World of Warcraft: Warrior Edition

Calling all warriors. Fury vs Arms. What's better?

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i'm pretty sure these days arms outclasses fury in almost all respects


>falling for the arms meme

Only gay cunts play fury

i remember when fury was shit the first days of legion
all those retarded tryharding warriors flocking to arms because "lol fury is a meem xdd"
glad to see more and more people are getting accustomed to blizzard's retarded balancing

Always sword and board my nigga.


>freezes you

Isn't prot shit for Antorus?

>caring about the meta and not playing what is fun


>Gets out and hits you for 2 mil damage

Prot > Arms > Fury
Disregard any other ranking.

Do you plan on tanking Antorus? I've never tanked before only played Arms/Fury. How is it my dude? Looks pretty fun. Come to think of it, I've never healed or tanked and I'm a Wrath baby

Arms is great.
Fury is shit because of that fucking debuff.
Prot is okay.

Prot looks pretty fun in PvP, would probably have to re gear though

>cold snap
>freezes you again

Why is it always the faggiest people that play ranged? Not man enough to engage in close quarters, has to hide in an ice block because they're weak.

>my dude

Sorry my dude

stop it

Apologies, my lad.

condolences, my guy

Here have this


Arms and Prot have been neutered this expansion in play style, they don't feel good anymore to play. Fury however still takes names and hits like a truck.

Who does the most DPS? Legit can't remember what spec warrior does.


Void Elf or Nightborne Warrior in BfA?

I was always an Arms man, but Fury was fun in Legion when I tried it. I loved the Rampage animation.

>tfw you used to level as fury in tbc
>people constantly shat on the spec for PvP
>always defended it by sending pvp videos of fury warriors
>leveling took very long and it was tedious but I knew that once I'm max things become better
>finally 70 one day
>farmed almost full s1 gear while leveling and PvPing and had it ready to equip
>enter battle ground with two s1 swords and almost full s1
>get trashed by everyone do barely any damage
>can't even kill similar geared people
>get camped by a full season 1 warrior with a 2h mace
>leave almost crying (I was still pretty young)
>fury is absolute fucking trash
>forced to play ms
>warrior isn't fun any more
I quit wow that day.

Why the mixed ansrars?

Titan's Grip was one of those things that everyone wanted to see, but realized was fucking dumb when implemented.

Arms all the way, DUO WEELDers are lame

>Only had Gladiator stance for like two patches
it's not fucking fair

I think Arms became the go to for Tomb of Sargeras but I'm still running Fury. It's a pretty consistent back and forth between me and the Arms guy in my guild. I usually have higher DPS but his damage throughput can still be higher than mine... unless it's a fight with a lot of adds, mostly because I use the Moonglaive trinket.


Sincere atonement, my pal

>It's LITERALLY okay when Druids do it
Fuck Druids man. The only class Blizzard sucks the dick of more than Mages by blatantly breaking gameplay rules for, and a general representation of how awful nu-WoW is.

I'm not your dude, pal.

>>leave almost crying (I was still pretty young)

because warriors are dumbfucks that can't decide on anything

It's almost like different people like different things

Are Druids still immune to polymorph just because?

When they're in a form yeah but for some reason you can't fear beast them

>Can't Polymorph
>Can't Fear Beast
>Tree of Life is a cooldown, so you basically can't Banish anymore

what the fuck

That reason is because they literally removed Scare Beast from Hunters to cut their one mildly unique CC option that isn't MUH TRAPS

A lot of people have complained about Blizzard nerfing them out of spite but the way they butchered literally every Hunter spec in Legion makes it the one time I actually believe it

>young boy crying because fury is trash

Mentally unstable person playing the spec about being mentally unstable

>hunters get shit on all of Legion
>guardian is top tank, boomkin is top range dps, feral is top 5 melee, resto got nerfed for one raid but other than that was top healer for all of Legion

Something tells me that a few higher ups play druids

>>get camped by a full season 1 warrior with a 2h mace
Fucking kek! Don't worry user, I once lost to a s1 mace scrub with my s3 hunter because he got lucky with stuns and crits.

Why did warriors have to become 2h dual wielding memers. 1h fury was the shit.

>you will never have a barechested orc with a pair of 1h axes bringing the pain to alliance anymore

>t. arms fotm reroller

>t. gay cunt

I'll fucking believe it when I see it. Resilience ruined every crit reliant spec in the game.
Arms is cooler anyway.

Because was ridiculously FOTM the first 3 months of legion + this tier and all the scrubs have come out to play.

Arms is for tryhards.

I can't read this I'm too drunk

That's the exact opposite now, arms takes so little effort to play now

Warrior main since vanilla; here is your historical answer based on what I remember.
In vanilla Arms was better in MC and BWL. Fury eventually got enough gear by AQ and Naxx that it became the dominant DPS raiding spec.
Ever since then Fury has almost always been the raiding spec for DPS warriors and there has been a mindset that Fury was the PvE spec and Arms was the PvP spec which is generally true especially in the later tiers of an expansion where the scaling almost always pushes it to the top of the logs. That didn't really change until Cata when the changes to Arms made it somewhat viable in PvE and actually overtook Fury in the final tier of the expansion. (A lot of Arms warrior mains now fondly remember DS Arms warrior). Since then Arms has had time where it has been superior but Fury was still better for the majority of MoP and WoD.

Legion is still undetermined. Arms was ahead for all of EN due to focused rage build but ended up falling behind for NH once fury got convergence+4pc+draught+buffs. They were close for a bit in ToS with Arms ultimately coming out ahead so currently Arms has been superior.

BEFORE the recent T21 set bonus hotfixes, Fury was looking to overtake Arms for T21 based on the sims, it is currently up in the air.

Personally, I've always liked Arms playstyle more than Fury so Legion has been pretty good to me except for nighthold when I had to switch to Fury for progression.

>Not playing Prot
Arms and Fury are meme specs for gay cunts.

>yfw pulling more than 2 mobs in vanilla

Titans Grip. Good or bad?

Did you prefer being a rogue in plate.

Two handed sword and shield when.

Titan's grip was good. I think nothing has ever evoked the same sense of class fantasy/identity in people as reading that talent for the first time.

Plus you also got SMF for all the nostalgiafags and edgelords, and warriors who would rather spite rogues instead of Ret pallys and DKs.

>Two handed sword and shield when.

Briefly after Titan's Grip was introduced and you could equip a two-handed weapon and shield then reset talents without being forced to unequip.

I did that as a joke in WoTLK for a bit. I dunno though, two two-handers were always too rough to balance and didn't look all that interesting in practice, I think Fury would have functioned best as an Axe/Mace-focused spec with those weapon types being appropriately statted (a la Muradin) while Rogues focused on Swords/Daggers.

>SM best instance in WoW
>Best Boss in the entire game
Prove me wrong.

I kind of liked dual one handeds more, since TG limits you to 2h mace, axe or sword, I like TG, but miss the variety.

Meanwhile with 1Hs you ended up like some sort or retard LARPer every now and then with stuff that made no sense
>fist+anything not fist really

I also miss leveling with arms, grabbing whatever weapon you could find and ending up with a spear or a staff every now and then, but theres no strenght staves or spears now.



fury isnt even viable for pvp or pve. the damage is too inconsistent and the burst can be broken out of and shut down completely.
arms has good burst and sustain but most importantly its reliable.