If I enjoyed BotW, will i also enjoy Horizon? Its on sale due to Black Friday and I'm thinking of getting it.
No, it's boring and aloy ugly. I played botw over 100h and this just one.
same with op here. how is it boring? im hesitating to buy it.
Alright Sup Forums, what did HZD do to trigger you?
waiting on PC release
>though i wish I bought a ps4 instead of an xbox one
Honestly my answer is to look up images of Aloy. If you think she's ugly, don't bother. If you're straight, absolutely play it.
I played it about 2 months after BotW and loved it dearly though I wasn't expecting anything special. They're remarkably similar games.
Sure. It's just more of the same boring ubisoft style open world shit
First hours of game is almost only dialogs with really bad voice acting and lipsync, maybe it gets better after that. Also you need to craft arrows mid-fight, I would say this is even worse than botw durability.
The only thing it saves it is the graphics and performance, but that's all unfortunately.
Ashley Burch still having a job in this wretched industry for one
Never played Zelda but I'm one who thought the Witcher 3 was very boring. I just got HZD and I'm actually impressed. I haven't beaten the game but the "sjw matriarchal society" is just the religion of the specific tribe Aloy is from and she doesn't even like the religion.
Pretty boring open world game with a bad story but nice grafixx
>sony console exclusive on a nintendo controlled board
>strong female character who talks with other strong female characters = SJW filth according to nu-Sup Forums
>it resembles other popular games like asscreed and shadows of mordor in gameplay and world exploration
>main character isn't a plastic doll onahole waifu from japan
>game is decent therefore gets picked apart the most
take your pick
You can't do as many physics tricks to 'cheese' puzzles or combat, nor are there even really puzzles of note, but the combat is far superior.
>Bow/string clips through the ground like there is no tomorrow
fuckin shit
How far in do you get the midriff outfit?
thanks for saving my money user.
please show me a video game with no clipping
I think it becomes available as soon as you enter the desert, or in the town on the border between the Nora lands and the desert.
If you liked the bow and arrow stuff you'll get a kick out of this.
This user sucked at dynamic battle and probably cannot hold a game controller properly.
Takes longer to run out of arrows than it does for BOTW weapons to break.
You can hold 60 arrows, but a sword that survives 60 hits in BOTW would be exceptionally durable.
Horizon Zero Dawn is one of the few video game stories I remember and while I am sitting at the bar with a beer years later I can still reminisce on. Witcher 3 did this. Ocarina of Time did this. Horizon Zero Dawn is doing this. A year later (almost) I still remember this story. I also still remember the triumphant thrill I felt when I killed my first thunderjaw. How much I hate the Steve Jobs stand in who something something destroyed the world etc.
Aloy is nothing new in RPG's. She is the focused crusader on a mission. The only difference is she is female. But they don't turn her into the SJW fantasy of a Woman who need no man. She is the knight archetype who cannot worry about things like love because there is a higher calling and love will get in the way.
Making ammo so you can continue to use you weapon is somehow worse than having your weapon break entirely, and in some cases leaving defenseless? I never found this to be a problem, I don't know why it would be considered a problem. Sure you can argue that it disrupts the flow of combat, but so does BOTW with the item management mid combat. Plus it's a relatively short process. Like less than 5 seconds really.
Just hide her face with a mask.
>I also still remember the triumphant thrill I felt when I killed my first thunderjaw
Nothing hard about beating a thunderjaw. I am glad they fixed it in the DLC where you fight the demon thunderjaw tho.
kek please be pasta
I honestly thought it added a great deal to the combat system. Nothing like an "oh shit" as the enemies charge at you and you run out of ammo. The fact that you can't pause the game to restock makes it more entertaining IMO. There is a consequence for not paying attention or planning ahead.
Like I said, the user who hates this system needs to get gud, or stick to turn based combat systems like XCOM or Civilization.
80% of your time is picking herbs and shit, the rest is dodging charging robots while trying to hit glowing weak spots on said charging robots.
It turned into a drag for me at the halfway point and dropped it even tho i found it really interesting at the start.
Ashley Burch needs to get out of the industry and onto my dick.
give it to me straight fellas what are the games actual flaws? Also what are its strengths?
I'm kind of disappointed by the rule 34 on this so far senpai.
I actually beat the game and the DLC
+Looks great for a PS4 game
+Fighting giant robot dinosaurs are good
+Some of the weapons are really neat
+Mystery surrounding plot is intriguing
-Plot comes across hamfisted at times
-Fighting humans and small robots are a chore
-Facial animations can be pretty bad at times
-Questing is similar to Witcher 3 where you just your focus and follow what the game highlights for you
-Lack of unique boss fights
-/+It is the standard Ubisoft open world
It served some other purpose in botw other than just a reason to make you pause the combat.
I didn't say it makes it harder or anything, I just said it's annoying for which I don't see any good reason.
Yes you can enjoy two games
No waifu
I thought Nioh was going to be my reason for having a PS4, but it got real old real fast.
HZD filled that role pretty well.
I dunno she feels more like a sister desu.
I never picked herbs at all, not with a purpose anyways. Hell it wasn't till the final mission of the game that I realized you could make potions, and I was playing on Very Hard. Only thing I recall having to pick up often was Ridgewood, but I got so much useless shit from the Training Grounds trials that I was able to sell that stuff for a fortune and bought a shit ton of Ridgewood.
Strengths (all of this is my opinion): Decent Combat, Nice variation in weapon ability, Visuals, Environment, Stormbird and Thunderjaw fights, Decent amount of quests, Aloy, Nice variation in Robot enemies
Flaws: Melee Combat, Human Fights, Meh Story, Most quests are: "Please follow this trail" (This is a flaw, but it's better than Witcher's variation of these quests. You can actually follow the trails without Detective Vision), Little World Interaction, Forgettable side characters, Fucking Slow-Mo Abilities you can't disable.
The game is piss easy, even on the hardest difficulty mode. All weak points are marked with some sort of bright contrasting color so even if you don't scan them you know exactly where to hit. Enemies always warn you before they attack. The circle button + R2 + R1 combo kills every small enemy in the game and is the best and quickest way to kill crowds of enemies - machine or human - until you run into the bigger machines which are damage sponges that can tank a supreme amount of damage even when you use the 'proper' tactics.
Crafting shit is everywhere in the game and extremely abundant. Crafting arrows takes 2 ridgewood and 1 shard (also functions as currency). Each ridgewood pickup gives you 6-9 wood. Near each save point there are at least THREE of these. Each enemy will drop at least 1 shard but machine enemies typically drop around 5. What does this mean? This means you'll have hundreds of each component before you even leave the tutorial area without farming. By the time I got to the the first cauldron I could craft 2,500 fucking arrows. Why not just give the player infinite ammo at that point?
Health pickups are just as abundant as the aforementioned wood and shards. You can even craft health potions - partial and full heal - midbattle. Fuck, the little light over the heal button even glows brightly if you're down past like 40% health.
The term 'open world' doesn't apply to this game. When you begin the game you're locked in the small tutorial area until a little after the Proving mission when you can go anywhere... however the entire game takes place in various valleys of varying sizes. So when you begin to trek out of town you can only go east on a rather specific path and then north. By the time you reach the fork in the road you can only go left or right (the main mission takes you right to the football field). If you thought MGS5's open world sucked (and it was serviceable in my opinion) you don't want to see Horizon's.
The story is a bad YA novel and doesn't stop being shit until the end of the Proving when the cultists attack. You'd think the devs would begin with that kind of action and just start there but they decided to start with Aloy's life. Aloy is boring. You know the "girl" character from all those 80's and 90's cartoons? Yeah, that's her. She's generically brave, kind, compassionate, wise... all the time. She's more of a cardboard cutout than a character. The game is full of black and white morality and thinking. Women are good. Men are evil. SJW shit up the ass with this game.
Can I play this game by wandering around on my own terms or are quests the only way?
>the combat against machines
>visually fantastic
>good ost
>the lore/worldbuilding/shit that happens in the past is interesting
The flaws:
>the writing is absolute garbage, and so is Aloy's story
>the ending is sequel baiting trash
>characters don't have personalities, Aloy pretty much isn't a character. She's a cardboard cutout
>combat against humans is laughably bad
>animations are terrible
>all sidequests are generic and boring
What do you mean?
Killing a thunderjaw on the hardest difficulty is not easy.
>Sneak up to him
>Echo arrow the disc launchers
>Use disc launchers to absolutely maul the shit out of the thunderjaw
>Finish off the final 20% HP
I'm interested in the combat but I don't usually care for fetch quests and following the golden trail or whatever. Apparently the quests are shit according to the comments on this thread but I wonder if there's any merit in wandering around when I feel like it instead of doing quests?
You need to beat like 3 missions before you can venture outside of the starting area. Assuming you watch all the cutscenes and make a beeline for completing the starting quests that's maybe 60 minutes. Much less if you skip cutscenes.
Sure, you can wander around and kill shit to level up and get better equipment before you do quests. I had killed dozens of certain machines only to find the main story throw one at me and treat it like a boss fight, like it was my first time fighting one.
No. It's like Assassin's Creed with vendortrash, and not like, say, Fallout 4 where you can meander, shoot, loot, level, and all that shit. The loot in HZD is mostly trash and there's no in game reward for exploring other than getting more resources that you don't need and picking up collectables that are sitting out in the open. There are bandit camps to clear and corruption zones to clear but those are way too sparse in my opinion.
This is how i know you haven't played on the hardest difficulty. The disc launcher will at most take 50% of its HP if you use every single shot in the chamber perfectly.
With wandering around you just get some interesting visuals like some some dilapidated buildings and such. You'll also encounter different enemies and such. Other than it's your typical collectibles here and there, occasionally you can stumble upon some of the bunkers in the game, but some are locked because of story reasons. Game doesn't really restrict you after you leave the Nora lands.
The loot is literally trash, trash that you need to collect in order to trade in (along with money, which you get by selling trash) to get weapons and armour.
I plat the game before ultra hard came out. Frozen Wild cam out and I beat the DLC on ultra hard. If you played Frozen Wild, you know you only fight one thunderjaw and he is different from the rest.
Come on now dude.. They didn't bother to make her attractive at all and it looks like they actually went out of their way to purposefully made her ugly.
There are vendor NPCs in Black Desert that look better.
>not wanting to cum on Aloy's face
Honestly, Thunderjaws difficulty really depend on how you approach the fight. They can really be trivialized if you remove their components by triple nocking echo arrows. Once that's done you use the Ropecaster to tie them down and just triple shot their heart with a Sharpshooter bow, and repeat ad infinitum. Granted this is not the way I choose to fight them, but it's definitely the easiest.
I just know that you cannot take a thunderjaw down with its disc launcher alone. It doesn't even come close to killing it completely.
Technically true but the weapon and armor stats are so low they aren't worth it. You'll notice, say, the defenses for the nora outfits are 10, 20, 30 defense against melee. Not only is that useless against any ranged attacks but when enemies do, say 150 points of damage even 30 defense is jack shit. What I'm saying is that if an enemy can threeshot you when you're wearing the heavy armor, they can still threeshot you when you're wearing the starting outfit. You get no practical benefit from upgrading your armor and weapons (within that weapon type - the bomb throwing slingshot is obviously different from the bow but the other bomb throwing slingshots are more or less the same).
Which is why I say all the loot is garbage.
I think all of the fights were the thunderjaw isn't alone isn't as trivial as people are saying it is.
Why the fuck would I lie to you? Disc launchers trivializes the thunderjaw fight. Once that is gone what other attacks do they have? Laser mouth, charge and tail swipe. All easily avoided.
Trust me I get you. I remember having a tough time doing one of trials for the Training Grounds, can't remember the exact task, but it involved a Thunderjaw and Ravagers. They're no fun when they being assisted that's for sure. I even recall wandering into a portion of the map where there were two of them, died multiple times trying to kill them and never did.
Before your last post you didn't explicitly say that you didn't play on the hardest difficulty.
That was all i claimed aswell.
All the robots are trivialized if you fight them secluded with everything you need to fight them. Still takes execution and knowledge to do it though.
The intention is for you to modify them. That's why the better weapons not only come with better stats and more ammo types, but also more mod space.
The hardest difficulty used to be Very hard instead of Ultra Hard. Then again difficulty doesn't change much except damage dealt and damage taken.
The execution for fighting a thunderjaw on Very Hard and Ultra Hard is the same. You simply take longer and can make less mistake.
a person who actually played the game right here
>the gameplay is competent. like things work very well. (i'd say fun since i thought it was fun, but fun is so subjective)
>you will actually have to use your traps even in normal mode, so the game does expect you to use all your tools instead of having a bunch of useless features.
>enemies are more than just lazy AI that run into walls pasted over several different enemies. they have their own patterns, a feat for a western game.
>manages to do stealth very well, you can't just go in guns a blazing expecting to be invincible
>very good looking game than doesn't feel to stretched out. sometimes i was even surprised how close things were to each other on the map.
>side quest are dull, but easy to finish
>too much backtracking
>though good looking environments, nothing to unique from each other
>story is only serviceable, not laughably bad, but not something compelling
>manages to do stealth very well, you can't just go in guns a blazing expecting to be invincible
Come the fuck on. Putting on a stealth suit and a few stealth mod shows you how borked the entire stealth is.
Remember the guys that carry the green juice backpack you can blow up. Blow one of them up in the middle of the camp and the enemies only go onto yellow alert or straight up ignore it. A dude just got hit by a fire arrow and blew up.
Also the only fun parts of the game is fighting the giant robots. Fighting humans is a fucking snoozefest.
Thats not even true and i havnt even played ot
Watched it on nicovideo
>Come the fuck on. Putting on a stealth suit and a few stealth mod shows you how borked the entire stealth is.
Not that guy but stealth has worked for me so far.
Whenever i see people post those webms etc. i am always perplexed. Turns out they were from a pre-release build of the game, but still.
While human AI can be pretty bad at navigating the environment at times, i have never found the AI to be half as dumb as everyone is letting on when it comes to stealth.
I just never liked fighting the human enemies. Not only were they boring due to their lack of variety, but I swear that I would see their arrows curve towards me, no bueno.
Stealth works but it is hilariously overpowered. You can take on entire bandit camp stealth because focus can see through walls letting you mark everyone, and then you take your time and pick off everyone, enemies take a long time to react to dead bodies or straight up ignore exploding comrades.
Horizon Zero Dawn is like if someone took Breath of the Wild and just made it better, I don't get why people meme Breath of the Wild as important when Horizon Zero Dawn just provides the superior experience.
HZD will be remembered for years to come, it's setting, it's story, it's unmatched visual fidelity, Breath of the Wild has already been largely forgotten, and to completely forget it you only need to play Horizon Zero Dawn.
You're a little late to the thread, friend, don't you think?
you're making me regret buying it
>enemies jump over traps
If it stops her from ruining another game with her terrible attempts at voice acting, then I'm all for it.
Your fault for buying Breath of the Wild
it takes too long to kill those fucking robots and the fights arent that interesting
Play that zelda game if you want dumb enemies running straight at you swinging stick.
Different beauty standards. I think Aloy is hot and more sexually interesting than the woman you compare her to. Not that she needs to be beautiful to sell the game anyway unless you're some sort of knuckle dragger
It' nothing like BotW. BotW is a good game.
the robots are also dumb as fuck the problem with them is how much thry take to go down.
THIS. Alloy a cute.
Uguu~ whats this?
To my understanding there's less toybox full of neat mechanics and more game here. Couldn't tell you for sure though, only played a million hours of Breath of the unfinished game
>there are actually people that prefer HZD over BotW
not even trying to be facetious here, but how?
I'd like some genuine replies rather than the usual shitposting fodder for once as well, and that applies to both BotW fans and HZD fans.
You played them in the wrong order so you're already fucked OP. HZD is an improved Far Cry primal with dank dinosaur machines. It is a good game until you've played Zelda, because the lack of climbing mechanic is a real problem now. HZD is full of shitty invisble walls.
It's still worth your time, just remove all the UI you can remove because the screen is plagued with useless information. Just keep the crosshair.
I fucking love the photo mode for this game.
Shame stuff for it is the only reward for completeing NG+ fuck you Guerilla where's my real reward.
You said it
This is the only game that actually made me miss a romatic subplot. Like there should be an option to become closer with either Erend or Avad (or neither).
It's also fucking wrong you don't get ANY way to control the machines you override, I wanted to rush a bandit camp with my fire spitting dragon. And it's fucking stupid that the Ropecaster doesn't work on humans at all, it could have been a good grappling hook.
>She's beautiful in her own special way!
>If you want beautiful women in video games you're a retard!
That's not how reality works user. There are objective beauty standards out there that any man will acknowledge. This relativity bullshit about everyone being beautiful in their own way is not healthy for you.
The girl on the left would easily qualify for supermodel material while aloy couldn't even get a job as a prostitute.
But when I scanned a Rockcrusher, Alloy said to that one guy in the Quarry that she knows exactly what the robot in the pit is, which was a nice detail.
>Being gay
The story version is usually corrupted which you wont find in the wild.
The corruption deals damage.
You may enjoy the combat better but you will almost definitely find the world much less interesting to explore
You'll enjoy it more
And that is fucking stupid. Same if it's uncorrupted, and you override it, if the mission is "kill all machines" you still have to kill it even if you have the infinite override skill.