Who ya nominating? Whatcha buying?
Steam Awards and Autum Sale Thread
>dumb shit category awards, but haha it's funny and memes so it's okay
It doesn't matter, people will just nominate their favourite games for everything regardless of what the award is supposed to be about
what did you all put down for the "Cry Havoc and Let Slip the Dogs Of War"?
>Meme squad meme of the year
>shit game!!
Not sure what to put down for the write in category
Sale sucks, gonna wait until winter sale.
Game you masturbated to the most
Epic, simply epic
hello cliffy
but you shoot people in the game
Can't shoot someone if they never show up, bruv.
Epic, simply epic
Still hurts knowing that those incompetent fucks at CCP Games completely fucked any chance at getting another VtM.
I'll never not be salty about that shit. Holy fuck. Palpable rage.
>Play with me please
>I need you
Dragon's Dogma
>Soul of Vitruvius Nominee
Good man.
ayy lmao
I mean, after I discovered brutal doom & Russian Overkill, it was no contest.
As for black ops, I like the campaign. I played WaW first and it was cool seeing Reznov being badass.
Nthig. Fuckest these fucked catergoryies
Wait, VtMB received updates?
Ooop, nevermind.
Did a little soul searching and found a young love.
What a waste of quads.
Spec Ops
>yfw Automata doesn't get the Vitruvius award
I voted Nekopara vol. 3 for that.
I was considering that or one of the 'Metro' series.
Though in the end, I decided you couldn't beat the original and went Doom II (preferably w/ mods 'course).
Dude, you right?
You get a seizure while typing? Phone posting on public transport?
don't do that
I mean, duh
>inb4 skyrim wins labor of love for some reason
Not exactly
>Choices matter
>Stardew Valley
Nigga there is only one choice in that game and it's which girl to fugg, and since Penny is best girl there is hardly any real choice in the matter.
>not getting your dick wet with the blue haired chique
Serious Sam 3
Abigail was a fatass and you just know Emily had hygiene issues. At least Penny was sweet and it felt good to save her from that shitty trailer and move her into your fancyass farmhouse.
>all these fags that don't know how to take a full webpage screenshoot
Up yours too, buddy
Why Battleborn?
I'm legitimately curious, otherwise good picks.
>good picks
All of them were supposedly jokes, I think.
these nominations are way too specific, it's hard
Well damn those were some bad jokes then.
>Even bothering to glance at the Steam Awards
As if the names of the awards weren't warning enough, just look at the results from last year.
This shit is even worse than Reddit's standards, it's just embarrassing.
What bugman wrote these awards? They're shite
When you can only assign 1 title to one award it gets confusing putting which to which.
Some games can fill multiple nominations, and some of the awards are vague and overlaps with each other.
Also this.
It's just a popularity contest with little actual value/accuracy on the awards.
I gave it to Alien: Isolation.
Nominating nothing, buying nothing. Garbage sale, just like the previous ones.
Warhammer 40k: Space Marine
How mad does this make you
I voted Mr. President! for "The World Is Grim Enough Let's Just All Get Along". I suggest everyone else do the same.
It doesn't help that the award names are dumb as hell and most don't make sense unless you read the subtitle, which defies the entire point to giving awards names.
>The The World Is Grim Enough Lets Just Get Along Award
Aside from being a clumsy fucking name, what kind of game even fits this description? Games that are... nice? Online games with friendly communities?
>"...a game that doesn't involve combat or conflict."
What, was this award made specifically to be given to Undertale? What other game involves literally zero combat, let alone no conflict whatsoever? Sim games? Why not have a category for sim games instead of being so fucking around the bush?
>The Choices Matter Award
Oh boy, I can't wait for every half-baked visual novel with no meaningful choices whatsoever to be nominated for this. At least this has a straightforward name.
>The Haunts my Dreams Award
>"This award is slightly a misnomer, because this game doesn’t just haunt your dreams. It consumes your thoughts every waking moment of the day"
Why the fuck do they act like they're not in control of what they name the awards? Either it's an award for scariest game, or games you obsess over, but those two fields don't really go hand in hand.
>The Mom's Spaghetti Award
>"There are games that make you excited. There are games that make you happy."
...How the fuck did they completely miss the point of Lose Yourself? Do they even know what "Mom's Spaghetti" comes from? He's not happy, he's nervous, he threw up, that's not what you do when you're happy.
>The No Apologies Award
>Oh, okay, this one seems straightforward, an award about really harsh unapologetic games.
>"This award is for the game that you love unconditionally."
English definitely wasn't the first language of whatever intern made these names.
How did I do?
>The “Cry Havoc And Let Slip The Dogs Of War” Award
>"The Bard said it best. This game doesn't necessarily offer the biggest explosions... it offers something better. Potential."
That's a stupid thing to give an award for, but even so, how fucking hard is it to say "The Most Potential Award"? Do they think people won't vote unless the name is some sort of reference?
> The “Suspension of Disbelief” Award
This is another fucking stupid thing to give an award for, but at least the name makes sense.
> The “Soul Of Vitruvius” Award
>tl;dr waifu award
At least it makes sense to have a waifu award, this is the only award so far that's interesting at all, but why have the name be a fucking Leonardo Da Vinci reference? Does steam think they're trying to appeal to intellectuals?
>The “Defies Description” Award
What fucking game would fit in this category at all? Might as well just say "HAHA SILLY WEIRD FUNNY GOAT SIM GAME AWARD", that's obviously all that'll be nominated for it.
>The "Labor of Love" Award
Probably the only good award that doesn't have a stupid fucking name, but this is either gonna go to TF2 (because it got one update after 2+ years of being ignored) or Skyrim. No use nominating anything else.
>The “Whoooaaaaaaa, Dude! 2.0” Award
>"The Academy wasn't clear enough in the awards description last year."
Do they actually think they're being clear with these? holy fuck.
>"This award is for the “Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas” of video games."
This applies to at least two other award descriptions this year. Way to be clear.
>The “Even Better Than I Expected” Award
I feel like whatever foreign intern they got to write every other award quit at this point and they got someone who actually speaks the language now.
Fucking this. The categories are packed with reddit tier autism. Whoever made them needs to be gassed.
this should have just been name 10 games you like and get a badge awards
Am I doing it right?
>200 IQ
>Not the rick and morty VR game
git gud
Some good picks user
This'll just be AAA normalfag awards 2017 again where most of the picks won't even make sense. Valve doesn't bother to make clear-cut categories because it's all meaningless anyway, it's not like winning means that Valve is authorized to provide a bigger discount during the christmas sale, or the developer will care enough to do anything for the PC community later. Toobie could be voted Perfect Body and Sqeenix would remain too fucking cheap and sonybro-centric to push a goddamn patch (the game was never patched with anything but Taro's overpriced DLC)
steam always providing with top deals
>Soul of Vitruvius
>literally pick lovingly rendered character, epitome of the ideal form, be it human, alien, anthro, or produce
Just call it the 2B Award
>nobody votes for Bayonetta in Soul of Vitruvius award
Marriage ended with BAYONETTA
now 2B is my BEST WAIFU
got vanquish. is it any good or have i been memed?
If you can't think of a custom category, do your part and let the word be known.
I bought:
Full Throttle
Caesar 3
Pillars of Eternity
One Finger Death Punch
Thief Gold
Thief II
Thief: Deadly Shadows
Pretty content with my picks, should keep me occupied until the summer sale. Not sure what to nominate yet, I don't really see any point in doing it. Any benefits aside from a badge or similar crap?
I gave mine to cuphead for "Style & Substance"
If you can't think of one just make a joke category.
The "I hate the refund policy" award for example
Without question.
Remember that System Shock 2 was last updated in September. If that's not a developer supporting an old product then I don't know what is. (I know the developer hasn't existed in decades but you get the point)
This kinda seemed too perfect not to nominate
I just nominated Truck Simulator games and DLC in every category.
The categories are all nonsense, who makes this shit?
these categories are dogshit
I did that, too.
>Mom's Spaghetti
What the fuck is a dead ass Sup Forums meme doing there?
>Bayo and Toobee reversed
nigger wtf r u doing?
> Huniepop
Have it in the exact same place, sequel when?!
>Danganronpa 2
Finally some culture
Probably could of done it with V3 instead but still a good pick
I dunno. I feel Nier has more out of element stuff in it. If I could I'd put it in for the character award too but you can't vote the same game twice.
>the X of video games
Any recommendations for strategy games in the 10-15$ range? Definitely prefer turn based.
Do you think this is a good nominee for "let's all just get along"?
sure. or any non violent simulator game really.
bought killing floor 2
Mobile poster, please.
>Battlefront 2 (2005)
>Write-in award for "Doesn't Promote Child Gambling"
fuck EA.
is The Long Dark worth it?
recommend some cheap comfy games