What are some videogames to play tomorrow on thanksgiving?

What are some videogames to play tomorrow on thanksgiving?

I refuse to interact with my relatives.

>inb4 shitstorm over image


you can't fault animals, it's in their nature

It celebrates an event of cooperation, fucking sensitive tumblrinas. They should stop celebrating Christmas, easter, and Halloween too.

great movie, best girl

>not spending time with your family during a holiday
You're a cunt

>Event of cooperation
What event is that?

>genocidal holiday

I didn't know other people celebrated the mass extermination of the Jews like I do.

>Still believing in the holocaust

>celebrating something that didn't happen

When outnumbered and isolated whites came together to stake out an outpost of civilization on a barbaric continent, duh.

I'm going to try and fuck my cousin tomorrow. Pic related, the one in front.

>holocaust survivors are unironically still alive and people believe this

I've always wanted to bust on a girl's braces

What's your favorite part of Turkey day food Sup Forums? The main course or the side dishes?

Literally anything on Switch

Ah yes, Thanksgiving. The time of year where we all try to fuck our hot cousins. Timeless tradition really.

What the fuck are you guys talking about? Thanksgiving was last month.

You Mexican? Mexicans don't celebrate Thanksgiving but I do know they're pretty open about fucking relatives.

and now youve revealed the problematic imperialist nature of it all.


There's nothing wrong with being imperialist. It's the native american's fault they're too retarded to defend themselves. Nobody shits on the romans for doing the same.

this guy gets it

Yes, I don't know what to tell you all my family celebrates Thanksgiving. We messed around when we were younger so I have a good feeling that I'll be balls deep by the days end.

>It wasn't even the Pilgrims that genocided the natives
>there was actually peace for a good long while
>when wars did break out the indians and pilgrims fought against the other tribes
>people think the pilgrims genocided the indians because all the indians of the original settlement discovered died 3 years before the pilgrims even showed up
Liberalism is a mental disorder, end of story.

to answer your question OP, anything involving multiplayer, that way you can use the I CAN'T PAUSE IT excuse.

>eh foogen leef


Breakfast Club is shit. Home Alone is better.

Most of the mexicans that were fucking back in my high school were distant cousins or grew up close like family

>We messed around when we were younger so I have a good feeling that I'll be balls deep by the days end.

Good luck, my man. I had my good share of cousins in the past too, like the saying says "a la prima se le arrima"

Why do you think this will end well?

your relatives don't want to interact with you either OP

We like to keep it in the family. We even fuck our aunts and sisters if they give us pass.

Finger blasted her when we were both 16, probably would have gone further but my family moved. We still talk constantly though. We haven't seen each other for some years though, and we made plans to hangout just by ourselves before the dinner so I'm pretty sure she want to fuck.

I came in this shitty thread just to tell you, DON'T do this if you aren't retarded. It will end badly, don't be an inbred.

The Holiday itself:
>Thank you for teaching us how to farm so we don't starve. Let's share a meal in celebration
The aftermath:
>On second thought, genocide for the glory of the white ethnostate
You celebrate the former. Now shut the fuck up and eat your bird (soy)

Both of you are beyond pathetic if this is even true.

>>On second thought, genocide for the glory of the white ethnostate
meme that didn't even happen until several years after the fact

>It will end badly, don't be an inbred

You clearly don't know Mexicans. We do this shit all the time, of course we don't get em pregnant.

that's disgusting compadre

I keep hearing this revisionist nonsense. It's just a day to celebrate a year's good harvest and spend time with your family.

>and now youve revealed the problematic imperialist nature of it all.

please tell me this is b8, I refuse to believe anyone talks like this in real life.

It's kinda hot

He better make sure she's still interested or that's gonna be one awkward Thanksgiving

What the fuck? I was raised in a mexican household, and I desperately regret being raised sexually secluded and sheltered. How come you fuckers get to have all the fun?

Civilization 2

They dont want to put up with the antisocial autist that brings down the fun either. Every family has one.

This is one of the reasons why people think our race is disgusting. Is that the only girl available to you? Whatever man, remember this post when you feel regret.

my birthday's tomorrow, and I'll be spending that and thanksgiving alone.

Value your family, OP. Go enjoy dinner with them.

>retarded savages that didn't know the value of anything and often killed, raped, scalped, and conquered other native tribes
>b-b-but my professor said the whities killed all da peaceful innocent indians omg!!!

>Mexicans don't celebrate Thanksgiving

WTF? Not in Mexico, but every Mexican I know in the US loves Thanksgiving.

Were you raised in Mexico or America? I ask because Americanized Mexican families are religious cucks that don't let you have that kind of fun.

>This is one of the reasons why people think our race is disgusting

Are you sure that's the only reason?

Also, incest between cousins and going out with younger girls is pretty common in most Latin America, so common that we even talk about it in songs.

Embrace your culture, don't be a soyboy.

Strictly speaking the only real problems with it come from genetic issues of inbreeding and the Westermarck effect in which siblings or those raised in such proximity as to resemble siblings have a sexual aversion to each other... to discourage the genetic issues of inbreeding.

Without the Westermarck effect or offspring resulting from incest there isn't a hell of a lot objectively "wrong" about fucking your cousin, or even immediate family so long as its all consensual. Still wouldn't do it myself, but then I'm not that user either.

>Sup Forums, where autists defend incest

It's like a home away from home.

It's always fun when you learn the real facts.
Like how the real reason Pocahontas was taken by the pilgrims was they wanted to ransom her back to her father who had stolen a shitload of guns from them to use to wipe out opposing tribes.

>Value your family
Family in general are super overrated

I have zero in common with them and feel generally uncomfortable when I have to be around all of them together for an extended period of time.

>incest between cousins and going out with younger girls is pretty common in most Latin America
I guess that finally explains both my fetishes.

The concept of family, rather.

Just a bunch of strangers who share a bit more DNA that we do with the rest of humankind.

Why a bunch of them often say it was false. Why some of them even say retarded shit like "being sent to the gas chamber 25 times and surviving". How is anyone going to believe this?


The only actual genocidal holiday is Christopher Columbus Day. Thanksgiving is literally just thanks giving.

That was Canadian Thanksgiving, you silly banana. Tonight is American Thanksgiving.

>believing what Jews say


God damn what a an absolutely abhorrent race of people. The US made a huge mistake back in 1848 by not genociding you filthy mestizos

>tfw I don't have to spend Thanksgiving with my crazy religious family because I work.

Holiday going to be sweet!

I'm rooting for you, user. Follow your dreams, all the way into her cunny.

Some of the craziest ones are hilarious though. Like the room of moving knife floor or masturbation machines that milk young jew boys til death.
My personal fave was the one where the guy was saying the camp he was at had a small tightly packed trolley, that went down a slope fast to a short wall that was an abrupt stop causing the trolley to tip forwards throwing all the jew passengers straight into the oven.


So OP, in answer to your query, you should play Mexican Cousin Fucking Simulator 2017.

>holocaust survivors are unironically still alive
exactly, everyone's a holocaust survivor

>a bunch of them
Like .0000001% of them that you repeat over and over to make it seem like they represent more than they do?

>Ameriburger mad he doesn't have hot cousins to fuck without any repercussions

Neo-nazis are the most frequent liars on the planet by a wide margin, which makes logical like this especially hilarious

you fucker

have they fed you? clothed you? Brought you toys to play with and an internet to shitpost on?

You owe them a little decency back for all of that

>genocide holiday

deniers are just retarded
>b-but jews could all be lying!
they honestly think the victims themselves are the only people who can testify what happened.
They think that all the germans who helped build and manage the camps must be lying too as well as the foreign forces that liberated them.

It's the same as japs denying Nanking
>f-fucking chinese propoganda
>actually there were western missionaries there to witness it and the stories reflect poorly on the chinese since chinese soldiers were killing civilians for their clothes to try and escape

>genocidal holidays
Really? What's wrong with today's people.


Fuck family gatherings.

>pretending like thats not the point of this thread

I found out my brother wasn’t going to celebrate Thanksgiving because he just moved into a new place and didn’t have any money. Fuck that shit. I drive across town and took him and his wife out shopping for turkey and sides. Then tomorrow evening we’re going out shopping for Christmas presents for them and the kids. I remember us growing up with a single mom, never celebrating these kind of things. I told him that’s never going to happen again, even if I have to bankroll the roll operation. No family of mine is going to have a shitty holiday.

>this common moron logic
You're forgetting that they forced you into this shitty world to begin with to suffer and die, and that parents are obligated to provide for their spawn

No jew ever said that though.

that's the spirit, dog!
it's what it's all about, give someone some joy in their life and yourself as well while you're at it.
then he'll pass on the joy around him and so on. it's a domino effect of good morality

>living is a curse and it's all their fault

how about you stop blaming othet people for the rest of your problems in life user?

cant genocide animals

There's a few weird holocaust stories written in obscure books that no one has ever read that neo-nazis drudged up and shill constantly to pretend that's how holocaust testimonials are

except the one that wrote a book saying just that

Which one?

Hmm wish i had a good sister. Too bad she's a cunt.

The book with zero amazon reviews that no one has ever read that you repost constantly to make it seem like it's common literature?

>genocidal holidays
but I don't celebrate any islamic or jewish holidays

Natives are literally just a offset of Asians though, breh.

>wah muh genocide
>wah muh stealing of land
>wah muh white guilt!
i never understood this cuckould mentality, why should i feel BAD about WINNING?
yeah so a few hundred thousand red-skinned niggers got killed so we could take the continent, who cares? the world is a fucking shit hole and all that matters is who comes out on top.
and its not like the world has gotten better in the last 300 years, all the luxury and fairness we have in the first world is built upon the suffering and taking advantage of the third world, there is still wide spread slavery in africa, child soldiers, pedo muslims raping children etc.

99.9% of how your life turns out is decided by genetics and then upbringing so yea it literally is "all your parents' fault" whether you're lucky or unlucky.

this doesn't bother me as much as people who deride and mock Christianity yet still celebrate Christmas

>this thread went from fucking cousins to denying the Holocaust

I wish you guys were my family so we could talk about this during Thanksgiving dinner.

Your new shitty logic aside, this still doesn't explain why you think a person should be thankful to their parents for doing their absolute moral obligation. That's like thanking someone for not being a rapist.

holy shit

so it's a valid excuse to not be adecrnt person at thanksgiving because you parents gave you an ugly face?

these mental gymnastics are ridiculous.


This board is infested with 50-70 IQs from pol, every single thread is one degree of separation at most away from a mentally ill shill rant about Jews

The holidays are truly the worst

It's supposed to be a time to relax but people end up going to 50 different houses because their gradma on their dad side has dinner, their grandma on their mom's side, their uncle, their aunt, their cousin, their fucking brother in law. If you don't show to one they end up butthurt and you end up rushing around to a ton of different places to exchange pleasantries for an hour then rush around to somewhere else and at the end of the day you're just happy to be done with the bullshit

It's so much better just staying at home with immediate family and chilling and watching TV for a while, as long as people don't overstay their welcome and know when it's time to leave. It's one of the only good things about being single around this time, you don't have to double your thanksgiving trips and spend all day doing bullshit that nobody wants to do

I've read first hand accounts of the holocauster.

okay, then let's flip the question. on what grounds does one have the moral basis to completely ignore all their family at thanksgiving, and not just eat and converse, like any other human being?