Which newer final fantasy game should I get? 10, 12, or 15? I haven't played anything past 9.
Which newer final fantasy game should I get? 10, 12, or 15? I haven't played anything past 9
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10, 10-2, XIII trilogy in whole, and FF Type 0 HD.
10 by a fucking mile
10 as long as you stick with it and don't give up after the first few hours, just hang on and you're in for a fun ride
Tidus is supposed to be whiny at first
Definitely 10
10 and 12. 13 is atrocious. 15 is just a worse Kingdom Hearts.
10. Try 12 if you hated 10. People who hate 10 tend to like the style of 12 more and vice versa.
If you can only choose one, get X. Otherwise, get X and XII.
10 & 10-2 HDR are cheap on PC, and XII just had a remake/HDR recently
play 10 if you want a classic style FF (play 10-2 after if you don't mind the silly story)
play 12 if you want something different or are an ivalice fan (real-time overworld battles with a customizable battle AI)
Of those I vote X.
ff10 came out 16 years ago, one year after ff9, it's not all that new
10 is decent if you can manage to stay awake, nothing after it has been worth mentioning. The SNES and PS1 games are still the best.
10 is the "best" of that lot but it's still trash compared to the older games. I recommend not playing any of them really, move on to another JRPG franchise
14 is more Final Fantasy than any one of those you mentioned. Just clear the old content so you don't have to grind.
On PC? Get 10, disregard: X-2 is a let down after X and XIII is just a terrible railroad experience with unlikable characters. (but some interesting music choices), I also couldn't get into Type 0 and if you have a 144Hz monitor (or anything over 60) the game will play the cutscene visuals at double speed.
As for FFX: If you play on PC, there is a mod steamcommunity.com
If you are a console fag I heard good things about the XII remake but I don't have anything past PS2, so you're on your own there.
Personal recommendation is to get X on PC for sure. It also comes with neat features like X2 and X4 combat speed or Auto battle (It just selects regular attack each round for you for those low level fights where you're just hammering O to do that anyway)
and a "remove UI" button for prettier screenshots.
It also comes with cheats, which I don't recommend using since it kinda destroys the pacing and can make everything a boring trivial cakewalk.
have full overdrive the whole time
>Decrease / increase enemy encounters
This is arguably not thaaaat offensive to use since there are items for this in game and it basically just saves you equipping them. Personally I aquired the item in-game and then used this function as "shorthand"
And the escape menu has options for unlocking all tiems all skills and unlocking maximum gil.
Also, PC FFX comes with FFX-2 which while not as good, many argue is worth a play. If they sold them seperately no cunt would have bought FFX-2
10 and 12. 15 is a major trainwreck and I regret buying it used.
>X-2 is a let down after X
X-2 was an improvement over X.
10 is the last good one. Seriously everything after 10 is an utter disappointment. 10-2 is shit and shouldnt have ever been made but its serviceable if youre utterly desperate. 12 is where it starts going downhill and feels like a single player mmo oddly. I wouldnt even consider getting 15
Only the battle system.
Literally everything.
>disregard: (You)
Why? Because it does not fit in your shallow world view?
XIII trilogy was good, and FF Type 0 is one of the best FF games ever created. Literally up there with IX.
Blitzball was the shit
>have a full roster of diverse characters, each with their own background and motivation, each with different views, each a real full personality and all of it a mix of male, female and even one beast character.
>playing guys is gay, let's play as 3 cuties that change costumes a bunch.
Eh, no thanks. Some like the battle system better, personally I enjoyed the turn based system of FFX, It's like the older systems only that actually going through and thinking a second didn't give your enemy an edge. Who's turn it was is still determined by a speed stat, but now you don't have to rush to press the button in fear of shaving seconds of your move.
Jesus christ OP dont listen to this retard. This is some fucking horrible advice. Play X. Avoid XIII at all costs. Just watch a lets play of it if you want but dont waste your time playing it.
So why am I a retard?
I love X to bits, and enjoyed the XIII trilogy a fuckton. They're horribly underrated gems.
If you van only get one, id definately go for 10. Has a great battle system, a devicive but well rounded and generally wwll recieved cast and while people like to shit on its story i personally found it to be really quite good and was recieved critically really well.
12 can be a good time sink but the story was pretty blatently unfinished and the gameplay can be really automatic and boring oitside of thr harder bosses, and the remake is even easier than the origonal.
15 can be fun, but has a ton of wrong/unfinished stuff and will probably leave you feeling unsatisfied.
The 13 triology you should probably wait until you've played some of the other new ones and them make your own desicions on. They can be a lot of fun and are better than the people here will tell you, but theh do have their issues and are devisove for a reason.
They are fucking terrible.
>Except for the planes, all maps look like pic related
Just a fucking long corridor that occasionally has a little ofshoot to place a treasure ball there
>The MC is retarded
Lightning is too edgy. She starts the game brooding and moping, always pulling a face and being unhappy, so when shit happens to her that upsets her it has ZERO fucking impact, because she goes from sad and moping and unhappy to sadder unhappier and mopier.
The story is BALLS to the wall fucking retarded, just throwing meaningless babble at you that you need like two thirds of the game to put into context to understand at which point you go: "well that's fucking dumb".
The combat system is ass. having you basically autobattle for 80% of the game.
You play "maximize damage" the whole time until the game every now and then decides to throw enemies at you that will one-hit KO you if you don't switch to a tank/heal combo. and even then you're mostly using "auto battle" instead of selecting abilities to use yourself.
All in all the XIII series is probably the weakest of the "modern" final fantasy games and I would only recommend to play it if you're beyond bored, or want something to do with your hands while listening to a podcast.
>have a full roster of diverse characters, each with their own background and motivation, each with different views, each a real full personality
MYOLDMAN (objects in game are less alive than they appear)
silent beastman (furry token)
silent oldman (salaryman self-insert)
Potatoface no like machines, machines bad (ya). (permanently in the closet)
Uses a thousand belts to restrain her tits so they will hurt no one else ;_;
I'm almost legal so you're totally not a pedophile oniichan~
Recently liberated qt who learns to discover the world and herself.
Popular girl of her people and just the right amount of slutty (probably would let you smoke weed during sex).
Edgy emo gf who probably doesn't eat too much and thinks of death and sadness (less belts edition).
And the side characters are actually funny. Also hot spring scene. And villains who you actually remember. And vastly superior mini-games. And a crime mystery. And a story that makes actual sense. And a doomsday weapon from the Mechanicum of Yevon.
FFX is for pretentious assholes who want to spend hours doing absolutely nothing, FFX-2 is for people who like fun. Go watch a movie or something games clearly aren't for you.
>They are fucking terrible.
Great art, great music, best ATB variant of the series.
>thinking Lighting is the MC
this is how you spot a moron who's not even played the games.
>All in all the XIII series is probably the weakest of the "modern" final fantasy games
it's way more enjoyable than XII and XV combined.
bro do you realize you're talking to a wall? He's not going to change his opinion and OP probably doesn't care because you two are going on an argument.
Don't get X's remaster it looks like dog shit. Emulate it on PCSX2 for the best experience.
>XIII trilogy was good, and FF Type 0 is one of the best FF games ever created. Literally up there with IX.
Eh, its not the worst thing I've ever seen. Emulating it, or buying the original if you can find it and playing it on an actual PS2 is certainly the way to go for the best look though.
It's up there with the most poorly animated JRPG characters, whereas the original game is up there with the most impressive animated JRPG characters. The difference is massive.
Imma put it in spoilers because.. well spoilers:
Determined to do what she thinks is the right thing, willing to sacrifice her life for the good of the people, very loving and lovable
Spoiled brat that over the course of the game learns that the world isn't just about him, finally gains some friends and turns from an asshole to someone who fights the hardest when he's protecting friends.
Silent protector, watchfull guardian, had some troubles of his own and is now helping the young human
Deeply religious guy who cares too much about sport, has to come to terms with the things his religion has done
motherly type for Yuna, probably the least fleshed out of the bunch, but good looking, I jacked it to her many times in 2001
the younger, more upbeat one that still wants to fight the system and tries to be always smiley and happy with a positive outlook.
formerly conservative lovable shy girl turned into slutty looking popstar/treasure hunter
Actual kid that was supposed to bring up the spirits of everyone in the first game now dresses like an underage prostitute with her actual underwear flashing out of her shorts. thanks.
It's not a phase mom!
Overall I'm mostly dissapointed with the lack of males, the whole fucking thing just feels like it's mastur-bait of the highest order.
X is better than VIII
Great non-argument.
XIII-2 is easily one of the best FF games ever created, and LR was a pure GOTY -tier masterpiece.
I also love how people just flat out ignore the Type0, as they don't have any experience nor knowledge of it.
>Overall I'm mostly dissapointed with the lack of males
Fuck man if you're gay you should've just said so.
Now I see why so many people here don't like it.
FFX was lazy as shit though, it was less of an abortion than FFVIII, but still a god damn snoozefest with zero originality and humor.
>Personal recommendation is to get X on PC for sure.
World of Final Fantasy is great for those who like classical JRPGs.
This. Or just play 12 if you are fond of ivalice. Its an amazing game that plays differently than the rest
M-maybe he meant PS2 emulated
get 10
old 12 is bland
nu12 tries to copy 10 to fix it
Nah dude he just didn't do his research.
Yeah I know. Tidus especially looks a bit younger / worse in a few cutscenes,
I'll give you that for sure. But overall, I think the conveniences of the PC version make up for that little snag, and having played the original on PS2, the Undub on Emulator and the PC version fully to 100%, I'm of the personal opinion that, while I prefer the older looks, I'd say the changes are relatively minor, and only really bother during certain cutscenes which is, at least to me, very little compared to the overall game. I would argue they are so minor, that it only really matters much if you put them in side by side comparison.
FFX is probably my favourite game of all time.
Every single cutscene is worse, that isn't minor. If not for the models or animations it'll be due to the new lighting or textures which all negatively impact what the game was supposed to convey. Calling it a cheap remake is an understatement, I couldn't excuse it if it was a phone game.
You can speed up or cheat in the emulated game too. It's just not worth it.
>even acknowledging the existence of any game past 11
I think part of the problem with the comparison pics is that the saturation is turned up WAY too high, but that's an relative easy fix.
Other than that, yeah I agree that in some places the "improvement" hasn't helped the models, but I don't think it's sooo extremely bad that it warrants not getting the game at all.
PS2 Emulation has it's own problems, with higher resolutions fucking up every text in the game for instance.
It's still the same shitty animations, models, and textures. I don't think you've ever compared the two versions if you think it's not extremely bad. The characters often look soulless in every cutscene due to the newer lower poly models.
Text is fine for me at 4k.
>X is better than VIII
X babies always give me a good laugh
Didn't 12 have annoying british sounds?
Post 4k screenshot of subtitled text and or battle. I think it usually has these artifacts around it, which last time I heard doesn't have an easy fix for higher resolution.
What artifacts?
>what is 4k
Last time I emulated, there was an issue with the text at certain resolutions and nobody could offer any resolutions.
Anyway, emulation can be iffy and not for everyone would be another point.
It is rendered at 4k. Emulation for FFX has been fine for 10 years.
I'd say 10 if you like the older styles. It has one of the best battle systems in FF, comfy music, multiple waifus and lots of post-game content if you're into grinding old school style. Go for 12 if you don't want turn based battling.
>we want the KH audience