Nostalgia thread?

Nostalgia thread?
>exiting vault 101 the first time as a kid

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you realize those who born in 2000-2005 are already having sex?

Kids who were 9 years old in 2008 can now legally post on here.

>tfw 18th birthday was 2 months ago and I can legally browse Sup Forums and pornos now

Feels good

>tfw 18th birthday is unironically 5 days from now

>a kid

Right on frogbro

>old man
isn't it bed time pops

Sup Forums is like Little Lamplight, user. Once you get too old, you gotta leave.
For your own good.

when older people laugh at your jokes they are being nice because you are still perceived as a child

>this window will close in 3...

>21 in jan
>found this shithole in 2007 and 2008
>club penguin forum i was on got raided
>finding new grounds porn for the first time
>finding rule 34 for the first time
>reading naruhodo naruto doujins for the first time
>Tram pararam
>that danny phantom porn comic where he fucks sam, his sister, his mom, and ember
>most people have a shit memory
>remember practically everything from 03 to now
>chris chan before his weird tranny shit

please don't lump me in with these niggers guys It's been 10 goddamn years

That's what we all kept telling ourselves user but you know you are here forever.

I do miss that green skybox

I still got the original lunchbox. It is beat to shit, maybe I really will make a bomb out of it, since I got another, lol

joking aside, that was mind blowing to me, not really since I was a kid, but because I finally saw the fallout world in 3d for the first time. Kids these days will never understand

I was born in 99 and already have a 1 1/2 year old. Times going faster then you think


Net neutrality will sever our ties forever, user. We'll be free.

You being born in '99 annoys me for some reason despite being born in '97.

>Failout 3

Please end my suffering.

This gem was my first jrpg and the first game I got for PS1. Played the demo for it that came with one of my official magazines and fell in love. It's not really anything special by today's standards, but I always nostalgia hard when another user mentions it. By far the biggest draw to the game was its unique battle system, but unfortunately, that very system made even simple battles ridiculously long. Because of that getting all summons in the game and maxing them is video game torture and I doubt more than 5 people on the entire planet ever did it.

'96 here, get off my lawn kiddo.

95 here im lmaoing at your life




Representing '94, get the fuck out

Naturally you're thinking about it.

'88 here you all need to shut up and go to your rooms

>tfw I was a grown adult in 2008
>tfw I'm definitely too old for this bread

.t faggots who struggle with the concept of time progressing

'82 here.
Reminder you're not an 80's kid.

Yeah user you're definitely the first guy here to think he has a handle on time marching us incessantly to our deaths.

better then being a bitch that has to constantly cry about it desu. some people just need to harden the fuck up and get over it.

stop being so stoic dude that shit is so fucking cartoonish.

Syke! Neither are you

yeah I should be a bitch about everything used to be better back in the day amirite? grow up faggot

Here's some real nostalgia

I'm 43 and I know for sure that my son browse Sup Forums, and he is 13.

I used to buy porn magazines and go to the arcades when I was a teen so I dont blame him.

93's, where are thee?

you may be severed but you are forever stained and everyone around you will see it when you walk in the light of society...

I know people are freaking out but I'm 28 and when playing ps2 in 2003, games like final fantasy 7 and ocarina of time seemed like really old games who were out ages ago so I understand your feeling

This, only I'm 21. Ocarina of Time felt really fucking old in 2007.

>first ended up here around 2007 as well
>dont know how I found the site
>probably some guy in a game talking about it
>end up in Sup Forums of all places when it was spam threads with fake surveys and shemale threads
>stay for the occasional good porn thread and funny shit
>/vg/ seems like a cool place but everyones so uptight about not loving their waifu
took me years to actually look at Sup Forums

>tfw 25 in less than 3 weeks



probably going to install these again if they even work on windows 10 and play for maybe a game or two then get bored

>> the window will close in 3..2...1
See you in 5 days

I remember all those things, especially that DP comic. The mid-2000s were a gold mine for the underaged and inexperienced masturbator.

Try Vortex Rikers faggot

'95 here, how's college?

Holy shit, you can't post that. Sup Forums is a place for a reason.


god i wish i was 14 again playing this bad boy with my friends XD

>he was too young for the good CoDs

>you will never log onto RuneScape for the first time and play it after a bunch of your friends told you to
>you will never be in a guild with them all again
>you will never play Star Wars Battlefront for the first time again
>you will never have your friends over and play Halo 3/MW2 split screen tournaments.
Holy fuck, take me back Sup Forums. I vividly remember making (and losing friends) over those split screen tournaments. Got kicked in the back once by my friends Brother cause I was camping the Plane on Terminal with akimbo rangers.
Nothing will ever be more comfortable than coming home from the neighborhood pool and playin Vidya with friends in the basement as a summer storm rages outside



>fallout 3

I remember playing the shit out of the swbf2 demo for the xbox that came with our revenge of the sith dvd

Yes, almost ten years have passed.

Gen z is depressing and sucks

>Got kicked in the back once...

fuck I've been there. I still hold a grudge too fuck that fucker.

I don't hold my splitscreen time with friends in as high regard anymore since I've realized I was the autistic faggot of the group.

i was a kid back then, now i'm in the military

That girl I was fucking in 2008 is going to graduate High School this year.

Damn dude, that's terrible. Hope you get a good career.

1990 here,I must say I also had NES -SNES and a commodore 64 which I fucking loved. Didn't many cartoons listed there,actually the leftmost applied more to me: Batman TAS, B&B, Gargoyles, lion king and Ninja turles, as well as that fucking kevin movie.
Classic DB> DBZ

>tfw born late 90s but still have more things in core millenial than late

Everything past 1995 is Gen Z shit.


Please change my bedpan anons.The stink is awful.

>tfw still have like 6 months of being 23
it won't even be that hard to get my life together

>tfw ywn experience Fallout 3 or Fallout NV for the first time ever again

Actually, technological Millennials are those who were born in 1994 or later, because they knew the Internet since they were able to properly interact with their environment. Those born between 1985 and 1993 are the 90s' Generation, since their childhood was mostly internet-less, thus they are less likely to be part of the selfi(E)sh generations that came afterwards.

so you're a degenerate teen that couldn't use protection, got it


who ever decided 1995 should be the cut off point is fucking retarded, 1999 makes sense due to the name MILLENNIAL

i give it another 10 years until someone legit nostagia over fallout 3.

>tfw can experience that first time through someone else's eyes and don't even get upset that they are bad at the game.

but user, there's people that had nostalgia for that and oblivion 5 years ago

>Yfw the Uncharted series is already 10 years old

fuck I hate getting old, I'm only 25 but damn that blew me away when I realized it.

What's your point?

I'm fucking sick of this "oh no I'm so old, I'm like, twenty-five, soooo oooold" bullshit. We get it, you don't like to be reminded that the games you played as a teenager were the games WE played as kids. But it's not surprising. It's been almost ten years since 2008. You should be used to this.

My point is partially your point, just follow the reply chain. The person I was replying to was the one questioning someone being a kid in 08, not me.

>brain too underdeveloped to follow conversations

With the worried reaction image. It's this "oh no I just realised that time passes" thing that annoys me. I'm not talking about whether OP's underaged or not.

This shit just needs to stop. I've already been banned for a month because some idiots (and idiot mod) couldn't count.

And in any case, was just saying the same thing as you, but in an indirect way. Same with OP.

They be playin SKYRIMS on tablets/gameboys..
Hows that for fuckin nostalgia.
Shit is so fast,yet so slow in other hand, yu really can expirience nostalgia in under 5 year.

>more than 15 attempts to beat him
fuck this nigger

This is kinda close,I'm was born in 92 and didn't get a PC till I was 8,even then I still didn't give a shit about the internet till maybe middle school.
Seeing this (on a way lower potato resolution with settings low) on my shit PC at sub 30fps was mindblowing back in 2008.
Yet I still can't run GTA 4 on ultra at 60fps while I can with Crysis on the same resolution on a better rig. WTF

We reconciled and had a nice little group on Steam for L4D2. Still did split screen tournaments till senior year of high school. Then one died and the group kinda fell apart.

I was most definitely the second autist in the group. First one broke one of my controllers and smashed his rock band guitar during Rock night


You know your a 90s millennial if you still have a AOL account


>seeing this movie when it came out as a kid

Lordy, moving pictures sure are great!

>you'll never play street fighter 2,altered beast or sonic on the Sega gensis with dad again