Rising > All
this is the ONLY correct answer
Why do you contrarian fags like to shit on PW? I thought it was a great game. What was so bad about it?
I don't think it's bad. Just not as fun as most of the other games in the series.
>5 that high
it's boring and has none of the things that made the previous metal gears good.
it's like kojima made a completely different game first then added a metal gear skin on top right at the last moment
You just described the phantom pain. Remove any flashbacks to GZ and change a few names. Now it's a brand new IP.
If you have 3 anywhere but the bottom of the list you're not a true MGS fan.
1 is the best because it has Liquid
2 is second best because of story and music and setting
3>1>PW>2>4>>>>>>>Fight me.
so why is PW considered bad now?
Swap 3 with 2 and you got a deal
I agree.
But they're all fantastic.
>i like mgs3
Haven't played MG1/MG2.
as cutscene movies.
>I don't think MGS3 is the best in the series and one of the greatest video games of all time
that title belongs to 2
this is horrible
>i dont like mgs3
MGS1 VR missions>MGS2 VR missions>all
Everyone in this thread is a retard OP jist posted the chronological order.
>turned the series into a crawling simulator
>introduced the biggest mary sue - The Boss
>the story made no sense and went for style over substance
Why is it considered the best in the series again?
>all these people ranking 5 above anything
Explain yourselves. It's a boring and empty open world with an unfinished campaign and painfully repetitive sidequests.
The mercenary deployment minigame was dumbed down as well. You can't even build your own custom units for specific jobs like you could in PW.
You're dumdum. Chronological order is 3>PW>5>1>2>4>MGR
>t. HD console players
>PW after 5
Are you mentally challenged?
There is MGS5? Last time i checked last one was MGSV
Super delusion.
3 is without a doubt the best MGS and anyone in here who wants to see your Fan Identity Card because you didn't say is the worst is just a virginal faggot.
3 is the best paced, with the best mechanics, best story, soundtrack and art direction, best in every category, best best best. It's just an all around better game than _any_other_MGS.
2 is easily the most ambitious in narrative, and why it's the favorite of most hipster (myself included).
The first is fantastic, only outdone by the 3rd really.
4 is also fantastic, but it's lack of actual playable scenarios (really just bookends for cinematics) makes it probably the worst (so sad).
5 is too much chore-gameplay, not enough story, the irony.
And PW is a whole new system that is fun and compulsive but really doesn't do anything better than any of the others.
So I guess it goes 3>2>1>4=5=PW
I haven't played them in two years
2 is indisputably the best in the series, and only contrarians dislike 4. 'muh feels' 3 and nostalgia gays need not apply.
Anybody who likes gay raiden in 2 should off themselves.
How is it even remotely close to being better than any of the other games? Literally the only reason would be that it was portable when it came out.
Fuck Peace Walker. It's a trash game, and I seriously doubt the sanity of anyone who likes it.
>3 worse than 4 or pw
much better balanced story to gameplay ratio. I have no clue what you're talking about if you say it didn't make sense
>gay raiden in 2
Raiden has a wife and a child though.
The gay "Raiden" is in 3.
How can people enjoy these games. Most are literally worse than Telltale games. "cinematics" (for people who never saw more than tranformers movies I guess) after cinematics about meaningless shit.
Ironically TPP the only game which is gameplay heavy is the shittiest.
Anyone who likes MGS3 is a fucking nostalgic pandering faggot whose opionion doesn't count.
>turned the series into a crawling simulator
You mean 4?
>putting two that low
1 > 2 > 3 > shit > 5 > 4 > PW
>I have no clue
That much is obvious.
Anyone who doesn't believe Metal Gear Rising is one of the best games of the series is a fudge packing faggot and should hang themselves by their fucking foreskin.
MGR>everything else
MGR had glorious music.
>shit asspull boss fights that don't have anything to do with the mechanics of the rest of the game and you can win the last fight by pulling out the M60 and holding down square
fuck off
3 was my favorite one. I enjoyed the whole outdoor survival mechanic and the self surgery. 1 is my second favorite. It was frustrating as hell at times because it was hard for all the wrong reasons. The dated controls made everything harder than it should have been. 2 is third for me. It wasn't as irritating to play as the first one but Raiden just felt like an autistic version of Snake. He was like a 12 year old who thinks he knows everything about guns because he played COD. Next is 4. The amount of cutscenes just felt unnecessary in this one. The bosses were forgettable and I didn't enjoy hearing their entire backstories after killing them. The only good fights were the metal gear battle and the final fist fight against Liquid. One thing I like about it was how Raiden became cool init. Peace walker is my least favorite of all of them. The bosses are all bullet sponges. I've never played 5.
Metal Gear 2
t. ADHD platfag child
I'm not really sure about my placement of mgsv. I enjoyed the gameplay, repetitive or not but the story overall was a disappointment even if I liked some the cutscenes. I kinda wish PW hadn't been made and mgsv had that story instead. It would probably be my favorite if that had happened
A complete departure from the series formula, and not in a good way.
Braindead enemies
Rocket sponge bosses
Watered down combat and game-breaking CQC
Stupid story
Stupid characters
Bad voice acting
Grindy base management and R&D features
If it can't survive being ported, then something was wrong with it to begin with.