Unpopular opinions thread?

Unpopular opinions thread?

I'll start us off.

Wind Waker and Twilight Princess are without a doubt in my mind are the most overrated Zelda games. The face that anybody has the gall to call these the best in the series is fucking ridiculous.
After Majoras Mask and until Breath of the Wild 3D Zelda was the biggest fucking joke regularly coming out of Nintendo.
Wind Waker is rushed shit, the first 3 dungeons are good by Zelda opener dungeon standards but FUCK me, the game entirely falls apart after that. The sage dungeons are short, only 2 in number, and oh, also fucking terrible. Carrying around Medli and Makar isn't fun, it doesn't work well (wont even fucking jump down a ledge after you). The triforce hunt was terrible. The ghost ship being hyped up and just being a stock ship with a spooky filter once you went inside was trash. You walk a dinky little pathway to get from HYRULE CASTLE to GANONS FUCKING LAIR at the end of the game, and then puppet ganon and the climb after have the decency of being terrible, with the game ending on a high note of the real Ganon fight. Boats and the great sea is just a different, arguably worse, coat of paint for horses and the overworld. It's a 6/10.
Twilight Princess is literally just OOT again but worse. Hey instead of goddess magic how about we use this horrifying chicken monster to teleport in and out of dungeons, sound good? Wolf sections were total ass, full stop. It's just an overall unremarkable retread of OOT. It's a 7/10
Skyward Sword needs little introduction. It's a 5/10.

3D Zeldas was as far as I'm concerned, completely dead in the water between MM and BOTW

Binding of Isaac is and always was a terrible game.

BotW is like a 7/10

Bloodborne is just Fedora Dark Souls and the only reason it's evangelized is because Sup Forumsirgins made the most important decision of their lives and spent the $300 they got for Christmas on a video game machine. The differences between it and DS series is negligible its barely any better or worse.

I mostly agree, but also believe Wind Waker is better than a lot of people give it credit for.
Not that it is super-good, just that its virtues are too frequently ignored.

I agree with these opinions, you can add Limbo and Bastion to the list too of mediocre games too, just because they are indie doesn't means they get a free pass.

I enjoyed my time in the way you enjoy a 6/10 when its strengths are enough for you to stay.

Jon Blow seems like a huge faggot but Braid and The Witness are spectacular games

Botw is 3/10 garbage, shit story, boring gameplay.

I think Bastion is a hell of a lot better than Isaac. It's not super amazing or anything, but in my book we're comparing a decent bowl of chili with a can of beans and spaghetti sauce thrown into the microwave for 2 minutes too long.

Nintendo has killed it this year but I'm worried that they'll drop the ball next year. Looking forward to the janurary direct

Okay fine.

BoTW could have been a different IP and it wouldn't be so overrated. It's hardly a zelda game.
There is nothing wrong with ZSNES
Earthbound > Mother 3
Older PC games are perfectly enjoyable, give or take a few mods or fixes
You can play literally any other open world game released in the past 7 years and find something better than BoTW

>It's hardly a zelda game.
On the contrary I went in expecting pure open world but it's easy to see how you could undertake it as a normal Zelda

I personally think Pokemon is a boring RPG
Donkey Kong Country 3 was my favorite in the SNES trilogy
I liked Heavy Rain

I love Bastion but I do think it's the weakest of the Supergiant games for sure.
The combat's simplistic definitely, one to two moves per weapon, an overly safe block and dodge AND parry, but I think it has some saving graces. The sheer amount of weapons you get to experiment with meant you could go in with a new weapon combo to each level of the game if you wanted to, and Supergiants challenge mode stuff that they had in every game
But the narration was a really unique idea at the exact time fucking no one was doing unique ideas, and nobody, ESPECIALLY indies was doing high quality 2D art, Rayman Origins is like the only other from that time and it had a shit first year and it was the same year Bastion came out.
Plus Bastion still has the best ending in video game history if you save Zulf. The problem with this design being that the game goes down a solid number on the scale in quality if you leave Zulf.
Bastions a big part of why you can get a lot more high quality 2D games today. I doubt you'd have a year where Pyre, Cuphead, Sonic Mania, Severed, The Last Night, Mario and Luigi Remake, and The Wonder Boy remake and maybe more I forgot or don't know about if Bastion hadn't been a smashing success.

The other two games were much better in my opinion, key differences being that Transistor and Pyre have gameplay systems as inventive as the art, music, voice acting, setting, characters, story, etc. On top of doing things like the music, art, voice acting, characters, etc better than Bastion.

Oh also Bastion was an isometric action game when we hadn't seen one done in ages.
All in all it's just a lot of good ideas executed well at the exact right time. Not a bad first release for an indie studio.

Imo Charizard is cute.

The PS1/N64 underwater levels are the best in video games cause of the limitations in graphics. The murky water made the levels more tense.

Bastion was innovative. It had an interesting hook which made it worth playing. Games don't have to be 10/10 to be good.

You are now free to greenpost trivializing all unique hooks and innovations as gimmicks.


?, the congo is the place to build video games about , where humanity comes together and defeats the evil jungle , and this windows only , breaking every other computer , nothing working on computer , and Sup Forums young people complaining like they were there staring at video games before they even made sense in 3-d , this is fucking stupid , the congo is ridicudark , where are the people that can make everything about the congo , i got hackered out of " battle.net " , and i would be training in the jungle area of diablo 3 if i could or diablo 2 , this is stupid , i trust the divine infinite unity , the difinity , The Difinity , The Delta-Difinity , Θε Δελτα-Διφινιτυ , and i got sick from being afraid , that has not gone away , there is a spider in the congo that can wear my shoes like armor , might not even fit , could dead my cat and put that in a web , and the cat is not even mine , this is stupid , the congo is scary , where is the help to end the congo scary , congarifcan hard mode has to be a thing , and again , there is more , nobody has alchemized everything congo into ginger , china is hungry but not stupid , the congo is stupid , not the people , the congo is congafrican hardcore mode , and everyone is dying to congo fears ,.

This game imo is the best fighting game i've ever played.

These aren't controversial opinions. Especially on Sup Forums.

...What the fuck

Is this a bot?


I think gen 3 is overrated and started the shitty theme of "Save the world from the "Insert Generic Theme" team who wants to destroy it using a legendary Pokemon.

I still enjoyed it regardless.


People have to actually praise it first.

If I have to rationalize it...

To me Twilight Princess was the spiritual successor of Ocarina of Time. The original overrated Zelda game. It stands to reason that if you disliked one you disliked them both. So in turn when a Zelda like Windwaker majorly changed the formula it got very divisive feedback. Even Majoras Mask, that fans put on a pedestal had so much less content than Windwaker. The rest of the 3Ds are just too dull and underwhelming to mention.

More often than not, 3D Zelda fails to deliver. Meanwhile 2D Zelda performs more consistently despite being more restricted.

Anyway my unpopular opinion is that Megaman Battle Network 5 is overall better than 6. I liked how combo-able the souls were even though people say crosses are supposedly "better". Despite the weaknesses and turn limits it makes battles faster paced and more consequential. Id even say chip code was overall better too since specific chip codes were basically tailored for each soul. In both BN5s there were many usable souls whereas in 6 most of Gregars crosses SUCKED. They had a lot of charged AoEs that could not chain combos for shit.

I don't really like the pokemon games, no matter how hard I try. I've played like 2 or 3 of them but I ALWAYS get bored by the time I hit the 2nd or 3rd gym. It just gets waaaaay too repetitive and unchallenging. Furthest I ever got was alpha sapphire, got all the gym badges and then stopped playing. I think I made it to the third island in Moon.

>Earthbound > Mother 3
I disagree but I find the two hardly comparable. If you changed the names of the abilities in Mother 3 and the graphics I wouldn't have known it had any relation to Earthbound.

and I played Earthbound first. I found it a little bit grindy, but I guess most JRPGs were a little bit like that back then.

I think Gen V is my favorite generation in terms of pokemon designs, I especially liked B/W1 for forcing you to use all the new mons because it made exploring the region feel fresh since prior generations had you catch both new and old mons. I wish they would do this again for another pokemon game.

I can't get into team shooters. The only one I liked was Team Fortress 2 but only because you can fuck around in the custom servers and nobody plays super seriously. I cannot stand how I'm stuck with shitty teammates and blame others for losing other than myself. That's why I can't play Splatoon or Overwatch anymore, I can't play longer than 2 matches because I get way too frustrated with myself and my team.

ME3 was a good game

Mop is the best expansion of wow and anything before wotlk is unplayable

I liked the idea of forcing you to use new mons but Gamefreak just ended up making notrattata notpoliwag and vice versa.

This was their chance to shake things up and interesting but they fucking blew it. Gamefreak keeps pandering to Genwunners but they can't keep that up forever even if they are willing to eat shit.

., no , i am not a bot , these are real posts , and yes the congo is scary , please avoid trouble ,.

rodent mons have been a thing since gen 2 user, it's a tradition I expect. Despite having a lot of mons that are reminiscient of prior mons, I don't think they really pandered to gen 1 fags because of how much flak the games get from those fans in the first place. The designs are unique enough to not be direct ripoffs from gen 1 mons and stand on their own. At least Seismitoad line is based on an actual toad instead of Politoed which was the tree frog mon.

Like I said though, the rodent mons didn't have to be normal type. Imagine if the first few gyms were types that were typically reserved for end game and the elite four were more mundane. They didn't have to make it like the previous games but they did.