Recommend me GameCube games

Recommend me GameCube games.

Play F-Zero GX right now then never look back

kirby airride if you have some friends

Custom Robo
Wave Race (Blue Storm?)
The OG Animal Crossing

Melee and Wind Waker. Double Dash if you want a fresh spin on something you’ve played thousands of times.

Metroid Prime 1 and 2

Chibi robo

Baten Kaitos, Tales of Symphonia

Baten Kaitos
Lost Kingdoms 1 and 2
Chibi Robo
Paper Mario TTYD
Viewtiful Joe
Pikmin 1 and 2
Skies of Arcadia Legends
Mega Man Network Transmission
Metroid Prime 1 and 2

Any of these.

Also, the obvious Mario Sunshine.

Chibi Robo is one of the greatest games of all time.

is it me or does double dash control like shit?


I swear to god they change the drifting arc in every installment for no reason


The Bomberman games aren't bad.

Not as nice as the N64 ones, but not bad.

Without actual Gamecube controllers, you can't have the dynamic shoulder buttons.

That's wrong, since most modern controllers like the 360 and PS4 ones have analog triggers.
That doesn't matter though since DD doesn't use analog triggers. The game is just a little more loose in its handling than say MK8.
Takes some time to get used to it after playing modern MK for a while.

Seriously this. It's a bad game for sure, but it's also pretty entertaining and it's not frustratingly bad like a lot of 3D Sonic games.
I would recommend getting a friend and a bunch of beer and playing through it at least once, because it's pretty fun.
I 100%'d the game and I genuinely enjoy it though.

Tony Hawk Underground is one of the top 4 games of all time.

It can be played on Gamecube.

While this is true, the PC version is better and I think there's even a mod that lets you play stages from previous THPS games.

Gotcha force