Help I think I love her

Help I think I love her

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I hope she's tsundere as fuck by the end

It's okay I know how to fix this
She doesn't love you


She's a cutie

Who is this and where can I find more of her?

Shit's funded yo

So what're the chances this shit gets a cancerous fanbase?

Well it's posted on here, so right now.

Lose weight and seek sunlight

Body hair or some kind of fuzzy dress?

So is that fur on her legs? What's her dress made out of? Is it even a dress?

it's hot either way

It's all pubic



>puff of flame and smoke when she burps up semen

It's a pixel shit indie turn based rpg. It's 100% guaranteed all the assholes will love this.


lmao what a fucking turd taste

>Those childhood memories of purchasing a game for the art alone; slotting it in and booting it up without knowing what to expect, only to be introduced to a unique and exciting RPG world waiting to be explored - this is the type of feeling we want to recreate.
Guess it worked.

So is the game actually good or is it more shitty stylized waifu bait?

>another SNES-era homage RPG with a goat character

Sgot a demo. Exploration is alright. Combat plays a lot like Paper Mario 64, with directional dodging in combat.

>Can't find any porn on Yagiko or Batrice

Why does the male character look like a girl too?

If you like Mario & Luigi RPGs you'll feel right at home.

>wanna back it because it looks cool as fuck
>Pretty tight for dosh right now
>the general nature of kickstarter and its track record and knowing it won't never come out by estimate release date

So when this supposedly coming out?

>user goes to e621 and paheal to look for porn, finds none, makes an image, and shills the game to those sites
God bless.

So is it a dbz reference when she charges her lightning attack?

Is she doing a solar flare in the bottom right?

about 2 weeks

In 2 weeks ? On the Kickstarter page it says it's planned for September 2019

expected fulfilment date is set early 2019. however they could always release it early

You're here so it already has.

Thank you, Inkerton

You made a cute goat, faggot

>heavily inspired by old anime
A lot of people stop giving a shit at that point. You'd be surprised how many of the more prominent SU/Undertale types of cucks hate everything that seems even slightly Japanese.

Hot as fuck to be honest

Not him, but are you implying Sup Forums is cancerous?
I plan on advertising my game if I ever make one

I want to rub my cock all over her fur.

The hugs must be amazing too

/ourguy/ plague art when?