Why can't gamers enjoy games with realistic women?
Why can't gamers enjoy games with realistic women?
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i would. not a fan of the face tho
Did you know there's more than 1 bodytype? Go outside sometimes OP.
I also enjoy three-day queue times and constant hackers.
the fucks this game
>hedgehog roadkill bush
i actually hate how there are so many fat girls in america now, like what is it now, one out of every fucking 3 overall?. it feels like that in my area at least, but only chubby asian chicks look cute when they're fat for some reason, unlike white or black or any other girl/woman. i didnt see hardly any at all in other places around the world, but in some places, the only fat women i saw were other american tourists.
but i also dislike how so many americans, especially in my millennial age group, all have fucking tattoos. i think it was just a little under half of people my age have tattoos,
The amount of dick joke weapons in this game was obscene
My man. fatties and treasure trails are both my fetishes
>amerimutt woman
>i also dislike how so many americans, especially in my millennial age group, all have fucking tattoos
No tattoos here, but I agree with everything else.
Would suck her toes
Obesity kill a lot women,misogyny.
ultra hot near perfect models are realistic.
just like very rare to find :^).
That body type is only "realistic" if you're an Amerifat. Fuck, even just go north of the border and the you'll see that your 9's are 6's.
i'm tempted to install this game just to jerk off to her
Funny enough, that body type isn't even realistic because real people that fat will have many more folds in their fat as opposed to the smoother curves that she has. Real fat people look roughly 10000000000% more disgusting in real life because of the way the fat causes skin to fold over on itself and often times crease.
What game is this? Sorry Sup Forums
>work at walmart
>constantly see fat people using the motor carts
>some even look heavier than 500lbs and the cart is designed to only hold up to 550lbs
>cartoony artstyle
Also the games literally called Loadout you tards
this game could've been good if it wa an fps (third person shooters suck ass) and wasn't about edgy lulz
Okay I know it looks like a load out to a game before a match, buts what's the actual game called?
you mean that shit isnt funny? Id love to see some fatso slowly crush one of those
It's called Loadout I think. It was pretty fun as one of the many F2P shooters that came out near TF2's peak and it was infamous for being super vulgar and gross. Didn't last long though obviously.
Although there are also a lot of fat men, I don't understand why there are just way more fat women. I understand they gain more once they become pregnant and afterwards, but its like they don't even try losing it, or never try at all. It seems like the number of men who try to gain muscle is much greater than the women who even try to lose fat.
But I don't blame girls for not exercising, they can get attention from the other gender by just being a girl, where guys have to do more things. But it must really suck to be a fat ugly girl who acts like a complete retard, acting like a complete retard or like a klutz is only good if the girl doing it looks cute to begin with.
if it's an american game sure those are realistic woman
not him, but it used to be funny for me. now, i just get angry at how people can get so fat. why does high fructose corn syrup have to be in basically everything? i know the human body makes people always want to eat more then they want because it was a survival instinct, just like how men often only get fat in their stomach areas first (really skinnyfat), but I mean come the fuck on. sometimes I think it is the fault of times when people can not select what they can eat (ex. anyone who doesn't buy their own food, such as children)
I think the proper question is why haven't we gotten proper SFM porn with Helga? Fucking crime if you ask me.
>one out of every 3
more like 2 out of every 3 user
Fun fact: the lead dev of that game pretty much had days worth of uploaded Titanfall footage on his official YouTube channel. Updates would take forever and he was basically just rolling in cash shop shekels until he up and quit the team and left his game to rot.
Which is a real shame because the game was stupidly fun, and despite all the bitching from the Steam forums, nothing in the game was actually OP and you could roll niggas with just the starter guns.
it's funny because if that costume existed on a normal sized woman the same people who made it would be getting triggered over how misogynist it is
I fucking miss this game. It didn't deserve to die. It was so much fun.
dick is not going anywhere near that vagina unless there is lots of showering involved
no wonder I'm asked why so many men prefer to marry Asian mail order brides 10 years younger than they are instead of Americans the same age group, who have a 100% chance of being used goods. well all women are used goods after a certain age but some just know how to not have children or ruin their body with tattoos or overall, they know how to not be fucking fat and ugly
I play games because I want to look at women who will never actually exist in real life, if I wanted to look at "realistic" women I'd go outside
>8/10 feet on an otherwise digusting woman
Well played Loadout.
>big hype surrounding an upcoming PvE mode
>suddenly dead a few weeks later
What the fuck happened?
Depends on what you call fat, I was imagining like well overweight into the very fat area, which is probably 1 in 3. Just overweight though, yeah probably 2 in 3.
What is it?
Nigger that aint real, that is suicidal
Free2Play third person shooter with a cartoony aesthetic that let you customize your guns to the extreme. Dead as fuck now.
It was worthless trash
Why does Steve look like a jacked, aged up version of Reviewbrah
holy fuck
fun little game before devs abandoned it for consoles, where it failed
>Nation of Landwhale
>getting to speak about real women
Go back to your designated shartting Walmart.
Found the Japcbro.
Go back to your 15-year-olds with shiny hair, faggot.
>used to love Loadout
>mfw they shut down Aus servers
>mfw they focus on PS4 more than PC
>mfw all my hours and money gone to waste on a game I once loved
it still hurts Sup Forums
The developer went bust.
It's weird, since developers closing down usually gets some coverage, but nobody noticed when EoR went under. No media coverage... not even a thread on NeoFAG. Just one guy who went to their offices and found them long gone.
I liked this game because it reminded me of Ratchet and Clank multiplayer.
I miss Ratchet and Clank multiplayer.
third person games are repulsive enough, trying to turn them into FPS games is hard to forgive
it's appropriate that a developer who does such a thing should fail
Games are not real life, they are fantasy worlds.
There goes my hope for Monster Truck Madness 3.
That sounds a bit sad, but I guess it's karma for abandoning a part of their userbase
Feminists must have hated the 8-bit era. The graphics were not realistic at all.
Any fat fuck that had to preform realistic actions fit people do every day would get A) Fit or B) a heart attack and die
she's cute, who is she
I'll give a shit when you point to the fat neckbeard space marines.
>>mfw they shut down Aus servers
I play games to escape reality
Fat fetishists are threatening to take over, user. That ham planet is considered sexy nowadays.
if I wanted to see fat ugly mofos I'd go outside, not playing video games.
lol i miss this game a bit, i would just run up and melee everyone while dodging their gunfire, top scored and won pretty much every time
i used two really good rifles to support my team, one that shot heals and one that shot juice, but i tended to abandon my teammates a lot for the thrill of leeroy jenkinsing and meleeing them all
Fat fetishist here and that is definitley not the case
Getting off to fatties doesn't mean you like ugly fatties. Attractive fat girls are harder to find than attractive thin girls.
Reviewbrah is Steve after the great war
>Finally a game that lets me literally be a naked guy
>Devs abandon the game and run with the money
>tfw you love this bodytype but dont know what to search to find girls with it
BBW ain't doin it!
>pubic hair
>armpit hair
>no leg hair
Fat apple shape is a good start, although they usually have flat (comparatively) butts and thinner thighs.
Seems there's no winning, then.
Everything about the girl in the OP is perfect save for her ogre face
More like the game would have been good if there was more than one viable loadout
>game advertises itself on a big emphasis on customizable loadouts where you choose each specific part of a weapon and combine it to create your own weapon
>all combinations compared to one are complete trash so the only one worth using is the specific one so it ends up turning into a generic rooty tooty shooty.
Game dropped the ball so hard.
that is a man
ITT thick and tough waifus
Not really.
They managed to find balance through the 4 main types of weapons, with launchers being the most obvious for high burst and low rate all the way to beam for low burst but high rate. Bullets and pulse took the middle ground, with the same high/low concept slightly different.
Doesn't look a damn thing alike.
>western games
>that bush
Do you want me to go on my tinder and post some of the realistic girls that are not into me?
Hint: they don't look like pigs at all. Not everybody lives in AmeriFat...
Why should we make games less appealing by adding the most terrible parts of our reality to them?
that's actually kinda spooky
why would you do this
i was happy when i forgot this game existed
looks like a buffed version of Ross.
Why can't i stop watch all his video about rations.
Because if 'realistic' women were enjoyable, I would not be playing games.
>get parts together
>make something that works like the shock rifle primary fire from UT, kills in three or four hits, less if they have shield
>immediately get hate messages in chat nonstop for 'using an op gun'
It's not even as good as the shock rifle fuck off