Final Fantasy is no longer the king of JRPGs. Why has it fallen and who has dethroned it?

Final Fantasy is no longer the king of JRPGs. Why has it fallen and who has dethroned it?

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It stopped being a JRPG

Cinematic experience
Falcom's Kiseki

Final Fantasy was never the best of JRPGs.

Funnily enough SMT and Persona killed JRPGs like Pokemon for me.

i really don't get the combat in this game. say what you will about 13 but the combat got deep by the end of the game, 13-2 was amazing from the get go. just feel like i'm completely missing something from 15, can't get a handle on what's happening, can't tell if i'm supposed to treat it like an action game or just hold O and try to plan out a strategy without worrying where noctis is, just don't get it

Literately just hold circle. I was playing the awful multiplayer DLC with one hand while eating a sandwich.

that's pretty sad. if nothing else i was expecting the combat to be maybe frustrating but moderately deep, fuck glad i only spent $30 god damnit

Final Fantasy became shit the moment Square Soft became Square Enix

You know what? Is it possible that SE insisting on the game being fully voice acted did more harm than good? They can't quickly throw together important dialog because they have to have the cast read lines. Why didn't they just make lesser dialog unvoiced?

It looked like it was going to be a good battle system when I first started playing, but by the end I still felt clueless as to why it was as shallow as it was. They put down the groundwork but forgot to add anything of substance.
I also don't get how they introduced magic as a powerful tool that had the possibility of friendly fire, only for it to fucking screw your teammates no matter how careful you are.
The only time I liked how magic worked was when we were all ankle deep in a lake and I used Blizzaga, which froze everyone to the ice and no one could move, gave me a chuckle.

They gave Nomura too much freedom. Also the hd generation was too much for squeenix to keep up with. Ten year wait for an unfinished game.

As far as who's on top now...i dunno. Probably the rpg maker ideas I have in my head that will never be anything more.

Xenoblade took off where FF left off at FF12

outside of xenoblade, Persona/SMT could be considered the king

>took anything
my sides

>Every character that isn't designed by Nomura in Xenoblade Chronicles 2 looks like generic LN shit and utter garbage

What DID they mean by this?

considering it took FF12's concept and improved everything I think it's a pretty safe claim. Monolith also makes worlds in the style FF was praised for

>artstyle dictates overall game quality
are you one of those baboons who says FF9 is bad?

Xeno fanboys are really, really deluded. Nobody played their Gamestop exclusive offline MMO or their sequel that was so censored they removed the breast slider in the character creator.

FF9 has a good art style. Reminds me of a child's storybook.

The thing I liked about it was the warping system.
It's my gameplay fetish.

In the Public eye Final Fantasy is still very much the flagship jrpg, you can thank their marketing for that.
But if you wanna place a bet I'd say that either Persona, Tales of, or Fire Emblem could end up taking the mantle in the future.

>>artstyle dictates overall game quality
I wasn't talking about the actual game, only character design. But yes, XC2 does look very bad. I own a Switch and the game resembles the type of low-budget JRPGs that came out these two last generations.

Of course a child would like art from a children's book.

>But if you wanna place a bet I'd say that either Persona, Tales of, or Fire Emblem could end up taking the mantle in the future.
There was a Japanese survey that asked people if they'd pick Persona 5 over FFXV when they were both going to release in the same month. Judging by how highly regarded P5 is over there, I think they got their answer.

It has fallen because Nomura is a hack.

Souls dethroned it

>nomura responsible for any FF game

The Xeno series is still way too inaccessible to be considered "the king" of jrpgs.

FF7R which will be released in 2030 ;^)

>too inaccessible
I wouldn't say that they're "inaccessible", just not very fun from a gameplay perspective. And I say that as someone that does like MMOs.

For Japan the definitive JRPG is still Dragon Quest

Stop being elitist, nerd. You play videogames which aint far from kids books in the eye of the average adult.

if the king is dictated by sales/popularity then I agree, I was looking it it through a scope of quality hence why I also mentioned SMT


early access + season pass [\spoiler]

*part one of FF7R


It's a shame that XCX2 is turned out looking generic, the environments look great but the cast looks worse than Xenogears in terms of having characters for the sake of archetypes.
I just hope the story holds up, it would be a shame for the series to fall to the status of some generic jrpg.

According to a recent poll P5 took the top place for favorite rpg in Japan

dragon quest has always and still is king

That was Famitsu and Famitsu polls have always been had a rep of being very unreliable

oh I forgot include DQ, not my fault these fucks never localized

When I was a wee lad and played Kingdom Hearts for the first time, I remember thinking to myself, "Wow this is amazing. I guess this is just JRPGs from now on, because it's so much more fun than other battle systems."

Fourteen years and ten million dollars later XV comes out and the gameplay is not as good as Kingdom Hearts. Why? What were you guys spending all of that money on?

>in 10 years time kids will grow up with other series instead of Final Fantasy

The warping was fun and its certainly looks impressive when you are darting and warping all over the place fighting packs of enemies. It was also cool how you could hang away from the combat and get your bearings.
Too bad that is one of the only things I can say I genuinely liked from the combat.
Magic would have been less shit if it actually rewarded you for using it carefully and not hitting your allies instead of just automatically making them shit the bed every time you cast a high level spell.

>What were you guys spending all of that money on?

Graphics and the shitty CGI movie and the sub-par anime

Dragon Quest has always been weird to me because it's just as legendary as final fantasy, but even in jrpg circles it kinda just remains unmentioned unless a new title is releasing.
I know that it's still huge in Japan though.

I've never played a DQ game what are the best ones?

5 and 8

>implying children after 2009 grew up on jrpgs
It's the era of the fps and flavor of the month pewdiepie game don't you know?

But I'm a serious note of you introduce kids to old games they still like em.
I let my younger cousin play a bit of ffvii and he liked it

I never played one until I bought 8. It's now one of my favorite games and I don't really like video games.

>goes into jrpg thread
>people recommending Blue Dragon but not a single mention of DQ

Its like a japanese folklore at this point

5 and 8 are easily the best games for a newcomer to get into and stand very handily as the best games in the series.

Base game + season pass is on sale for $30 right now. Pls buy so we could have threads to discuss Comrades. Pretty pls.

SE is still making good JRPGs
just not FF

>not even out yet

Oh boy can't wait for another disappointment

9 is really good and accessible too I'd say. Maybe even more so than 5.

>buy season pass just for them to sell more paid dlc later
lol no

why would you think its a disappointment
the demo was god tier

everyone KNEW how big a fuck-up the past 3-4 final fantasy games were long before they were released. XV was practically a tortanic

Nomura and Tabata.
We need Sakaguchi again.

And Uematsu. The music has gone downhill since X with a few exceptions.

FF dethroned itself

Buy me! I'm good! Buggy and broken but good!

It began to decline when they removed open-world map flying.
As I understand it, 15 has traveling, but not like the older games?

Anyone find it really pathetic of SE side to keeps churning out content for an offline rpg? I mean well its probably a plus for the fans but why the fuck would you even do that and not release all of them as a final package instead of piece by piece, which by the time you are releasing this most people that even remotely cares about the game already platinum it

>And Uematsu.

It's a shame this is locked to the Switch, will probably be years before I get to play it.

Yeah but it's different

It tries too hard to ape western games. The campy charm and japanese influences get more and more lost. XIV might be the last remnent of JPRG in FF, but they also try so hard to ape GoT and other shitty american fantasy.

Yeah I don't want to fight monsters for 30 hours to that gay shit.

She designed the worst looking Mog ever

It's that or more Lightning games.

i agree, but the Last story was good?

how can you possibly claim that this apes western games

Traveling in Final Fantasy 15 got really old very fast

XIV did have some good tracks but generally speaking the soundtracks since X (excluding some tracks from 11, the 13 battle theme, and maybe a few others) haven't been nearly as memorable to me.


>calling Uematsu gay

All FF games are linear as fuck, you get the airship way to late in the games to actually become useful to explore new locations. Airships are just a cool way to backtrack for side content. The thing I don't really understand is why every FF has become a development hell since 13 when they used to release three new different mainline games for each generation.

This looks nothing like FF and all like some shovelware western shooter.

>Mfw the combat system in Lightning Returns will be used or expanded upon again.
The games story and shit sucked a hilarious barrel of dicks but the combat was a genuine surprise, it had no right to be as fun as it was.

Nobody needed to dethrone it.
The series has been going for downhill for a while.

I think Lost Odyssey was the last "Final Fantasy" game I truly liked.

I just don't dig any of his shit with lyrics. Or anything not chiptune/synthesized.

Isn't it in Mobious?

there is still hope.
Final Fantasy The Philosophy Project is coming.

>This looks nothing like FF

I just got this game about a week and a half ago, for only ten dollars thankfully. I was going to play it this weekend but I had to install the 26 gb (twenty-six gigabyte) patch first which meant that didn't happen.

Now that it's Thanksgiving weekend and I have some time again should I give it a shot or is it just completely not worth it? Not gonna lie everything I read about the combat and the changes they made to things like summons and magic really put me off. But on the other hand it can't possibly be as bad as XIII, right?

I see it now, they were actually ripping Ace Combat

>pay money for a game
>don't bother playing it
I mean, even if it's 10 bucks, why would you waste it? It's like burning money.

No that's a completely different affair

Never played Mobius, isn't that the mobile one, not sure if its similar or not.


I would play it at some point, probably, but I'm not sure I want to waste my entire holiday weekend on a big steaming turd of a game.

The ending bit with them all sitting around the camp fire and then going into the final battle as well as the last picture scene are top tier kino in every way.

The story is a fucking mess and everything else is debatable on if it's good or not. I say if you have time, go for it.

It's made by some of the same people that worked on the XIII trilogy, specifically Kitase and Motumo as well as others. It's basically a rehash of the XIII games with reused elements like animations and assets for a mobile game.

FFXV could've pulled off some legendary scenes had the rest of the project delivered.

The ending was fantastic

I wish I could have seen what they were up to while Noctis was gone instead of them just telling me

>I would play it at some point
So, buy it when you want to play it. It isn't getting MORE expensive as time goes on.

It reeks of a game that was purely thought up by a committee and not creative types.

>Why has it fallen
Too normalfag and action adventure.
>who has dethroned it