What's your honest opinion of the Draenei?


Quite attractive.

I want to protect and fuck them.

Blue qts

t. anduin

Best thing to come out of WoW.

Their design gives a sense of purity, both the men and the women

Ironic that they are such fetish fap bait

The females DO NOT have horsecocks!

I want to worship their meaty dicks.

Imagine being in this much denial.

I love their females with GIANT HORSE COCKS

Mediocre race created to be baby's first xeno crush.

Miracle of the light

Retconned shit and only liked because futafag cancer has latched onto them.

I want to see first interracial halfhuman half draenei baby in Warcraft.
Why would they not make it?

Both Races worship Light.

>Race tend to be pretty chill guys
>Let you into their capital without a fuss
>Always willing to help out either faction
>Get to be paladins and shamans

They're pretty chill guys. And the women have their purpose.

Reminder Anduin is now able to get a good old Draenei Doubledown in Goldshire anytime he wants by virtue of being the king. He stands out as the one NPC to have truly won WoW.

I want to marry one, but I'm a bit apprehensive about the idea of sharing a bed with huge horns. She could roll over and poke your eye out.

>The comically large amount of horsecock docking porn
If you don't think homosexuality is a mental illness seeing the sheer amount of animations where people cum into each others balls will change that.

Made for breeding with human men to create the perfect hybrid race blessed by the Light

I want to breed this bunny

>blessed by the Light

I thought they were pretty shitty and underwhelming when they were first introduced.

Over time that has changed and they have become one of, if not my favorite WoW race.

Can't wait for Lightforged so I can be extra holy.

fem goblins are the best wow girls

I haven't played in awhile, but why didn't Velen and Turalyon smite his demon ass right there for killing their boss Naaru?
I dont get what Ilidan's big deal with it was, I imagine if he had Light laser eyes he'd kill lots more demons.

Afterwards, Velen doesn't actually care at all. Turalyon is made for 5 minutes and gets over it after that.

>I dont get what Ilidan's big deal with it was, I imagine if he had Light laser eyes he'd kill lots more demons.
something something not better than demons

Hard to say. I play on a role-playing server as a gnome. I imagine he's attracted to them since I am. But I also think they have no intrest in my 3'8 ass.

I was a horde player and when I saw one I found them really hot and rolled a female one to play around and zoom in. I still think they're pretty sexy

Turalyon tried but Illidan blocked him with his bare hand and spat out a one liner.

Velen's faith seems to be wavering over time so not sure how he felt. Illidan's been laying into Velen and his belief in the Light so much its a wonder that Illidan isn't wearing a fedora.

But Turalyon wanted to kill his ass, user.

A disappointment compared to what could have been.

I think Gnomes are but Gobbos are second

Anduin can get a woman from any race in both the Horde AND Alliance now.
>Baine can hook him up if he ever wants to churn butter
>Ghost Vol'jin will get him a good voodoo bitch
>Plenty of female Orc prisoners that would be honored to gain the affection of an enemy leader
>Forsaken girls love Holy Cock
>Any Human woman would drop her pants and bend over for him if he so much as smiled at them
>Shandris would personally ride him until neither of them could walk for a day afterwards
>Velen would hook him up with dozens of Draenei maids
>Any Worgen woman would consider it an honor
>Moira owes him a broad or two or three, probably could grab a Gnome or two if her preferred
>Valeera pops in every now and then to see how much he's grown, and how much like his father he is
>A goblin woman would let a Faceless fuck her if she got paid enough

1. I think everyone present was hypnotized by the damn thing. Except Illidan since he lacks eyes.

2. Illidan was totally in the right there. The Prime Naaru basically tried to rape him and turn him into another Med'an. The Warcraft setting has been establishing that good and evil isn't a light/dark thing. It's a relativity and intensity thing.

Wrong way. Fem gobs > fem gnomes.

They are the two best wow races though.

At first I thought they were a dumb race choice because space goat-people.
This was a decade ago however.
Since then I think they're kind of cool because seemingly the vast majority of their race are the demons they look like.
They are succubi without wings essentially.

I can agree with your second point at least.
I'm really getting into the game for the first time, i've only played legion, and on one hand I want to have race variety among all the classes i want to play, on the other.. sexy shortstacks as everything.

Gentlemen, gentlemen. You're both right. In fact, everyone's right.

The best WoW girl is a Draenei with a goblin under one arm and a gnome under the other.

You sir, are a gentleman and scholar.

all my characters are fem gobs

Turalyon throws a fit.
Velen tells you about one of the many times that the Naaru fucked around with him and tells you to throw what's left in the ship's crazy light anvil thingy.

Velen seems to have a lot of faith in the light, but realizes that the naaru are assholes.

>what could have been

So did you want ugly ass swamp monsters, or full demonic draenei?

Built for Tauren

If I had one wish, I would use it for a harem of fem goblins and gnomes

That doesn't sound terrible. I'm worried my autism will reach a point where I want one of each class on both sides, and they're all just gnomes and goblins...

They're alright.

I want to pet their hooves.

Just give in user. You'll be happier.

Came here to post this

he clearly means Pandaren

Blessed is the peacemaker

The retconn wasn't terrible, the old lore Draenei were literally Not-Humans.

That's the thing, I probably will be. Maybe I will just have to go for it... even if my friends will make fun.

I am a BIG fan of their fat horsecocks

Turalyon is planning to, Velen stops him. Velen realizes that the prime Naaru's death doesn't actually matter that much in the grand scheme of things and is coming to realize that a balanced approach is important, which Xe'ra most certainly lacked. It was either serve or be punished.

They shouldn't have been a playable race. They would have made much more sense neutral

>Velen seems to have a lot of faith in the light, but realizes that the naaru are assholes.
If you meet the Buddha on the road...


literally made for breeding and nothing else.

Sexual dimorphism was a mistake


but thats my wife

What the heck's up with all these draeni futas? I don't even play world of warcrap but it's all I see these days. Doesn't anyone like night elves anymore?

My dick agrees with them, my brain hates what they did to warcraft


Velen lost some of his faith in legion because the Naaru lied about his son, whom he believed was dead but who was actually made into an Eredar Champion against his will. Along with Illidan constantly tipping his fedora at him he and new knowledge on the void he's become suspicious of the Naaru, at least in the sense that they're entirely good.

Turalyon tried to cut Illidan down but was blocked bare handed. Turalyon might be a god among paladins but Illidan could clearly take him.

Old and busted, only good now as Draenei cocksleeves.

Because World of Warfcraft is a very poorly written game full of plot holes and a constant, endless stream of out of character moments for literally everyone on every planet who has more than a handful of paragraphs of dialogue.

>Turalyon might be a god among paladins

I wish there would be more dark purple draeneis

Need2breed me, with their gut bursting mega flare.

>Turalyon gets picked as the Super Champion Ultra Paladin
>It turns out none of that shit means anything
>Naaru just have a box of plastic Super Champion Ultra Paladin badges they ordered from Magic-Space-China.

i want to suck on a dark purple draes balls!

Game population wise Night Elves still beat out Draenei, but Draenei are in third place.

I want to impregnate that Draenei from WrA

don't you mean prostate popping flare and ridges?

Velen understands that Naaru are the same as demons, just on the other end of the magic spectrum.

Turalyon ate shit.

Does turalyon know that his waifu has become a void being yet?

I fucking love them

The guy was the only paladin said to be so attuned with light he could blast literal bolts of it out of his hand, and this was before the ability power-creep in WoW that lets paladins do that anyway.

Yea, she went home VOIDED and learned how to hide it later.

Would draenei make good housewives after the war is over?

draeneis are pure beings serving the Light stop posting porn

Draenei are pretty boring as far as their collective personality goes. Their color range is also extremely lame.

>Are the same as demons, just on the other end of the magic spectrum
Fel is actually close to light because it embodies chaos, It hurts demons but Void does so in the lore as well.

Only if they're regularly fucking my tiny Gnome body like an onahole

>cocksleaves for naaru
>cocksleaves for demons
>cocksleaves for orcs
>and now cocksleaves for every race on azeroth

What about elves?

>Turalyon is a paladin and hates undead
>Alleria hates horde and undead

How fucked is sylvanas?

Sorry, I had forgotten about the new magic compass thing Blizzard did in the latest lore book.

It didn't even matter prior because the relationship between light and fel never had any canon concept, demons were just weak to light because of the classic stereotype.

I want to impregnate one.

>How fucked is sylvanas?
Considering she kills Vereesa during BfA? You tell me how fucked Sylvanas is.

my dick is made of pure light so it's only fair that i stick it in a draenei (female)

You can't impregnante both a draenei and an elf user, you'd have to take responsability for boths and it's impossible for a mere human

who cares the lore is fucked anyway. >So many major characters were killed off nonchalantly just so they players could run around with theyre weapons
>thrall gave away the doomhammer as if he were passing it on mjolnir and not a sentimental gift to him.
>Legion is being beaten by normal fucking dudes somehow as if the only reason no one could beat them before was because they never actually tried
>no faction/race can be the bad guy anymore
Id like to see them start over from classic with some writers that actually care. im tired of this sub comic book nonsense

God I hope that's true.

I fucking love them too but I wish more fanart remembered that that they're 7ft tall and fit.

I really want to make Half-Elves with that