PC "masterrace" prides itself on not being bound to any one input device or control scheme

>PC "masterrace" prides itself on not being bound to any one input device or control scheme
>port an objectively great game that is intended to be played with a gamepad to PC and doesn't feature mouse support for this reason
>it flops massively, incapable of breaking even 100k sales after two weeks

So this is the power of PC gaming, huh?

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shut up, peasant

I didn't even know it was coming out until it was on Steam. And it was only on the front page for a day

They didn't even advertise

Didn't advertise a PC release
Already own it on my PS4. Would have waited if I'd known it was coming to PC and I'm not about to buy it twice.

Why would it sell 100k when most people already bought it on the ps4 or just burnt out of souls-like games.

Not being bound to one input device means people want to have the option of multiple devices and not be forced to play with one because the devs couldn't be arsed to even try with kb+m controls. There's no excuse.

>a terrible port a year later for a game that even console owners shat on for being overly repetitive and not actually that great meets lukewarm sales on PC


>Total cost of porting was $0.45
>Sold 99,000 units
Idk, sounds profitable.

>prides itself on not being bound to any input device
>refuses to use any input device besides mouse and keyboard
PCkeks are just physically (and mentally) disabled. They can't even fathom how someone uses a controller to play shooters while shooters are significantly more popular on console.

consoles are for kids. grow up. get a job. buy a rig

Jesus. Consoles are obviously inferior. It's only good for exclusives and beta testing nothing else.

I use whatever control scheme is optimal for the game. FPSes play better with a M/KB, Platformers usually play better with a controller.

>Platformers usually play better with a controller
I'll never understand why people think so.

A lot of us grew up on the NES/SNES I'd imagine. Megaman feels weird on a Keyboard to me. Though I used to play emulators with a Keyboard exclusively.

Games generally control best with whatever control scheme they're designed for. This means you can have platformers or action games that play better with kb+m if you make one intended to be played that way. That doesn't mean playing it with another method won't work. There just has to be some effort put into the control scheme. Unfortunately plenty of devs don't even feel like trying but still expect you to pay full price months later.

>t.industry exec

>objectively great game
Lol no

Did they run out of budget at some point? After a certain point the bosses started being generic character npcs with bloated stats. And they stopped being fun pretty fast, Muneshige was fun and i don't recall another NPC boss fight that was fun, the guy with the Spear and lightning dog that served Ishida was meh, the only memory i have of that fight is that he made a thrust with his spear then his dog jumped in front of the spear and the dog spit a laser that one shot me. The Warrior of the East was a joke, you can literally just walk around him and stagger him with combos by hitting him in the back, the Obsidian Samurai was easier than the bloated NPC fight in the bridge sidequest and Oda Nobunaga was a joke. I got triggered when the cutscene plays and the game acts like you were losing even when you were kicking the shit out of him. Then Kelley was really easy but i guess that fit thematically since he was a wizard and not a fighter, and the serpent boss was just dull, boring and generic, felt like a zelda boss or something.

I liked the game for the most part but after i finished the main story i went to fight Oda and his waifu and after i died for like the 10th time or something i realized i wasn't having fun anymore and just closed the game. And i think i heard people say the DLC is just more generic human NPC bosses so i'm not sure i feel like playing the game more.

Overall i wouldn't call this game great, at first i didn't like it because i was trying to play it like a souls game, then the game just "clicked" for me and i started having a lot of fun, then around the time you fight the spear dude in that warzone before you fight the giant i just started rushing through the main missions to the point where i was just running past enemies from shrine to shrine so for me i think the game fell apart at that point. If they made a Nioh 2 i would look forward to it, but i think this one was too long for it's own good.

Also i hated the loot system, having to manage my inventory after each mission was an enormous pain in the ass, especially because i like keeping 1 of each armor for "fashion".

6/10 I doubt i'll ever replay this game, might go through the DLC at some point, would be interested in a Nioh 2.

when you grow up you might

NieR Automata wasn't advertised on PC and it sold like fucking hotcakes.

Nobody plays Nioh for challenge or variety, just near endless NG+++++ grind and stats.

I'm really sad it didn't sold well. Not good for the future, at least for me since i'm fucking loving Nioh.

>NieR Automata wasn't advertised on PC
yes it was

The problem is that it is a diablo game so, it has a combat sistem with enough depth for 4 playthroughs. Then again, the problem is that new content ends up being mostly number inflation.
I think the game would be a lot better if:
- Didn't have randomly generated loot.
- Didn't inflate the numbers so much.
- Had all systems and mechanics available from the start.

Having said so, the game is great. The combat is good enough to hook you for a long time. It's not about easy, it's about looking good while winning.

You can literally refashion any of your gear to look like any gear you've looted.

>keeping 1 of each armor for fashion
The entire reason the refashion option in the blacksmith exists is so you don't have to do that.
You can change the look of any piece of armor or weapon to almost anything you've ever picked up whenever you want.

Nier Automata had word of mouth supporting it, i didn't hear anything positive about Nioh, ever. The only "positive" thing i remember about Nioh was that one guy that spammed those webms in every thread before it came out in PS4, or when it had just come out on PS4. And all that was was 1 guy saying how Nioh was the bestest most challenging hardest game ever, which obviously couldn't be trusted. Other than that all i knew about Nioh was that it was yet another souls game rip off but this time with Samurais, in the same vein as Lords of the Fallen and The Surge, and after playing Nioh it turned out that wasn't even true. So really, if Nioh isn't popular is because apparently it never had an audience or fanbase that even had anything positive to say about it or to build hype.

Also Automata didn't come out on PC Months after it came out on consoles, it came out 10 days later.

I constantly wanted to talk about it but not even the generals could stay alive

There is very little info out there. The wiki is super outdated.

I wish they would have gone all the way with a story and a more developed William

The story didn't make much sense to me, i think the idea was that Kelley was creating conflict so he could farm Amrita in peace while the samurai kill each other, and he would constantly be shipping Amrita back to England.

But then he also keeps spending his Amrita in making giant monsters or reviving dead people for no real reason, i mean really, couldn't he be more subtle about things? Also why didn't he just fucking teleport at the end like he has done the entire game instead of making a giant snake monster and dying for no reason?

consoles support mouse and keyboard too but you dont see people using them

>overly repetitive
I was okay with that, up to the point where they make you fight all early bosses again for no real reason.

I enjoyed Nioh but I agree that Muneshige is a high point and after that it goes downhill. If you were playing on PC release and had tons of info available that would have diminished things a lot too. I never went back to do the DLC, so much of the game is grinding and dark corridors that it felt draining to play.

>There just has to be some effort put into the control scheme.
not really, mouse camera fixes everything wrong with controls
I can't play on controller, my first platformer was prince of persia on DoS and I never owned a console
controllers suck, mouse is perfect way to control any game, kb is there just for general direction mouse is to control movement not camera,

>up to the point where they make you fight all early bosses again for no real reason.

I didn't mind that, it reminded me of Megaman.

My guess is that his teleport actually takes some time, so each time William gets to him, he has no choice but to spend amrita to buy time and escape. Clasic villain stuff.

Yes, he was sending amrita to england and with that they defeated spain.
It seems that William spirit, Saoirse or whatever is called can absorb amrita. I think that Japan was a land full of that shit, and in perpetual war. And the more they died, the more amrita is because you get it from killing things.
My guess is that Kelly helped the war to continue while gathering the resulting amrita with the spirit and shipping it to england.
All while running from the invincible motherfucker that is William.

I hated those bosses. I ahted boss design in thsi game in general, they shouldn't have adopted souls scheme, game would be MUCH better with linear XP progression without MMO respawns.

source please? Google gives nothing.

Dlc is literally the best part of the game, just because you think the optional pre-dlc endgame challenges are too hard for you doesn't mean you should do them, because you aren't.

Why are you surprised that it sold like shit? It's a shitty port of a mediocre console game with no keyboard support.

For the most part the bosses in the game where underwhelming, but i didn't particularly hate them until it started spamming generic npc characters disguised as bosses. I think the 2 cats, Onryoki and the Frog were the high point, the Ice bitch and the bat witch were fine, and then all the generic human bosses, the water slime giant and the centipede were just garbage. The giant skeleton and the final snake boss were very generic puzzleish kinda bosses, they reminded me of bosses from like a mario game or zelda where you have to do something very specific to hit them or hit their weak point, i didn't particularly hate or dislike them.

i want to FUCK fuku

Congrats, you're a horny retard incapable of understanding context.

What should I put all these onmyo points in to when my magic stat is shit. My debuffs fall off bosses within seconds and the elemental boost are pretty lame.

I belive part of the reason is that on PC, AAA games have real competition.

As opposed to consoles, everything from the indie to AA (and everything in between) is very much alive and well on PC and no matter how you twist and turn that around, it means that competition will be higher.

Even the best AAA ports have to compete to remain in the spotlight on PC. Maybe everyone's favorite waifu simulator came out the same day? Maybe a booming cult-favorite got an expansion? Maybe a up-until-now hidden gem suddenly explodes in popularity?

My point is that where on consoles, you get a few games every month, there is no REAL competition when something that's halfway good comes out. On PC that gets 10 new games per DAY, it's harder to stand out.

If that makes PC a better or worse platform though is debatable.

>bosses in the game where underwhelming
yeah, that's why I hated them, mechanics in wast majority of them were shit.

sloth, guardian spirit, capacity
it's all you need.

Let's be real here. The real reason it sold "poorly" on PC is because KT's reputation in Steam has been soiled for years, and it doesnt help that fucking Compile Heart does a better job than them when it comes to porting games. The name Koei Tecmo alone is enough to turn off people from their games.

or you know, a lot of people were pushed away with NO MOUSE support

>inb4 controller autist comes out of a bush

Get in the line

I wish these faggot devs would take some lessons from Kojima. MGSV was his first attempt to put a game to PC and it runs fucking flawlessly and might be the shining example of how to port a Jap game.

>KT makes a shit port
>It doesn't sell well because it's a steaming pile of sho
>somehow this is the fault of the platform/consumer

>PC "masterrace" prides itself on not being bound to any one input device or control scheme

So lets bound players to one input device, that never was a popular choice.

MGSV played well with kb+m but for some reason didn't support mouse in the menue.

>didn't support mouse in the menue.
with console UI it doesn't matter, all it needs to be usable with WASD

>shooters with a controller

>it runs fucking flawlessly
because it's empty game with zero detail in the world. I still remember how it dropped to 12fps in that one forest area.

you can slightly tilt a stick, but a keyboard stroke is all or nothing. momentum in the movement mechanics always fucks me up with keyboard too, like if you want to just take one step forward to the edge of the platform, but the character runs for half a step and slides a full step off the platform

>dropping that low

Stuff, that never happened right? Even if you detonate a hundred C4s in MGSV, the game wouldnt have any framerate dips at all, where as some Jap games like Nioh, you just enter an area with some particle effects and the game goes fucking nuts, especially in the poison cave

I played it on a 970 and it might get a few frames below 60 in that area occasionally but it was mostly constant. What were you playing it on?

>but the character runs for half a step and slides a full step off the platform
you need to master quick button press, it's really not that hard

>especially in the poison cave
ran fine for me on 1070, I didn't even disable AO

it drops this low in forest area in africa, it's the only place in game with a lot of objects, they fixed it later

I never had any drops that low during gameplay. I do remember during a couple cutscenes it'd drop to something ridiculous like 10 fps. Don't know if that was ever fixed but it wasn't too bad an issue.

my point is: there is nothing to choke on in the game, it has no detailed objects in 80% of areas
meaning they'd fuck up port as much as this if game was more detailed

I dislike the fact that it's 73GB.

I do agree with you, I just never had the same problem as you. I still do think the game looks good despite how low poly most things in the game are but it would benefit from smaller more detailed areas. Maybe they'd be able to optimize it better if it wasn't open world or maybe not. I do think that people who worship the engine are retards.

because this bestbuy.com/site/nioh-playstation-4/5385401.p?skuId=5385401

Nioh made me realize that no game is ever worth buying a console for. If I bought a PS4 just for this I would have been pretty fucking pissed afterwards because the game gets boring fast.

Porting late is worse than porting soon, who would know.

>game looks good despite how low poly most things in the game are
lighting is great, good lighting fixes 80% of polygon problems.

I just realized I haven't done anything the whole day but lurking on Sup Forums. I need help.

do not open Sup Forums tomorrow. just don't.
problem will go away in couple days

>Console tards continue to parrot how badly they think PC games sold
>Games continue to get ported anyway despite being "massive flops"
Really gets the synapses firing. PC ports are cheap and need to sell less to turn a profit.

100k for a late port with a last minute announcement is not bad. They didn't exactly put that much effort into the port it obviously cost them less than nothing. I ended up double dipping which I never do and I never expected a PC port to begin with. Most of us who wanted to play it already bought it on PS4 because a PC port seemed very unlikely.

Why the fuck would you buy a ps4 JUST for this game?

Still 100k sales that it would otherwise not have gotten, what exactly is the problem?

>Nioh made me realize that no game is ever worth buying a console for. If I bought a PS4 just for this I would have been pretty fucking pissed afterwards because the game gets boring fast.
Only reason I have one is because I know certain first party games like Bloodborne or Ratchet will NEVER be ported, Persona and Yakuza also still seem highly unlikely.

for how long do i have to not open it?

>open private window to look for porn
>open a new tab and load Sup Forums without realizing what i'm doing


Man, at first ninjutsu felt ok but nothing amazing, like some extra tools I use to supplement my sword fighting

I decided to see how good it could get though and went for the full Iga Jonin set, the rabbit guardian spirit, lots of points into dexterity, shit like that, and ho lee shit this got stupid

Now I kill most yokai in like 5 kunai, whenever I use living weapon I get almost half of my shit back after, and I kill most bosses without ever getting close to them, they die before I run out of shit to throw, especially if I successfully inflict poison and/pr burning

It actually feels cheesy how strong this shit is, I didn't expect throwing weapons to get this good

PC games tend to sell over time rather than in a big burst at release.

There is no need for name calling. What're you so upset about?

Except when they're shit. Then they don't sell. Or when they're made by cliffyb, then people shit on them regardless.

Once a neckbeard, always a neckbeard huh? Using machismo exaggerated words to define your manchild hobby as a “rig” to sound more manly makes you sound like a bigger loser. Lay off the cheetos faglord and go back to playing shitty f2p games on your “rig” lol.

>intended to be played with a gamepad to PC
Then it should not be sold on PC.

Almost everything that isn't using weapons several levels below the current is cheesy for the first two difficulties. You need to regulate the hell out of it if you want to have more fun pushing the combat system to it's limits rather than just blitzing through everything mindlessly.

Just waiting for a price cut.

>PC "masterrace" prides itself on not being bound to any one input device or control scheme
>release a game that restricts your choice of input device
>it flops
That actually seems quite sensible.

>op upsetti his console exclusive made it to pc
>tries to defame the pc master race
>leaves thread when anons have a civil discussion disproving his points calmly
The fish are learning.

Nah, lack of mouse support isn't the reason Nioh flopped. Pc gamers simply don't buy games.

who else /gotboredaround80%/ ?
i really liked the combat first but it got old

every gets bored after edo castle level, game falls apart there

>60fps cap
>controller only
>full release price
Waiting for it to drop to around 20 bucks thank you very much

It was advertised as a PS4 exclusive and then randomly came out on PC one day. Most of the people who wanted to play it already bought it for PS4 and the rest had already moved on by the time it came to PC.

It's not like PC players don't have access to a controller, since PC players love Dark Souls and you can't play that on mouse and keyboard either.

But Okatsu has GOAT theme.

>after edo castle
meaning after Okatsu, burning castle was alright too
best levels in the game is spider castle and iga mansion.

>pc masterrace is the developer

Base game is 9/10

NG+ and DLCs are grindfests where you either use the FotM build to trivialize the game or you bash your head against the wall due to 90% of the skills becoming obsolete. Don't expect to make your own build and succeed.

I also really liked the stuff with the Obsidian Samurai. He was really cool.

I don't know I hated that level, after okatsu it was same boss repeated and re skinned to the end of the game