What's the best food to eat while playing video games?

What's the best food to eat while playing video games?

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Keyboard crumbs.


half a stick of celery with distilled water

Now that's some nice 'Go 'Za

That's nothing but grease, you fat fucks. Disgusting.

I just drink a home made ice latte. Anything else gets in the way of gaming, not to mention, all that nasty grease, seasoning, salts and sugars on your finger tips.

Why are you fucking dickheads making me hungry for pizza when all the pizza places are closed?

crab legs


Please release this game for ps4 now or never; I don't want to buy the same game twice again.

i should put a pizza in the oven

thanks for the reminder

eggs (non GMO)

Anchovies, raw

cheese pizza
i got some for tomorrow

something high in protein

Right is just overcooked, I get shitty grocery store brand eggs and they always turn out like left

the ultimate gaming snack

cant you catch diseases like west nile virus from that shit?


That's because those have GMO's, you missed the point entirely

a salt lick of course

They have to inject it in you, if you cook them the poison destroys itself

>you missed the point entirely
Yes you (You) did.

That's the best part.

>cheese slices

Go suck eggs

I can't multitask so I starve myself until it becomes to tiring to play.

Great for the figure though.

Are they feminine eggs?


Totino's Pizza Rolls.


Fuck off, Totino's. Michelina's pizza rolls are superior.

>soggy sodium pockets
ugh get some damn taste

>he doesn't know

I'm a pizza Totino's boy

Michelina's actually gets a crispy crust like advertised.

Know what?

I would love to bury my face into those eggs

real gamers eat radishes

Pizza rolls are fucking disgusting dude

At least buy an actual pizza ffs


Replace that cheap shitty cheese with something quality and you've got yourself a deal. Cheese and eggs, two of life's greatest.

fuck that

Tillamook has some good cheese

fuck you


Can of Shweppes, beef jerky, grapes, or veggies and dip

if im feeling extravagant, pretzels with a little amount of peanut butter to dip in

big bowl of cold grapes, especially if the really good 'crunchy' ones are in season.

Where the fuck is this feeding trough?


>You have to eat all the eggs

Right is older and overcoocked.
Source: Living in a fucking village


i miss jack's pizza bursts
totino's was always seemed like something so trashy you couldn't even feed to a cat

if you eat junk food, don't drink junk drink
if you drink junk drink, don't eat junk food


wheat salad

85 cheeseburgers, 100 large fries and 15 chicken wraps.

>implying they don't all already have it



grilled cheese

There was a huge sale of spaghetti and marinara sauce at HEB so I've actually been eating a shit ton of spaghetti while playing games, if you already know how to not get sauce everywhere like a disgusting asshole eating it out of a bowl is pretty filling and empowering while playing. Ramen and cheese cubes with a toothpick have also worked for me

Why is that person pouring diarrhea onto meat?

What is that?

>sale on spaghetti
you can get a pound of it uncooked for less than a dollar on a normal day

also it's worth making your own sauce, just make a lot and freeze it

Fruits. I mean really. You can overeat pizza, burgers, chicken and even sushi, so you will feel weak. It's hard to do the same with fruits.

This pic is pretty hilarious.


I hate this video everytime I see it, but if I'm being honest I would still eat that sandwich.

Is that Ja/ck?


>Serves that edible heart attack to his child

It was one of those combo deals where you buy the spaghetti and marinara together and you get a discount on the marinara


Mah nigga.

Noodles are always cheap as fuck there, you can find a 3-serving pack for like $1 if you buy the off-brand (literally the same as the name-brand they sell but in a different package).

Post Jack

Yes it is. Any thread slightly relevant to food will get filled with /ck/ posters. Which isn't a bad thing on itself but for a moment I was wondering if I truly was on Sup Forums.



No i am not. I like pizza, just not when im playing, because this way it's too easy to overeat when you concentrate on something other, than meal.


ok faggot

>grilled cheese with chips
>edible heart attack
are you vegan by any chance

The one good take-away from this video is that the best grilled cheese is made with multiple kinds of cheese. Same is true for mac & cheese.

I don't understand what I'm looking at here

I don't care what you say but this looks good, like I'd at least want to try it.

>worrying about overeating
Europeans are scary, man.


>using a microwave for anything

Im already fatfuck, so i need to control what i eat.

>4 hours later
Nigga that looks like it was in the oven for 4 minutes tops

Tangarines, I can peel one or two during downtime, depending on the game, and the juice is nicely contained within the individual sections that you peel apart, so they don't burst until you bite down, and tend to not really have seeds.

Overall a pretty nice lil snack.


>when you make a 3+ cheese mix mac n cheese and get out the breadcrumbs

He is trying to cover chicken with a corn starch mix unaware of its Non-Newtonian physics.


[mariachi plays in the distance]
Dammit, Mexico. Why does your street food look so tempting?


