you got used to in an hour or so.

Better than average game.

Its not a bad game, its just the worst mainline Zelda game. Motion controls were fun

What the fuck did you just fucking say you little bitch?

*teleports behind u*

*unzips dick*

*does a 360*

Mama Mia

I quite enjoyed it and loved playing it.

But it's hard to deny it's the worst 3D Zelda.

The scary part is that people actually believe this.

Adding a Zelda skin to a generic open world game doesn't make it amazing.

I enjoyed Skyward Sword. It had a lot of good qualities.

But it also had a lot of bad qualities, which end up making it the worst of the 3D Zelda games.

This has to be a troll post.

What open world game has better puzzle physics?

best Zelda game so far.

>creative bosses fight
>rpg habilities
>you can FLY in the fucking SKY


It's literally the most unique open world

>Adding a Zelda skin to a generic open world game doesn't make it amazing.
Stay mad kiddo.

shit game, don't get it.

>boss fights were nothing but repeat after repeat
>flying in an empty sky

It's also been 6 years since a good 3D Zelda game was released.

Truth hurts, doesn't it

Agree with the first sentence. Wind Waker exists so your second sentence is wrong.

So I was 17 when I played that game, dropped it halfway through and never played it again.

did a different team make lanryu desert? it feels so much better than the rest of the shitty game

Xenoblade X's was more unique visually. It was better too.

And yet Sup Forums is still butthurt about it to this day.
93 metacritic doesn't lie, kiddos.

Don't worry the Zelda cycle always rings true. Soon you will be free to like that shitty game as much as you want.

He's right. BotW is the worst 3D Zelda and even SS was better.

>Unique bosses
>Unique dungeons instead of the same copypasted shrine aesthetic over and over
>More enemy variety
>Actual cohesive plot instead of a jumbled mess where you feel like nothing even happened at the end of the game
>Actual OST instead of ambient noises and two piano keys
>Recurring memorable antagonist
>Big complaints about SS were material farming and frivolous fetchquests which BotW is absolutely flooded with
>BotW even took TP's big, empty overworld and somehow made it even worse

If you took the LoZ brand off of BotW nobody would give a shit about it. There's already countless different open-world franchises, but only a handful that followed Zelda's old format. Now we're likely never, ever getting a 3D Zelda that goes back to the old formula ever again thanks to the mindless 24/7 dicksucking BotW got from mouthbreathing modern audiences.

if the zelda cycle were true it isn't then more people would like SS by now

Actually SS is the only 3D Zelda BotW is better than, due to SS being completely broken due to the shit controls.

You being a faggot isn't really hurtful to me user.

How many cocks I may suck a day has no effect on the truth of my statements.

Fuck you I liked it.

t. fatass
The controls worked fine.

What truth?
>Shit controls
Stop being bad.

I fucking hated this game.

It has its share if problems but the deal breaker for me was Fi never shutting the fuck up. She's like a bad parody of Navi with how much she talks. Almost every goddamn room she'll say at least one thing and you can't increase the text speed at all.

Game was also handholding as fuck. It never feels like I'm accomplishing anything, more like I'm just following instructions and doing busywork.

The truth I typed out in my first post. Learn to read, faggot

But adding a Zelda skin to a generic open world game did make it amazing you silly groose.

this desu.

I cant wait for for you botw faggots to realize how overrated it is after nintendo milks you retards dry with the same boring game over and over.

Best 3D Zelda game.
Best action-adventure game with perfect combat.

I finished it after starting it for the first time 3 weeks ago and it certainly wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. It's just a tad mediocre. Fuck the imprisoned. Ghirahim's fights were great though.

>Fuck the imprisoned
Use sailcloth, retard.

The Zelda cycle was made by SS apologists

I liked a lot of it, Koloktos and Demise are some of my favorite boss fights in the entire series

I did, it's just a boring as fuck fight. It also doesn't help that you do it 3 times AND more for boss rush AND you need to quit out for the prize you want.

Ah yes, according to my records it has been 2197 days. . . 314 weeks. . . 72 months. . . 52728 hours. . . 3163680 minutes. . . or you could also say 189820800 seconds and counting since the release of The Legend of Zelda Skyward Sword

SS haters are just butthurt sonyjabronies who want to pretend the game didn't get perfect scores

Skyward Sword Link confirmed for Ultra Manlet.

Great game. It was an experience like no other. Feel sorry for those that had issues with the montion controls.

It's not that bad
Wished that hero mode was available from the start

What does Sup Forums think of this fine specimen?


Honestly the best character
Second best is Peatrice

>Everytime someone post the chad meme I instantly remember about Groose
Best character.

>brainlets are still putting down one of the top 5 games in the Zelda franchise
>these are the same people that shit all over Wind Waker for years, until they decided it was actually good

One day Skyward Sword will get its due.

Awful title. Who thought the motion plus was a good idea? Some neat ideas here but Fi's handholding, the shitty controls, the uninteresting impression and the empty, lackluster world kept me from replaying it the very moment I finished it.

Played it again last year and I couldn't get past the controls. They aged like milk.

>tfw want to get BotW on sale so when I at least find that it's not as great as people say it is, I can justify the purchase by saying I bought it for cheap
>can't find any black friday deals anywhere

Did you remember to calibrate your wii motion plus user?

>Tfw Third favorite 3D Zelda
It was a fun ride, maybe it was worse looking back and had very important problems, but i still likes it.
A shame i will never be able to olay ut again because I lost the game.

Honestly, BotW is so fucking boring and has such a sterile world and story that some of the more linear Zeldas seem a lot better. I'm looking at games like this and TP in a new light. You more often get the sense you're playing through a finely crafted experience and not just a shitty boring world with shrines everywhere.

I get that it was corny but I actually found it quite enjoyable

Anyone else?

I bet this guy buys fifa every year

Yeah, every ten minutes.

Will hopefully remain as worst Zelda despite having best Zelda.

Sea of sands was cool as fuck though.

Did you turn it off and on again?

the only good thing to come out of this shit pile of a game