>ywn again step out of the Vortex Rikers after spending time inside a dark dimly light spacecraft and be amazed and awed by the fuckhueg map and the amazing open spaces and the dreamy music
Ywn again step out of the Vortex Rikers after spending time inside a dark dimly light spacecraft and be amazed and awed...
Comfiest place.
90s gamer here. bought a voodoo 3 for this baby. has yet to be topped. its hard to believe Cliff was once this based. god bless alexander brandon.
Implying the kids here even know what game this is
I've yet to find a game that felt so fucking HUGE as Unreal....
>Indiana Jones type temple full of alien lizards
>gigantic spaceships
>massive castles full of hidden rooms
>cities in the sky
absolute madman level design....by the time I beat the game, it felt like I played 3 sequels
Why does no one ever talk about this game?
Anyone here ever play RLcoop?
Is there a patch for the bug where if you accidentally hurt one of the friendly guys they don't give you anything?
You're kidding, right? It's Unreal
cuz Tournament
Yeah it's called don't shoot them.
it was scary af dude
I remember for a solid 6 months, coming home after school, busting out my homework by 5 or 6, and then playing co-op with my friends until 9 or 10. And eventually getting to that pitch black level, where we all had to keep track of flares and shit.
God, some of the best co-op of my life.
Is Unreal 2 good? I played it a long time ago but I dropped it during the first mission. Cant remember why though.
Really shit HUD, though. No personality. Great game that's been overshadowed by Half-Life, as well as Epic's own Unreal Tournament games.
Overshadowed etc.
First mission was boring as shit. Game takes a while to pick up. It's pretty okay. Nothing incredible, aside from the black-hole gun.
The HUD could be somewhat personalized and came on different versions you could pick. Mind you it remains very small on bigger resolutions and it is indeed unmemorable but I wish more games allowed you to pick/customize your HUD like Unreal did.
the faggiest complaint i have ever read
The weapons are nowhere as good or original like the first unreal but it had some interesting concepts like the spider gun and the grenade launcher with different grenade types. However most weapons aren't very satisfying to use. It is just an alright game that doesn't feel like Unreal due the stupidly slow "running" speed and underwhelming weapons. Maps are nowhere as big and didn't even came with multiplayer (You had to patch that shit). Also unlike the first Unreal the plot is very generic and predictable.
It had some great eye candy and the levels do look pretty amazing even today with their fauna and flora. Pic related is my favorite level.
For sure. Nowadays I simply turn it off since settings allow it.
These things go a long way. Doom's HUD is iconic. Half-Life's is not quite iconic but still quite recognizable. It's certainly not a deal breaker. Unreal is one of the best shooters ever made. The exploratory aspects give it quite the identity, but it's helped along greatly by its OST, and wonderful combat set pieces as the game progresses. It's a shame it'll probably never be recognized for its greatness except among the hardcore.
Final boss is ehh. Shub-Niggurath, Nihilanth, and Spider Mastermind aren't much for bosses but Queen Skaarj instills no sense of fear, awe, or wonder.
Its trash
>tfw getting off school then playing on zombies deadzonewith friends around the world for hours
Physical and Emotionally it wrecks me
Queen Skaarj might not have an amazing lore surrounding her but she was a better and more legitimate boss fight than fucking Shub-Niggurath. Ninhilianth is a push over that drags on if you suck at avoiding his portals.
But I'll take Shub-Niggurath over this push over of an over hyped boss.
Not sure what that is, but I played Zombie Deadzone Co-Op a few years back when it had regular traffic. I checked it a few months ago and it's still up, but 0 players. Shame. Adds oodles and oodles of enemies to the campaign for many players to deal with.
It was Unreal
I remember playing this a couple of years ago and being impressed on how good it looked for a game released in 1998. It must have been mindblowing for someone that played it back then.
You're 100% correct in that as a fight, QS wipes the floor with Shub and fetus. But for a game that takes you on the journey Unreal does, ending the game against a big ant who can shoot energy balls and teleports around the room just wasn't so exciting. What if Queen Skaarj was a slightly larger skaarj foot soldier with decorated armor pieces and a rocket launcher who would dodge, jump with anti-grav boots like you can, essentially another player. Up to this point, the only soldiers with rocket launchers are the ones with gas masks that aren't very mobile. It would've been perfect, playing to later games' strengths as multiplayer shooters. But shoulda, woulda, coulda.
I like it a lot.
Honestly, Unreal was better than Half Life. Half Life was incredible but Unreal edged out a little bit because of the huge maps and long campaign. Top 10 shooter of all time desu.
That you're right. The lore surrounding Unreal was really impressive at the time and it is still. Kinda surprising that a simpler game like Quake had a more properly explained boss if quite over hyped as well because it stands there doing nothing. Seems like you can't win because either you get an unfun or painfully easy boss with great lore or a good fight with none of the wonder.
In all fairness you do fight a few bots on the expansion for Unreal and the smaller skaarjs were pretty much bots. I recall them using rocket launchers at times.
Imagine seeing this for the first time when you're twelve.
>Imagine jerking off to this while your parents sleep when you're twelve.
It made me crave more FPS's like it, where shit like flares were a necessity, and secrets were all over.