>judging games by replayability
Shit you hate about modern gaming communities
Not enough anime titties, or character that look like my mom, for easier masturbating.
Modern games have no cheats, unlockables, extra modes, character skins and the difficulty only increases your damage and rewards you with an achievement, so why shouldn't they be judged on it.
It's like judging movies on rewatchability. It's fucking retarded.
>games should be twice its current price with additional content locked behind loot boxes
>now that you Goys are familiar as to why you need to give us more shekels, I must go throw more money into marketing and (((culturally modernize))) your beloved childhood franchises
If don't want to ever replay or watch a movie its probably fucking awful.
Two problems with that:
1. If I really love something, and want to replay or rewatch it later, it's not its "replayability" or "rewatchability" that I love it for, but something else. It really makes no sense to say you'd replay a game because it's replayable.
2. If it's not incredible the first time it's probably fucking awful. Multiple times are not required.
Circle-jerking. If it's not "popular votes get upvotes so you see they want you to see", it's some far-left shit like if you don't re-affirm how transsexuals are wonderful, moral people who definitely don't have any mental illnesses, you get banned.
Would you rather have a
>30 hour game with little replayability
or a
>15 hour game that you always have fun replaying
I’d take the latter
They don't actually respect the games they claim to be a fan of.
I don't have the attention span for the latter anymore.
Give me a 15 hour game with no replayability but with tons of polish and new tech that performs well.
>entire fucking genres devoted to replayability
>HURR replayability is bad to judge games on cuz cinema is meant to be experienced once :[
please kill yourself, thx.
So true
FTL or Binding of Isaac will trump shit like Final Faggotry anyday
I agree. I want to get my money's worth. If a game has zero replay value, I might as well collect the dust off the case at the store and bring it to the cashier and give them 60 bucks.
Shallow movies and games people generally don't rewatch or replay because they're just that, shallow. Games can be replayable for a number of reasons, mainly just being a fun game and not a linear scripted pseudo-movie that plays out the same way every time.
Obviously not talking about those type of games.
Final Fantasy spinoffs are top notch m8, it's just the mainline games that are shit.
But a game can still be good if it's extremely linear, great even. This is the problem I have with muh replayability tards.
Is dissida good at all? I’m eyeing it
Meant to reply to
that's fine. I'm so tired of these 5 hour linear games with no replayability.
Games that are highly linear but replayable aren't made anymore. Highly linear games today are basically unfailable and full of scripted setpieces.
Replayability all day. I dont buy fucking games so that I can play them once and drop them after that and never touch them again.
Fucking JRPGs and movie games are literal cancer. Give me sandbox shit like Mount and Blade anyday
It's always good to have a game you can play forever and enjoy each time.
Yes, it's great, at least the PSP games are, I don't have and probably never will get a PS4 so I don't know about that one. Emulate the 1st one with PPSSPP or something, it's worth trying at least once.
On the flipside, extreme linearity can sometimes mean a very tailored experience, and there's nothing wrong with that.
Games deemed with high "replayability" can also be very shallow, pumped with RNG to incentivize multiple playthroughs. That's not depth at all.
>i still replay old games that are from the late 90's and replayability was not even in their minds as it is nowdays
>you either have a game that is a "cinematic experience" and last a little longer than a movie, then proceed to collect dust for eternity or you get a game that you need to replay 10 times to unlock half of the shit they have
Yea, buy a phone and it will last only 1 charge, after that you have to buy another, tell me how good it feels.
>$1 = 1 hour
>recommending vanilla Dissidia when 012 has literally everything from it and more
Linear games can be replayable. They just need good gameplay. The kind of gameplay that players won't master in a single run.
>$1 = 1 GB filesize
>replayability was not even in their minds as it is nowdays
You have this completely ass backward.
I hate "replayability" more than just about anything.
It doesn't even mean replaying. It means "how much of my fucking time will this game try to waste?"
I replay games when they're fucking good games. I don't need endless randomized quests or a shoehorned multiplayer mode or any bullshit like that.
Just give me a goddamn good game.
>I need THIS ratio of hours of entertainment to dollar value to justify my purchase!
retards that think the past was any better
>It's linear
I'm all for some level of freedom, but when you have too much it really hurts the difficulty balance. You should be given a few choices at once rather than all at once.
>Turn-based battle systems are boring lmao
>Action-battle systems are obviously more enjoying and have more depth! Why can't everything be like Dark Souls?
Games that offer a variety of gameplay modes/choices should be judged for their replayability, the very nature of those games require you to play them more than once to experience everything and should be judged by it. Games that are a collection of linear set pieces that never change or eventually allow you to experience all parts of the game in a single playthrough I agree should not be judged by such a standard, because it is the antithesis to the very nature of the game.
Anyone who blindly critiques all games by the exact same standards is retarded, you wouldn't lambast an arcade shooter for having a bare bones story
Every good game I've llayed I will manage to get through 2-3 times while still having almost the same amount of enjoyment as the first time, so yes, it is a valid judgement
>muh skill
>the meta on the meta isn't good meta meta
>But does *insert eceleb here* play it?
>turn-based RPG has action commands and strategy
>old game has a start and finnish
>the game was ment to give you almost 80% of what you can have on the first time
>you can replay it later to find the missing stuff that is mostly actual secrets or easter eggs
>despite unlocking everything and know everything the game is fun to play many times
Compared to...
>platinum transformers revengance automata: churazy edition has a start and a finish
>forces you to replay the game more than 5 times to give you decent items that you needed half way
>forces you to replay the game 20 times to see the real ending
>artificial difficulty forces you to replay the game many times on lower difficulties to unlock decent weapons to have a "fair" challenge wich is ruined because shitty artificial difficulty
>get bored half way because you are forced to do the same shit over and over again just to get something
Tell me a "modern" game that has replayability in their desing and is not the platinum retarded formula... go on.
One thing that i fucking hate is how the AAA studios are trying to turn games into movies because "Muh vidya is art man"
Thats totally what he said, retard.
The assumption that you must play multiplayer games.
The assumption you must play at least SOME FPS games “it’s one of the biggest main genre’s in gaming user, SURE you don’t play fps games, SURE.”
When will they stop churning out garbage?
Linearity has nothing to do with replayability
like Sup Forums
It was, in some ways.
I think there is a certain artistic element to creating a game that has very challenging and interesting gameplay
Perhaps, but the bottom line is that a game doesn't fit into that conventional definition of what the term "art" entails, no matter how hard people try to force it.
>If I really love something, and want to replay or rewatch it later, it's not its "replayability" or "rewatchability" that I love it for, but something else
But that's what makes it replayable. You find something that clicks with you. Sure it's subjective, but there will be others who will replay the game for the same reason you do.
Well, I don't really think it makes sense to look at it like that. Something might have different criteria for being considered art in one medium vs. another. An artistic movie isn't necessarily art for the same reason an artistic book is. Games aren't any different.
People that can't accept some genres exist, and that they simply don't like them. I don't mean to use, "Just play something else" to excuse legitimately shit games, but for people who lobby complaints at individual games when really their complaints are about the genre. Game reviewers do it too and it's fucked up the industry in a lot of ways, like how WRPGs have mostly degraded into action RPGs now.
Then you want an action RPG, you don't need to shit on regular RPGs for being too complex and less action oriented , that's like shitting on a motorcycle because it can't comfortably seat 8 people, you want a van stop trying to turn motorcycles into vans and just get a van fuck.
Overhyping good games as 10/10 masterpeeces.
Holy shit someone speaking sense. You aren't alone user.
>Everything has to be realistic. What the game isn't realistic then it's shit.
These fucks killed cool art styles for a bad case of same face worse than anime. Why the fuck are we just getting Joe Blow the janitor when we could have something that isn't human or at least has exaggerated features and not look like shit. They have a team of animators who have to correct the mocap. Instead of doing shitty mocap let your animators do cool things. Let them shine. They make 3d models move. Let them make the models move in a way that isn't reminicent of that guy you saw walking down the road. Have characters with character you lazy fucks.
people who quit games because they get beaten 3 or more times in a row. it's just pathetic. you can't just walk out of a game because you got your ass handed to you a couple times
But i like to rewatch good movies user
>hey guys I've got an amazing idea to improve turn based combat
>just make every game like FF7
Replayability is a part of standing the test of time you homosexual plebeian.