Why was he tearing up?

Why was he tearing up?

thinkign about lootboxes

drunk too much soy

he truly loves the white race and will do anything to preserve their existence

Like most Alliance vs Horde battles. Everyone keeps dying on roads, away from the flag.

Anduin's a human being and knows what suffering he causes people by sending them off to die in war.
And then he calls them back to die again.
He's a good king. His father raised him right.
I'll be glad to stand by Anduin, the god-emperor of Azeroth.

Probably saw his dad.

thinking about Wrathions bad dragon

That nigga gay.
I bet he got molested by uncle Greymane numerous times.

That bright ass light was hurting his eyes

He's staring into a fkn light

>but female draenei
not mentioned there is that he likes them with 3 foot horsecocks

noo little black dragon

Because he's sad.

thinkin about wrathion

He's literally staring at The Light.
Probably worse than looking directly into the sun. of course you would cry a bit

He remembered the 14 words. Powerful stuff.

adrenaline of battle
he was staring straight into a bright light
the light itself is probably "beautiful" to use/requires a mental state that brings one to tears

got pretty windy when he summoned the light. maybe some dust got in his eye

He realized the Alliance will never have proper high elves

Where did the beam of light come from?

Underappreciated post

Shit is fucking bright, yo.


He kicked a up a big dust cloud when he cratered that troll. Some of it got in his eyes.

drugs owerwhelm his tiny mind

He was DP'ed by draenei horsecock the night prior

This to be honest.



Female Draeneis are the fucking best!

The light is so powerful it brings its users to tears. Think of the light as an incredible opioid. Its addicting and brings great warmth and comfort to the user.

lens flare blinding his eyes

This. There is no tears in this over than defending his eyes from a bright light

Because modern blizzard can't write or direct cinematic.

>"draenei pussy is the fucking best" t. Anduin


He summoned a light beam so strong it kicked up a gust of wind strong enough to knock back Saurfang and Sylvanas who are like 40 feet away and he's staring straight at it.

Alternatively, experiencing the Light is supposedly the most beautiful thing that can happen so you can't help but tear up.

Ummm, Anduin doesn't like girls

Wrong since Cataclysm bucko, and Wrathion's bullshit ensured the only way he'll touch Anduin is as a cloak made from his scales.

Isn't Wrathion literally in the Alliance embassy in BoA, after having explicitly chosen a side?

You'd better be lying user, how can this little shit be welcomed ANYWHERE after causing both WoD and through that Legion? He's pretty much directly responsible for Varian's death ffs

bright light making his eyes water duh. you guys are looking too deep into this

wat wrathion disappeared after mop and hasn't done anything

user, how do you think WoD came to happen in the first place? Look up the book War Crimes.

that was some bronze dragon not wrathion

I think you mean "Consenting daddy dick'd"