Orcs are the superior race in any RPG

>Large, masculine warriors
>They hunt in packs with some of the best weapons
>They don't let emotions get in the way, they take action, not words.
>Rape and pillage any fucking village and kingdom without hesitation
>No fear
>Follows a tribesmen code
>Their strength resides in their superior genetic code. Their anger pushes their strength further

Face it, if you don't play as an Orc than you're 100% verified pussy. If I find out you play as an Elf or any other race I'm fucking blocking you.

Who would play a white pasty fucking Elven with their stupid magic tricks and their "LE LOGIC" bullshit? You can't block an axe with your stupid magic book and wands. Fucking white and pasty faggots.

Orcs are the strongest and most superior race. Prove me wrong.

orcs are just big fat faggot goblins who think they're better than the other gobbos

Orcs are nothing like Goblins. Goblins are like the retarded versions of Orcs but far inferior.

I want to fuck an orc

Orcs are for faggots.
And I mean that literally. I don't know what happened but for some reason the homosexual's really took a liking to them.

Keep thinking that fleshbag. It's only a matter of time before you join the true superior race.


If they are so superior why they are always cannon fodder working for the main villain?

Theyre big, dumb and horny. Whats not to love

>Why on earth do homosexuals like these exotic, sexy, hyper-masculine humanoids??? Man this is really confusing.

>wanting to play a race that embodies the noble savage

>Follows a tribesmen code
So I guess Thrall doesn't exist?

Those are Orc peasants. Far different from the more tribal ones


>Theyre big, dumb and horny
Already with the elf propaganda.

The only orc i respect despises his own race.


FUCK their honor bullshit.

I know right. Fucking slutty elves.

>green hellboy

Only respected this guy because he was the only Warlock important to the series.

OP is mostly correct.



>They don't let emotions get in the way, they take action, not words.
I think getting consumed by madness and anger is a rather common symptom in orcs.

trolls are the superior race

The Virgin Elf
The Chad Orc

>They don't let emotions get in the way, they take action, not words
>Most commonly represented by "unga bunga, i'm angry, me fight unga bunga"
What did OP mean by this?

literally fantasy niggers

sorry, is this more up to your standards?

This is what peak performance looks like.

You may not like it but it's true.


In contrast elfs are the soyboys speshul nowflakes

Orcs are a proud people

Well there's a new fetish

>Elf calls out local orc with a, "HAHA DUMB GREEN-SKINNED SWAMP PEOPLE, HAHA!"
>Elf thinks he can get away with it because "it's a free country!"
>Orc gets pissed off, probably worked a 10-hour shift, doesn't want some white and pastey looking Elf faggot calling him out like this getting walked on
>Orc decides to teach him some manners so he takes out his Axe and chops him off
>Elves start to panic, not knowing how to defend themselves and scurry like faggots
>Starts calling for round ear Imperials because they're too much of a fucking pussy

Tell me why Orcs are the superior race again? I'll wait. Oh, that's right, round and straight eared white and pastey faggots can't do shit with an Orc.

Orcs are alpha, that's it.

In getting up our Caravan
We met a most obliging man,
The Lord Chief Justice of Liberia,
And Minister of the Interior ;
Cain Abolition Beecher Boz,
Worked like a Nigger which he was-
And in a single day
Procured us Porters, Guides, and kit,
And would not take a sou for it
But when we went away, we found
A deficit of several pound.

We wondered how this fellow made
Himself so readily obeyed,
And why the natives were so meek ;
Until by chance we heard him speak,
And then we clearly understood
How great a Power for Social Good
The African can be.
He said with a determined air :
"You are not what your fathers were ;
Liberians, you are Free !
Of course, if you refuse to go "
And here he made a gesture so. (here the rhetor would draw his hand across his throat)

He also gave us good advice
Concerning Labour and its Price.
" In dealing wid de Native Scum,
Yo' cannot pick an' choose ;
Yo' hab to promise um a sum
Ob wages, paid in Cloth and Rum.
But, Lordy ! that's a ruse !
Yo' get yo' well on de Adventure,
And change de wages to Indenture."

We did the thing that he projected,
The Caravan grew disaffected,
And Sin and I consulted ;
Blood understood the Native mind.
He said : " We must be firm but kind."
A Mutiny resulted.

I never shall forget the way
That Blood upon this awful day
Preserved us all from death.
He stood upon a little mound,
Cast his lethargic eyes around,
And said beneath his breath :
Whatever happens we have got
The Maxim Gun, and they have not."

Can we all agree that the greatest trope is

>Human and Orc duel and go maximum fighting spirit on each other, eventually gaining a mutual respect

>that nigger skull structure
A rose by any other name...

Wrong, best trope is the lone savant orc with glasses that are way too small for his face

literal fantasy Germans
>mfw I marry the brutality of hun tribes to the order of industrialized militarism

Wrong. Best trope is noble savage orc trying to make a living in a human-dominated world that is leaving his customs behind, isolated from his people and spirituality.


German, or mostly European people love their Orcs and Klingons

It's fine to admit you want green dick you fag

Wrong, best trope is orc who inherits a millennium puzzle from his grandfather and delves into the world risky gambling and eventually a trading card game where he is able to tap into a dormant personality via the millennium item to help him win.

>liked him from WC2's manual.
>was sort of sad he got shafted according to WC3.
>sadder they raped him in WOW and the Warcraft movie

it's odd that a story that is almost entirely about corruption and demons only has one warlock who's at all important

>don't need to eat
>don't need to sleep
>infinite stamina
>immune to cold
>can see in the dark
>virtually immortal

And why would you want to be some jungle native?

>They don't even have a brain to think for themselves

Try harder skelefaggots

>what are awakened undead or skeleton champions

Try again fleshbag

Orcs have always been portrayed as backwards savages even from the days of tolkien. In fact, Tolkien actually got the idea from watching black South Africans miners in his youth. He even based their language off of indigenous African languages.


*eats wounded*
*eradicates native populations*
*cries about retaliation*
*gets featured exclusively in gay fan art*
*evolves from fungus*

His "retcon" in WoW was actually what made me like him even more.

Ok but where are the orc ladies



Orcs are niggers

>Source my ass

I recognize that artist.

Fake news

>While Tolkien's statement comparing Orcs to the "Mongol-types" is undoubtedly insensitive given today's standards, he does put a disclaimer, "(to Europeans,)" before "least lovely", at least recognizing Western cultural bias and also points out that they were "degraded and repulsive versions" of "Mongol-types", not actual "Mongol-types".

>>They don't let emotions get in the way

they're rage machines

Guldan is literally the lich king.
>Apprentice of Nerzhul
>Evil fuck, responsible for demons taking over outland and corrupting orcs
>Killed but his skull is left
>Nerzhul puts on skull mask and is possessed, becoming an evil fuck
>Is eventually turned into the Frozen Throne
>Seduced Arthas and merges to become the Lich King
It's kind of wild, but it's true

Still bad. Too much clothing.

>doesnt have a BIG BARBED COCK (bbc)


Stopping the Alliance, even at such great a cost, would've brought the Horde peace. But nah he like uses a bell wtf ban him

sex is pointless once you've reached undead enlightenment

They are but only channel their anger in battle in battle.

Undead is a state of being or condition. It isn't a 'race' anymore than cancer-havers are a race.

The human kingdoms always beat the orcs though

i mean, i don't wanna get banned, but i agree

And when fucking elf pusy

Join us. It was meant to be.

t. cuck


That's because Humans aren't retarded by birth like Orcs

I don't like where this thread is going.



>Who would play a white pasty fucking Elven with their stupid magic tricks and their "LE LOGIC" bullshit? You can't block an axe with your stupid magic book and wands. Fucking white and pasty faggots.

You can't even touch us.

>someone finds this attractive

I don't think I want to live on this planet anymore

post more not orc bara

Good, end yourself fag

What did you just call me, little orc boy.

Mechanically, Humans always are superior.
Every race want the human D.
Half-humans are always superior to the base race, with the exception of humans of course.

>calling anyone else a fag while in this thread

nice meme kiddo

>We outnumber and clearly stronger than white-paled pointy ear people

All of you twinks are white, tall and lanky. Literally no meat on you. And all you guys do is be stuck in some stupid Elven library with your ears caught in each magical doodads. You have no chance of winning pointy-ears.

Good riddance.

We blow you to bits before you can even see us, savage orcnigger.


Elves are the superior race in any RPG

>Tall, lithe warriors
>Hunt in hunting parties with masterfully crafted weapons
>They don't let emotions get in the way, willing to sacrifice anything if deemed necessity
>No fear
>Follows law their people set down millennia ago
>Their strength resides in their superior genetic code. Their cold discipline allows them to fell any savage

Face it, if you don't play as an Elf then you're 100% verified pussy. If I find out you play as an Orc or any other race I'm fucking blocking you.

Who would play a dumb green Orc with their barbarian way of fighting and their "MUH NOBLE SAVAGE" bullshit? You can't block a spell with your stupid axe and muscle. Fucking green and dumb faggots.

Elves are the oldest and most superior race. Prove me wrong.


I bet you drank from plastic water bottles as a child

This, Humans and Dwarfs are cool too though.

as you wish

>He uses that much armor

THIN-SKINNED POINTY EARED FAGGOT AHAHAHAHA. Explain to me why Elven sluts want my green dick?

They still do judging by their posts. Should have eaten more onions.

Elves are for subjugating

Humans and Dwarves, Bros to the end.

But Azog is white

Elves are for being dominated by

>when he is not pitying himself, he draws generic oversize men

>Large, masculine warriors
>They hunt in packs with some of the best weapons
>They don't let emotions get in the way, they take action, not words.
>Rape and pillage any fucking village and kingdom without hesitation
>No fear
>Follows a tribesmen code
>Their strength resides in their superior genetic code. Their anger pushes their strength further

Face it, if you're not African than you're 100% verified pussy. If I find out you're European or Asian I'm fucking blocking you.

Who would play a white pasty fucking European with their stupid inventions and their "LE LOGIC" bullshit? You can't block an axe with your stupid mac book and mouse. Fucking white and pasty faggots.

Africans are the strongest and most superior race. Prove me wrong.

In 90% of games, Orcs are the way they are because they are stupid and have poor social skills.
Orcs make terrible allies because all they can export is physical labor and bodies, but need all kinds of tools, weapons, and other smart guy help wiping their ass.
Therefore, Orcs get shit trading deals, because they have nothing of value to offer, and nobody smooth enough to convince anyone that these sub-par orc goods are worth importing.
This makes Orcs upset, because they are to stupid to make things like crossbows.
So Orcs go to war. Unfortunately, everyone pulls the plug on whatever trickle of proper weapons they were trading with Orcs, so Orcs run out of supplies. Orcs are warriors, and while warriors win battles, logistics win wars.
Orcs inevitably loose the war, get their territory taken from them, and get kicked out to some asscrack of the earth.
Orcs are then too stupid to make the tools necessary to thrive where they are, and are even too stupid to stop fucking, so face a population surge while in the middle of a stupidity-induced famine. Orcs go back to war, get sent to a worse asscrack of the earth when they loose again, and so-on. Every so often, Orcs pick a fight with someone everyone else hates, and then get a renewed supply of weapons and supplies from someone who hates that guy more than he hates orcs.

I never play games that have them but I love orcs in my doujins

You only like them because you're into big muscular men.