Every time I log into The World I can't move or even open the menu. Anyone else had this happen? Should I just wait until they patch it?
Every time I log into The World I can't move or even open the menu. Anyone else had this happen...
Are you using an analog stick or the directional pad?
reset your terminal
and now this is a .//hack general thread
Who did you pick?
I was waiting for this. Also there is a severe lack of .hack reaction images.
Give me the christmas cake any day
never been exposed to anything hack.
are these games like a persona/final fantasy cross?
already refunded it
nostalgia got the better of me
can always just watch the anime and cutscenes
combat is more like the tales games
it’s basically sword shit online but with better characters
Was this considered an actual good game? I never had a ps2. And i assume this has the whole collection
come for the characters, stay for the story
can't say that the gameplay is something to write home about though
Yeah it has the whole trilogy and a new short addition. It's gameplay and writing aren't the best but the soundtrack and atmosphere can't be beat in my opinion.
First time playing - Alkaid.
Second and most recent - Bordeaux (those emails are fucking cute).
I don't know who I'm picking this time through though.
Hmm if it's on black friday for a decent price, it doesn't sound too bad then
Why does it take forever to rank up in Crimson VS?
Sup Forums BTFO
Fucking normies need to leave The Warudo REEEEEEEEEEEEE
I don't know how steam sales work but it came out pretty recently. If I were you I would pirate it and play through the first volume. If you end up liking it then you can buy it and enjoy all the .hack content there is. If and once you get into it the series there really is nothing else like it.
I leave the game on sometimes while I'm doing something else and just check on it now and again.
It's kinda fun though, I almost don't want to reach rank 1.
**oh and by .hack content I'm referring to all the other media that takes place in the same world (manga/anime/first quadrology, etc.)
I've tried both, the only button on my controller that does anything is the button that brings up the ps4 menu.
This started happening immediately after I did the part where I met the raven guild.
I just looked it up and t seems like the only way to fix the problem is to start a new game.
Are you able to log out?
>Pi would use Haseo as a replacement for Yata and spends the entirety of Roots terrorizing him and his entire guild
>Bordeaux spends 2 games trying to kill Haseo and puts one of his friends in a coma
>Saku would use Haseo as a replacement for Endrance and also has a penis
>Atoli would use Haseo as a replacement for Sakaki
>Shino would use Haseo as a replacement for Ovan
>Alkaid would use Haseo as a replacement for Sirius
>Endrance would use Haseo as a replacement for Mia
>unpictured Tabby would use Haseo as a replacement for Sakisaka
Am I forgetting anyone?
They're all shit. THEY'RE ALL SHIT.
half of those are either not true or are actually good things
Clearly, the only correct choice is Ovan.
seems to be us on a daily basis, men
Can't turn back time and I doubt the series has much left to do even if they mean to. It's an odd feeling to want more of something that's already done and technically ended long ago.
Alright will do, sounds like a good idea
Anyone else really like the end to volume 4? The volume itself was short and mostly boring the but the ending was the conclusion to GU that I always wanted but didn't get in volume 3.
You guys don't do this, right
These games really made me consider picking up an MMO. The I remembered that none would have the same atmosphere, all of them would require time real investment to get good, and that there would be no qt romanceable females modeling their character after themselves.
Posting cutest NPC class.
>not the cute witch girls
Know it in your heart.
I'm not familiar. Post pic.
LOL out of all the stupid shit you could be playing, man
.... this
Wanna play today? Let's meet up at hidden forbidden holy ground!
Virgin Epitaph vs. Chad .hacker
>Has become symbolic of uncreative edgy characters / Only main character design that wasn't lifted from //SIGN
>Has to be assigned friends by Ovan and Yata / Makes lasting friendships with a variety of people
>Only communicates in autistic greeting cards / Writes thoughtful emails to all of his friends
>Elk is a useless fag that's gay for him / Elk is a cute shota that breaks the game with how useful he is
>Needs Skeith to hold his hand / Defeats Morgana and Cubia within the confines of gameplay
>Chosen by Morgana to be the protagonist for no reason / Wasn't even Aura's second or third choice for the Bracelet
>Whines and bitches about the main plot / Starts investigating immediately of his own volition
>Changes his appearance constantly / Simple, iconic design that everyone else wants to look like
>Needs Salvador Aihara to defeat Sakaki for him / The Liminality team is his backup plan
How's that?
V. cute
Why were all the videos of Vol 4 jerky low FPS garbage?
Because the was hand animated and drawing that many frames would be very expensive.
>vol. 3
>keep doing my best to fill out the ryu books
>keep getting cash and the occasional wallpapers
>rarely i'll get a bgm
>not a single fucking new postcard
why. there's so many back and forths I want to have
But who looked at that garbage and though "yes, this is okay. Ship it".
>Elk useless in GU
>Elk useful in IMOQ
I'm gonna need to hear a better explanation for this one.
it's par for the course for anime
Even when you get his Lost Weapon, Endrance is no better than the sixty other Blade Brandiers you get in your party, whereas Elk is the best Wavemaster in IMOQ second only to Tsukasa, who you only get as post-game content anyway.
I'm interested of trying this series but my autism won't allow me starting a series from the middle of it.
How long would it take to complete all the first four game?
>keep getting cash
you fucked up mate. There are some ryu book things you have to do in previous volumes before moving on or you miss out on the reward, and you get GP instead.
100% completion is suffering.
A while, it's more grindy and longer than GU.
Actually Endrance's lost weapon has natural quick rengeki and charm at the same time so I've been using him on Tenacity to farm book 1 because he's really good for it.
Guys I heard some weird tone and some static for like 5 seconds, is that a bug or something?
A while but it's not super long. It's basically one long game spliced into four. But, you want to look up a Virus Core guide when you start the first game so you can do that along the way, otherwise the fourth game is a real fuckin drag.
> Endrance is no better than the sixty other Blade Brandiers
He's the best one
Well, shit. Do you think I have enough without that one?
.hack//SIGN is the prequel to the first 4 if you're interested in checking it out.
I'm done living then. I can't deal with that.
Endrance has the best stats out of all the Brandiers though.
it really doesn't matter any way because Haseo is so fucking strong
>.hack//SIGN is the prequel to the first 4 if you're interested in checking it out.
Would it better to watch it first before playing the games?
>farm book 1
Just do Forest of Pain and complete all the block challenges and then check whether you need to do any farming to complete the book afterwards. You need to do a ton of awakenings/rengeki's to build morale in that dungeon.
I know but I like to think other party members still matter.
Did you guys bother to level all of Haseo's weapons? I stopped using the broadsword and twin blades as soon as I realized how great heavenly wheel was. Now I'm just upgrading reaper's dance at around lv. 27 for scythe. Any use in switching over?
It doesn't really matter, it takes place in the same universe but it's as related to IMOQ as IMOQ is to G.U.
.hack//ROOTS explains what Haseo and Ovan's deal is though, so you want to watch that before playing G.U, except it sucks while //SIGN is kino so maybe don't.
Once you get all the lost weapons you can trade 5 virus cores for a masters text, just use that to max out the rest of your weapons, the broadsword skill is definitely worth it though.
You don't have to but I'd give it a try. It has a fantastic soundtrack and atmosphere similar to the games. It's quite slow though but it picks up as it goes on. Watch the first episode and see if you like it.
Reminder that Atoli is a mentally damaged basket case and that she probably fucked a 9 year old
Have they patched out the easymode changes yet?
Oh and to give a more definitive answer. Yeah you should try it since the villain and one if not more of the major character's are the same. hack//SIGN take place at the very beginning of the "incident" while the games actually deal with solving it. If you end up liking SIGN I have no doubt the story of the games will be a lot more gripping for you.
Azure kite and Natsume
uhhhhhh back the fuck off?!?!
she's married to me so eat shit
Is this game good? I have no knowledge of this game apart from apparently a pretty good OST.
If you don't delete this right fucking now
You have to be older than 9 to post on Sup Forums Sakaki
>she probably fucked a 9 year old
In one of her emails she thinks sakaki is an older person.
did they fix the amount of grinding you have to do
Try it and see. It's not for everyone but if you can get past some so so gameplay then like you said the soundtrack is great as is the setting and backstory. It captures the cozy feeling of old MMOs pretty well. The style stands up pretty well with the revamped textures too so it's pretty pleasing to look at imo.
says you retard roflmao
It took a while but I did level all weapons to 21 so I could get the final skills. I eventually maxed all with the texts from virus cores (had 200+ after forest of pain).
Guys help when ever I log in my character's knees are backwards. At first I thought it was just a bug but other people notice and are calling me a hacker. Support hasn't gotten back to me and it's been over a month
I never understood Sakaki. He seemed like a genuinely good person for the longest time. Was he ever even corrupted by AIDA? Ovan mentioned never giving him any of it for himself did he not? If you say he was manipulative and just using Atoli then he was really in it for the long con it seems.
Why would you hack backwards knees onto your character, you fucking cheater.
he’s unironically an underage cumstain who thinks he understands how the world works and tries to apply it to vidya
The fact that he seemed like a genuinely good person was part of the long con. Did you watch any of Online Jack? He's basically trying to use AIDA to mind control people and create a perfect world. So in a way he wants to help Atoli, but he only ends up hurting her. He's just a kid gone wild.
You don't need to do grinding between story events, though this means even more of a grind at post game since all the campaigns will be at almost 0 progress. Getting weapon skills up is also a major pain.
Shes not talking about edibles btw. Shes actually gettign her muffin muffed while playing The World
He was in it for the long con. He met Atoli on a forum about suicide, where he trolled for damaged girls to turn into his ass-slaves, and is nine or ten IRL.
>A 9 year old tried to use AIDA to conquer the world
>A 10 year old caused Pluto's Kiss
Why do kids have so much power in this universe?
>Wasnt even Aura's second or third choice
Objectively wrong you fucking secondary.
Orca was her first choice
>but if you can get past some so so gameplay then like you said the soundtrack is great as is the setting and backstory
Nigga I'm sold. I got through combat like Witcher 1 and Drakengard 1 and enjoyed those thoroughly. Thanks.
iirc there are a bunch of ai running a lot technology and the internet and a bunch of backdoor shady shit going on in universe
but i haven’t started playing again so ho knows
>Did you watch any of Online Jack?
I did not. Is it on youtube? I don't want to go back to each game to watch it all.
I think I see now. I just had a lot of trouble believing he really groomed her for such a long time. I was thinking maybe he was suicidal himself at some point and that the relationship actually started out as authentic. I mean it seems they met when she was in middle school so I figured they had known each other for years. That's some dedication.
Recklessness. They don't know the power they hold. The point of characters like this in this series is to show that the potential of technology in the .hack universe is huge. If a child could create Pluto's Kiss, it justifies what Harald Hoerwick was capable of.
Just finished vol. 2 and I have some questions for you guys.
Is it worth grinding out any of those campaigns to bring to vol. 3?
Is it worth grinding out those fancy weapons?
How about Crimson VS or friendship?
And in the preview for volume 3 it said It was the final episode. But there's clearly a vol 4. What's the deal? Or is the answer a spoiler I wouldn't want to know?
It should just be on your news channel in Volume 3 fully complete if you've beat the game. Just watch it there. It provides a lot of context for Sakaki.
Vol. 3 is the final game.
Vol. 4 is a postscript that was made for the HD remake.
I want to fuck Aina