Why do video game women usually have unrealistic bodies?

Why do video game women usually have unrealistic bodies?

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That puppy needs a tummy rub.

Because the vast majority of people don't want to see fat women.

reminds me of my gf's body lol

you're a lucky man

that fat pig needs to lose weight

Because the whole point of stylized art is to be unrealistic.

Reminds me of this.

she gave me herpes though soooo

realism is a flaw. games are all about being better than reality, so why the fuck would you limit your game characters to looking real when they can be so much better

How about you get banned for posting touhou shit outside /jp/?

Most video games make an attempt to somewhat emulate photorealism in the AAA space anyway

and yet they don't represent real women's bodies

The same reason video game men have unrealistic bodies: it looks better. I see enough ugly fatasses in everyday life. Let my vidya have stylized, beautiful people.

touhou is Sup Forums

I don't know why you're doing this in every thread but please stop.

I love how "realistic" always means unattractive.

They don't, you just date ugly women.



most Sup Forumsirgins have never been with a REAL woman




its a fantasy setting so the author can make any character how he seems fit

That's unrealistic and attractive.

I want to pet that dog

This is true and it's how it should stay.


This. Most fatties are disgusting and even when you see a "cute" one you know she'd be hot if she lost 40 or 50 pounds.

Authors have an obligation to be diverse and inclusive

they dont

thicc boi here
im not gay but noice

STOP posting Momiji.


>Why do video games have unrealistic things in them?

That's too fat. This is just right.


Breast implants don't make you a woman.

I dunno, devs these days think they can just draw a circle and slap limbs on it and call it a woman. What lazy fucks.

how many bitcoins do I need for a chubby fox girl mommy

my ex had a bmi of 40

it was amazing

Eh about that.