Is nothing sacred?
Is nothing sacred?
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So just play the original, autismo
It's literally the same game except bugs fixed and new shaders. They didn't touch the content at all.
>new shaders
you could add new shaders years ago.
Btw any old mods will not work with ED
pick 1
And you could fix bugs in games with mods. What's your point? That devs shouldn't update their game now because the community will fix it? God are you retarded.
NWN actually needs one. Game runs like shit on modern hardware.
What's the point then?
>their game
ADWR Enhanced Edition when?
Also still no gamespy.
So? why bother?
I assume only the price got enhanced as per usual with beamhack?
Why are you lying?
>Backwards Compatibility: Works with save games, modules, and mods from the original Neverwinter Nights. A galaxy of community created content awaits.
Kill yourself, we're delivering a great update you shithead.
I'll believe it when I see it.
Sacred? It was a terrible game.
The only reason it was popular was because people would RP online and cybersex it up.
Shadows of Undrentide was good though.
You know what would be cool?
A remaster of the game.
I am fine with BG/ID keeping the old graphics, they are isometric games, graphic isn't a problem, but in this case though we have polygons the size of a house, and from the screenshots they released I don't think they imporved much.
They could also use with changing the ruleset, IIRC it used D&D 3.5, and that's (rightfully) considered one of the worst editions ever.
But that won't happen, I know that, you know that, they know that, instead they will keep making older games playable on newer machines, adding annoying "unique and interesting characters" and call it a day.
If only people could write a good (real RPG, I don't count TW or DS as RPGs) RPG nowdays, even the new Divinity has "meh" story, this is probably the best we can get
That will require actual work
Are the premium modules decent? never play any of those?
This will only be worth it if they include the toolset and player worlds. Nobody gives a shit about the official campaigns.
All of them range from good to great.
Darkness over Daggerford however is the absolute peak. It was meant to be a premium module/official expansion but EA tookover happened and the servers were shut down so it was never released. The devs were complete bros, finished the entire thing with their own money and released it to everyone for free.
It's extremely well made and is essentially official material tier since it was made by a professional studio and not a bunch of modders.
They also later made the Mysteries of Westgate expansion for NWN2.
>They could also use with changing the ruleset, IIRC it used D&D 3.5, and that's (rightfully) considered one of the worst editions ever.
[by whom?]
NWN1 uses 3E, same as IWD2.
3.5E wasn't used until NWN2.
Also 3.5E is considered the absolute peak by many, and for many DnD died after 3.5 which is why Pathfinder is a thing for people that wanted more 3.5 instead of the Theme Park MMO Mechanics in PnP which is what 4E and 5E are.
>Darkness over Daggerford gives players a 25-30 hour RPG with a strong Baldur's Gate feel.
Looks nice, thanks for the info.
Why does it actually need an enhanced edition? What is there to "enhance"? Are they porting it to consoles/mobile?
>NWN1 uses 3E, same as IWD2.
Wasn't change of ruleset actually the reason why Beamdog said they won't do IWD2EE? Or is it just laziness because they can't get access to its source code? From what I remember NWN1 modified the ruleset for its own needs and to make it more video game friendly.
5E is such a radical departure from 4E that taking about them both in the same breath makes me not think you've ever played it. It's more or less 3.5 lite with some of 2E's design philosophy.
It's both lazyness and it being financially unfeasible.
IWD2 source code is lost, so they'd need to literally remake it from scratch in terms of code and the workhours for that vs how much it would sell makes it simply not worth it.
That's why they actually posted a bounty for the IWD2 source code, but so far nothing turned up.
Yup, They're basically somewhat shorter expansions. It helps they're also unrelated so you can play them in any order. You might also want to check out The Aielund Saga which, in my opinion at least, puts pretty much all other community modules to shame with its quality and even surpasses official content.
It's funny that say that because 3.5 feels like it was made for video games rather than tabletop, compared to even 3.0 or especially 2nd edition. Second Edition is so fucking awkward in the video games it's used in, and I love it. 3.5 is actually proto-MMO.
lel i have it and they aint getting it 8)
They are offering 10 grand for it, just saying
I think one of the great ironies is that 4E was perfectly suitable for a video game adaptation because it feels like it was made for it straight out of the box.
>10 grand to add homosex to a game i love.
Have you ever visited /tg/?
3.5 is full of flaws, class are stupidly unbalanced, even more in a game where you have to change the scribing and remove the spell materials.
Have you tried playing as a rogue? if you did and finished the game, kudos to you, because we're talking of the worst 3.0/3.5 combat class ever created (and don't start with "but muh traps/locks" because you know very well that any caster can do the same job with less effort).
Beside from unbalance, there is also the problem that you can't reasonably portrait most of the skills/spells.
Jumping, Survival, Riding, the endless quantities of Knowledge skills, they can't be portraited correctly in a game, you can't "jump on the back of a giant to try and hit his weak spots".
Also spells, disintegration can be used to remove boulders and create shortcuts in a dungeon, but you can't in a game (at least not here), heck, fly is a 3° lvl spell iirc, and you can't use it because the game is actually 2d movement-wise.
The list goes on, and we're not even touching the real hard spells like divinations or the good old "Miracle".
A game like 4° or 5°ed can be ported much more easily than 3.5 will ever be, while also ironing some of the mistakes.
you mean you, shilllord
Edition Wars are very much like which Final Fantasy is best discussion. Every edition has merits and flaws, and people swear by each and every entry for whatever reason.
3.5's Rogue is one of the better noncaster classes, it just sucks at combat against about half of the MM without Penetrating Strike. Now Monk on the other hand, that's a class that is legitimately bad.
You are correct.
But my point still stands.
5th edition game when
>they're so desperate that they're going for the shitty games now
It's all good until they decide to remaster Lionheart. THAT will be reaching for the bottom of the barrel.
And still it's so bad compared to a non-optimized caster that you can't even compare those.
I'm not even saying "natural form Druid that casts while in bear form while also keeping the full plate bonus because enchants+dragonscale" or "perma-invisible mage casting maximised fireballs and dissolving any kind of true sight with hastened spells".
We're talking of "oh, god it's a monsted half the CR I should be put against, better use my pots!" against "oh, hello martial BBEG 12 levels above me, I hope you like forcecages, cos I sure like free XP"
Most if not all martials are stupidly bad, I didn't want to bring in Monk because it doesn't even feel like a true PC class, just a commoner with harder fists and stupidly high Save Throws.
The unbalance in 3.5 is very real, I know because I play it weekly, and the DM (me) has to constantly plea players not to do their supidly OP combo that breaks the game (see above, and these are just the unimaginative ones).
i'm in the caves trying to find nostradamus, how long before I can finish it?
dungeons and dragons if for nu male soy boys. it always had cross dressers, trannies and faggots.
t.Im from 1920
lionheart isn't even that bad. it's just blatantly unfinished.
you have revealed your hand, i am afraid
I'm not defending 3.5, I'm just saying that Rogue isn't the gold standard for shitty noncasters. That would be the CW Samurai.
Story was crap, but I'll say NWN's gameplay was top notch, and it had some interesting moments
>NWN 1 is considered good now
I want this meme to end.
>it was a terrible game.
I'm sorry to hear you have such shit taste, user
No one considers OC to be good, the value is in the Toolset and user made modules, a lot of them are better than modern standalone crpgs.
What module?
they are gonna make Aribeth a tranny for sure
Aribeth de Trannymande
complete with manjaw and a hatred of white men
It's always been good. Sup Forums is just contrarians
Lionheart was really cool desu and I like it a lot
but I always get bored and quit the game after a few hours
her neck and jaws look like that panel from prison school manga...
Same, NWN was pretty fucking bad so far as RPGs go.
Also, early 3D graphics were insanely ugly and it doesn't look like they're improving them any in this update so rip.
What I remember most vividly of NWN was the subpar sound design, with the weird random sounds, long periods of relative silence, and sudden annoying sounds like the character death scream you heard every time you killed someone. EVERY TIME.
Also the doomsayer in the first city area that never stops complaining about how the gods have DESERTED US
Awesome, you may temp back Valine, who is the sole reason I ever bought the game. If we get more updates to A Dance with Rogues and even the updates to Part 2 to fix how it aligns with the first, I'll over the moon.
>does it hurt that probably the number one reason people still buy NWN is a modder?
Original won't work on win10. What now?
NWN1 Class Tier List
>God Tier:
>Top Tier:
Wizard, Sorcerer, Cleric
>High Tier:
Champion of Torm, Blackguard, Red Dragon Disciple
>Mid Tier:
Bard, Paladin, Fighter, Dwarven Defender, Shifter
>Low Tier:
Monk, Ranger, Barbarian, Pale Master, Arcane Archer, Shadow Dancer
>Trash Tier
Harper Scout, Assassin, Purple Dragon Knight, Weapon Master, Rogue
>but I always get bored and quit the game after a few hours
Because that's the only good part of the game. After you reach Barcelona it's all downhill.
The only reason Druid is top tier is because he's bugged, and this is based on 1.69 version which fixed Druid bugs which ranks him below Top Tier.
Makes total sense since NWN is basically a platform to build custom adventures. Although i have to say that DwR is overrated only because of the adult themes in it (which are handled pretty good). Gameplay and map design is average at best, there are lots of bugs and little freedom compared to the top modules.
>implying shiftcasting doesn't work in 1.69
Stop using win10 you stupid faggot
/tg/ hates every system.
>3.5 is full of flaws, class are stupidly unbalanced, even more in a game where you have to change the scribing and remove the spell materials
Casters are inevitably weaker in CRPGs than their PnP cousins simply because of how much combat there is, making classes with less limited resources more appealing, and because of how much more restrictive non-combat solutions are. Wizards are overpowered because of the "I have a spell for that" effect, which simply isn't a factor when 90% of the solutions are combat-related and the remaining 10% are designed to be for any class with the right skills. There's a reason the 3.5 tier system isn't about how well a class can fight, but about how many different things it can do without compromising any of them. In a video game, intrinsically far more restricted than a tabletop, that is close to a non-issue, and martials - and indeed, Rogues - are perfectly capable of being effective in fights.
I don't understand why "some skills don't work the same or aren't present" is any issue anyone should care about, ever. A big part of the appeal of NWN was the freedom in building your character - and building different ones in each custom module you play - that 3.5's wide breadth of content and liberal customisation features provide, in an environment that due to its unavoidably increased restrictions in player agency is far more difficult to truly break than a tabletop. Neither 4E nor 5E are appropriate for that.
NWN was the game that made me rediscover my love for the Cleric
Shame OC will still be garbage.
That's really a shame. Such a cool idea for a game.
As a horny fuck I can't lie and say the adult content isn't what first drew my interest, but it was the narrative, of being genuinely weak and frail, with no power fantasy, and actually progressing from a scared girl to a badass lady rogue that won me over, with some marvelously written romances and companions.
Plenty of cult games have shitty gameplay, mediocre map design, bugs and no freedom. I mean, fuck, you just described base NWN in that sentence. I used to enjoy exploring ADwR, or at least the city in part one.
>buffing with 37 spells before every fight to be effective
never again
>A dance with Rogues in HD
>The Aielund Saga
holy fuck, that module. I swear to god it has more skill checks for everything than commercial games even try. absolutely recommended.
I see you there, Sigil.
thank you user
What we need is for Valine to come back, finish updating Part 2, do a Part 3 set in Dhorn, and use the breddy gud animations that are now available.
why cant they just hire a competent writer and maka a standalone original infity engine game? why? siege of dragon spear was shit when it comes to plot, dialogues, and interactions but the locations were beautiful, music was great, they've really mastered the engine and could make an awesome game if only they could find decent writers instead of rehashing old shit.
user it looks exactly the fucking same
they're not touching the graphics apart from maybe adding some bloom and depth of field
>try to make an interesting build
>warrior companion just murder everything with great cleave
Why bother?
It's a shame you are being forced to buy it at gunpoint.
So what tranny shit is going to be in this one?
>he doesn't love prebuffing before a big fight
This is going to finish off what remains of the modding community. What is this remaster even going to add that's not in the community patches already?
>cast Darkfire on your weapon
>immediately more powerful than any Fighter until epic levels
>but it was the narrative, of being genuinely weak and frail, with no power fantasy
I have to agree here, that was the best part and the made the module very unique. I just wish there were more roleplaying options and skill usage in dialogs, but that's just nitpicking. Maybe she'll add that in a third part.
Did she ever do anything vidya-related apart from ADWR?
You kidding? I may give it new life, or at least reignite some some interest from old talents and fans for a few months at least.
Some people can't even launch the game on their modern rigs. Other will see the advertising and remember what fun they used to have, or old plans, and come back. We'll even get some new blood, if only a small amount.
Having everything work as it did before is a big bonus. In theory you'll be able to load up Dragonclaw Inn, for example (as the biggest unrelieved boner in all NWN history), and it will work fine/perfectly as is, ready to be expanded on.
Yeah, it was pretty stupid of them to add such a powerful companion early on. I guess they thought it was necessary to help the noobs.