Hidden gems thread. Post overlooked games that are on sale.
Hidden gems thread. Post overlooked games that are on sale
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To contribute to the thread, Shadow Tactics is on sale for $20. Inspired by Commandos and Desperados, tactical strategy game set in Sengoku Japan. About 25-30 hours.
Wow, this level looks comfy as fuck.
Everything here's a go right?
The maps are really pretty, shame that they're probably low-res since you're not meant to look at them up close. I was looking for games with Japanese levels that I can extract for mods. Mini Ninja also looks like it has nice Japanese levels. On that note, Mini Ninjas.
>Arma 3
I wish there was still a /vg/ group for this.
You think I didn't know that already
what happened to it?
Not really a hidden gem, but EDF 4.1 is on sale if anyone was looking to try that. Online is still active.
Variety of things. Split in community because of attention whoring and arguments about how to run things, other groups and games draining off members until it died, etc. It's a shame, used to be a lot of fun despite that.
To the user who was considering Elite Dangerous, be warned that it is quite a grind. Take it from someone with no life and 350 hours in it
If you do decide to get it, definitely get the commander's package. It's 30 cents or so more than the base + DLC plus you get some skins while you're at it. It's got a lot of potential but it's a grind later on, especially if you want some of the bigger ships like the Corvette and the Cutter.
Would I buy it again? Probably. It's a visually stunning game that's going to get support for quite a while.
Sphinx and the Cursed Mummy. Steam port still needs some polish but it's a fantastic game. Same vein as Zelda and Starfox Adventures, but I prefer it over SFA and most Zelda games
God I remember that shit form the Gamecube era and I sucked ass at it. Feels bad man
Give me a Deus Ex 1 type engrossing experience with lots of gameplay choice, interesting dialogue, etc.
What kind of game is it?
If it's just another X3 I'd rather try that again.
alpha protocol has been regarded as one but i thought it was pretty medicore
someone last thread mentioned a game but i forgot the name.. project or snow or something but it was more of a straight shooter it seemed
UnderRail is 60% off right now the game is so gud getting it for 6$ is pretty much a steal. If you don't know this game, think of it as a combat oriented fallout with many skill build variation and a autisticly huge map to explore.
>considering Elite Dangerous
Afterward you'll consider a refund
That's a difficult question to answer.
If you're into wallpaper generation then Exploration is your best path. Save up for a Diamondback Explorer or an Asp Explorer, outfit that shit with the best FSD you can find (4A or 5A respectively) engineer the shit out of that with longer jump range, and click a random star and head on out there. Might want to equip an Advanced Discovery Scanner and a Detailed Surface Scanner for the occasional profitable planet discovery, but yah know every little bit helps.
If you're more into Euro Truck Simulator, then trading would be a better route.Fill whatever ship you have with cargo racks and a shield generator and you're set. eddb.io will help out a lot for routing. Similarly, if for whatever reason you think you'd want to be a miner, then you'll need a slightly different build.
Combat is combat. Slap some weapons on a ship and stack on the armor and you're more or less set.
Overall, it's a very decent game. Definitely a time sink but is very true
he means project snowblind
it's better than nothing
I played the demo and kinda cracked the shits. This is certainly NOT a casual game
If you want to kill vampires and don't mind playing a game with a time limit, Nosferatu: The Wrath of Malachi is $0.99.
If you want a difficult, fast-paced, minimalistic indie game, Downwell is $1.01.
If you like Painkiller, but also want something totally different and weird, NecroVisioN is $1.24.
Thanks for trying but that tells me absolutely nothing about the game or if it's even fun.
It's a galaxy space cruiser sandbox game. Its fun is relative and it's hard to explain. Just watch a few gameplay videos and you'll get a good idea of what you'll get yourself into. Sorry if that it's a terrible explanation.
Cool games under $5
Metal Slug 3: $3.99
Shadow Man - $1.24
Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee $0.74
D4: Dark Dreams Don't Die: $4.94
Downwell: $1.01
Rise of Nations: $4.99
Fable: The Lost Chapters: $2.49
Spelunky: $1.24
Red Faction Guerilla: $4.99
Hexen: $1.24
Tomb Raider Anniversary: $1.34
Alien vs Predator Classic: $1.24
Puzzle Agent: $0.99
I Have No Mouth, And I Must Scream: $1.49
Ms. Splosion Man: $2.49
Wrath of Malachi was.. an experience. Certainly not what I expected it to be.