How do I play this bitch mid? The past couple games my team got stomped without me, even though the enemy had like 3 heros in my lane at all times.
How do I play this bitch mid? The past couple games my team got stomped without me...
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here are the matches btw
1. learn to micro
2. farm jungle
3. stop blaming your team becuase the laning heat maps are showing that there wasnt "3 heroes in your lane at all times" you lying bitch.
So lets say it was my fault, what could I have done better?
Jungle sucks m8
It's been all but useless for the last couple patches
>playing Dota in 2017
>>playing MOBAs in general
You're going to regret it, eventually
You can't win without your team using the space you make
Orchid into BKB is usually best, sometimes rush Midas if you have a good start
Leveling passives over spiders is situationally viable against some mids
>he plays mobas alone
tell us why do you do it?
she needs the sidelanes due to the trees, since she no longer gains invis, but still keeps the free pathing she performs best in offlane IMO
That's a really hard question to answer without someone downloading and filtering through your replays.
For instance, looking at your first match, it looks like you need more regen. At least bring a salve early, stout is probably still more worthwhile than double gauntlet. It's fine to delay your soul ring for extra regen, especially if you're being camped mid. But again, without seeing the replay it's hard to judge.
What this man said. Brood is awful pub hero because your team really needs to know how to play with a hero like Brood.
Nah you're wrong dawg. She has been a mid hero for some time now, and she's really strong in mid because she can abuse those cliffs. You also got two ancient stacks close to you that you can kill pretty early on.
Honestly I don't know if you can anymore.
No more stealth means no more forcing the enemy mid into a gold disadvantage to buy wards, and without that all you are left with is a squishy, abilityless, melee hero.
In any event, keep webbed escape routes, don't spam spiderlings, and remember that your 1v1 game is strong once you get into melee.
Actually scratch that, stout probably isn't as good all things considered. I do stand by the regen thing, mid players don't carry enough regen out for themselves in general.
>without that all you are left with is a squishy, abilityless, melee hero.
What you are left with is a hero that can dominate mid lane(or offlane) if picked correctly, be even more unkillable than before because you can run around cliffs and trees; while being able to farm multiple camps at the same time and have a hero that can rival the farming speed of Alchemist and Meepo.
Watch any high level brood players and you'll see how hard it is to kill her in the early game. No hero can catch her if she can just walk over the river cliffs.
Yeah, even though I think brood was kinda a meme hero before her current iteration, she was definitely gaining some traction before her changes, and now she's a really good mid when played correctly.
Old brood was honestly pretty fucking clunky, especially as a mid. If we still had pre-nerfed jungle camps she'd be fucking horrifying currently.
Only play brood under the following conditions
>no AoE on the other team
>squishy lane enemy
So basically never.
Seriously though, don't play her unless you enjoy feeding gold to the enemy team. It's unavoidable.
No you dipshit, brood mid farms the jungle camps near mid with webs and spiders
Be aggressive. Max webs first and walk all over trees and shit.
Welp game 3 of the night and even though I whiped the ass of their invoker, the enemy carry ends up 11-1 and we lose.
the jungle is ass right now, but brood can effectively jungle while not missing lane experience.
most mids can't do that currently, and end up losing money on jungling, which is why it's usually seen as bad.
dead game
>what could I have done better?
Not play brood.
her win rate on dotabuff is fucking trash right now and has been for a while. So many other good choices
her winrate in pubs was always trash, because she is awful in non-organised play
>build spider army
Can you still play her mid even after losing the invis passive ?
See I just tried her out shortly after this thread against Shadow Fiend. Shit strength gain and a lack of invis makes for a very bad time.