Shortest Souls to date

>Shortest Souls to date
>No magic
>Scarce variety in weapons and clothes and enemies
>No classes
>Barely any NPCs
>Small levels
>Annoying frenzy mechanic

Still a great game, tho

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Is it ACTUALLY the shortest?
I thought DS3 was shorter. I beat it quicker, but that might just because I didn't find it as difficult

>Shortest Souls to date
Was it? Felt pretty standard
Yes, though DS3 was just as bad in this respect
>No magic
Good riddance
>Scarce variety in weapons and clothes and enemies
Weapons are essentially 2-in-1s compared to previous games, I agree base game needed more, but including DLC it's fine
There's plenty of clothes and enemies
>No classes
The fuck you talking about?
>Barely any NPCs
>Small levels
Nope, and it has more shortcut porn than any other game
>Annoying frenzy mechanic
Really just one enemy

I found this one the easiest one. The only bosses that killed me more than once were Gascoigne and Rom. This overtly aggressive style fits me much better than Souls more metodic approach.

Then do the chalice dungeons, that makes it the hardest souls game.

By classes he means those small RPG elements like being a cleric, wizard, Knight and thief

How can I get git gud at BB? I'm 30 hours in, only at the spider boss, but around lvl 60, with 39 points on strength. I can get trough any map okay, but bosses always block me for solid days. Like I've tried Rom 20-30 times already, but I cannot get trough his second phase, not even with a summoned hunter. The three shadows were also a pain in the ass. I really want to like this game, because the set up and atmosphere are something I really adore, but I the rest… Maybe it's not for me.

I've only played the first three Pthumeru ones. Do them get any better? They barely give you blood echoes or interesting objects or anything.

Play as if your character was suicidal and reckless. Always take the risk, dash towards the enemy, charge strong attacks, try to visceral as often as possible.

>Still a great game
It is clear that these can not be called shortcomings

Isn't it amazing that a game can have flaws and still be good? Mind boggling.

Yeah. I would have liked that the game was longer, bigger and all that stuff, but it isn't. That's not a flaw of the game, the game is what it is and it's good as it is. I would have loved for it to be the size of Dark Souls or Dark Souls 2, but that's just a wish on my part. All that's in the game - except frenzy - is great.

>kill all of the spiders before attacking her
>be sure to run whenever she shoots shit into the air
>stay away from her when she's on her back

Felt simple to me desu

It does get better. Defiled Cursed amygdala and rom are great fights. There's also the abhorrent best and the other one exclusive to chalices, and the fucking giant.

Nice. The dungeons are an interesting addition, I will have to explore them some more.

Play aggressive and use runes. Can’t remember if runes are available then. Anyway you could also go for upgrading your cane. I used the cane my first time and it was great. Don’t know about summoning cause I don’t play with summons but maybe it’ll help.

There's no real roleplaying in Souls games aside from picking which ending you want, so that complaint is essentially the same as clothing/weapon variety

>Shortest Souls to date
No it's not. DaS3 is.
Das3. Every second boss in Bloodborne opens like three new ways to go.
>No magic
>Scarce variety in weapons and clothes
You missed the point. It's literally better this way, why have 20 longswords with the same moveset, one of which does slightly more damage than the others. Just to waste metal? And every piece of clothing is like that too, they're there for a certain combination of resistances.
I'd claim the enemies are as varied as they are in Das1/3. Especially with the chalices.
>No classes
>Barely any NPCs
Remove magic sellers or smiths from any DaS and come back with a list.
>Small levels
The Church and Byrgenwerth are the only small levels in the whole game.
>Annoying frenzy mechanic
You run away and drink the potion

>around lvl 60, with 39 points on strength.
vitality is by far the most important stat in bloodborne
you want to get like 40 vit

Another game being as linear as this one doesn't make this any less linear. You know that, right? Why bring DaS3 at all? I'm not talking about Dark Souls 3.

>Every second boss in Bloodborne opens like three new ways to go.

and still not on pc :D
also best soulsbourne

Bloodborne is a pillar of PS4 pride (one of, like, 4)
The PS4 can't afford to have a bad exclusive

Also, yes you are, your first phrase is "Shortest Souls", you're the one bringing a comparison straight off the bat.

World design is good up until the end of Yahar'gul, then it becomes disjointed as fuck. It's clear they ran out of time to connect everything so they used the "LOL IT'S ALL A DREAM" excuse. Also the lantern system is awful, just let me level up at them for fuck's sake, don't make me go through two loading screens. I wish one of the biggest innovations in DaS wasn't a last-minute development fluke. Maiden in Black was a good character but her clones are annoying. At the very least put the waifu pandering into some other type of character, like Solaire-esque recurring NPC.

>Bloodborne is a pillar of PS4 pride (one of, like, 4)
Is it really? I mean I love the game but they seem to put so much more will into parading about their 3rd person cinematic daddy daughter simulators. Bloodborne ended up selling something like only 2 million, didn't it?

>one enemy
two, both are rare

Bloodborne is one of the greatest arguments for quality over quantity.
Sure there are less weapons than the other Souls games, but the weapons that it does have are much more unique and fleshed out, as well as viable. I can only think of a single weapon in Bloodborne that could be considered objectively bad without any real way to build a playthrough around it and that's the Fist of Gratia, which barely counts as a weapon in the first place.
I also feel that it's the only game in the Souls lineup that doesn't have very clear and blatant areas that have been cut and hastily reworked during development.

They do not.

Off the top of my head, only Gascoigne opens a significant number of new paths. The rest of them just make you progress to the next zone (Emisary, Witches, Rom, One Reborn, Paals, Shadows) or you hit full stop there (Amygdala, Ebrietas, Logarius, Cleric Beast, Amelia)

>vitality is by far the most important stat in bloodborne

Vitality is by far the most irrelevant stat in Bloodborne. You don't need any HP in a game designed around speed, where dodging works so well. You're better off putting those echoes in literally anything else

>Bloodborne ended up selling something like only 2 million, didn't it?
it sold over 2 million before the dlc came out, and those were full price sales

It isn't bad at all. It's a great game.

Bloodborne has more optional areas than any other souls game and they can be accessed pretty early, that makes the game more non linear.

bloodborne is designed for the player getting hit occasionally and regain health by hitting the enemy back, if you dont level vit, you're just going to die in one hit
in dark souls it's extremely easy to never get hit because the enemies are so slow, bloodborne is not dark souls

>Vitality is by far the most irrelevant stat in Bloodborne. You don't need any HP in a game designed around speed, where dodging works so well. You're better off putting those echoes in literally anything else
Not everyone is good at dodging, some people need the health, presumably the person who died to rom 30 times needs more vitality.

OP here. I agree with you. I would have loved more of this same excepcional quality, is what I'm saying. It shows that they focused on bringing the most out of some particular things instead of scattershooting. I'm saying this out of admiration, not out of dissapointment.

I died to Rom at least 50 times trying to play cautiously, but when I finally said fuck it and threw caution to the wind, I beat him without even taking a hit. In this game, if you sustain damage, you're usually doing something wrong and it's a sign that you should rethink your whole approach.

>50 fucking times

so after dying 50 fucking times, you finally managed to beat him
clearly vitality is useless

It's just because I was trying to stubbornly tank him even though I had low HP. It's not like I knew everything about the game right away from the beginning. But it's thanks to having trouble that I learned and can now share my wisdom.

Byrgenwerth and Lecture Halls feel like they should've been one area
Other than that I agree

Are bladed undead giants the most bullshit boss in the game? They swing anywhere from 2-6 times in succession with almost no tell to determine when they might stop or just keep swinging on. Shit is infuriating in FRC when 1-2 hits is all you can take.

What's your favourite boss of the game? I wish this game had Bonfire ascetics so I could fight him more times.

>No magic
Don't hunter tools count as spells?

That’s because it isn’t dark souls OP. This is SCIENCE not MAGIC

Bloodborne is BUILT on the rally system, you don't know what you're talking about. If anything Endurance is way way more useless because you already have high stamina to start with and there's no (non-meme) shields.

Abhorrent Beast
Shame he was relegated to an NPC fight on a shitty arena in base game

>small levels
Not small, but for sure the most confusing in the series, whole game felt like fucking tower of latria.

Would I be missing out on anything significant if I played Bloodborne without PS Plus? I don't really know how BB's online features work.

You mean the amygdala you fight with 50% health? Fuck that fight. I got it down to a pixel of health a dozen times in a row before caving and using the cheese strat. The camera in that fight and the frame rate made judging rolls and side steps fucking impossible to get right.

bloodborne's online is garbage

>play Bloodborne
>it's a masterpiece
>play Dark Souls
>it's a masterpiece
>start Dark Souls 2
>quit after the starting area
I mean I was hung over and that's usually how I ruin games for myself and I'm going to go back to it after I get a few other games out of the way first but jesus fucking christ just about everything in that STARTING AREA alone screamed "lol you want good game??? here Welcome to Dark Souls".

dark souls 2 is by far the worst of them
but it's still a good game when you compare it to everything else that's out there

kill all spider at first, then beat him with your fists with a beast pellet active until its full. then buff your weapon with lightning and go ham.

If the game is linear, how did my friend manage to "miss" cleric beast and his first encounter was Gascoigne? Serious question, I haven't played the game enough to know but he shared this story with me recently.

Fucking kek.

Well, Cleric Beast is at one of the sides of a bridge. He must have ignored that part of the bridge and gone only the other way. It's hard to miss, it's not like it's hidden or anything. It's a linear bridge, you just have to walk to one of its sides.

Undead Settlement is Hemwick Charnel done right
Cathedral of the Deep is better designed than any area in BB
You can rush from the start of the game to Mensis in less than one hour
You can't run sideways while locked on
Awful performance

Dark Souls 3 is basically Bloodborne done right

Summon cooperators to help you. The coop was created for people like you. It also adds fun for everyone because you can get two cooperators and one invader in your world at once.


>it's a linear bridge
>except when it's not
>but it is tho
these mental gymnastics
This was my first Soulsborne game and I missed entire areas my first time through. Notably Cainhurst and Upper Cathedral Ward.
Bloodborne is more linear than the other Souls games but it's still not exactly linear. There's definitely exploring to be done and particularly the further you go, you have a lot of choice in when you choose to take on areas.


What does this picture of you has to do with that post?

You know you can go two directions in a line, right?

Has anyone counted the numbers of moves in the different souls games? I would be interested to see how bloodborne would compare to the other souls games.

He is right you know

Ball and chain fucks in the cursed frc dungeons. One fuck up is over

>mfw i was about to buy this game before this thread

Thanks for letting m know this game is shit, I usually get trapped into these shitty games cause normie Sup Forums shills the fuck out of it

>If anything Endurance is way way more useless

>being able to dodge and attack indefinitely is useless in an action game

You sure sound like you know what you're talking about

It's called backtracking then

That’s how I bought P5, what a let-down that was.

Anyway is Bloodborne OK to play offline? Fuck paying PS plus. And do you have any advice for absolute newbies? Only tried DS1 at a friend’s a while ago.

If you count having complete movesets in the left hand as new moves (as you can combine different weapon classes and combos) then DS2 has by far the most moves, BB being second and DS3 third

You forgot the piss easy bosses, unlimited blood vials drops from mobs so you never run out and the endless easy mode shortcuts to lamps.

there's nothing in this game that pushes you to want more than 15 END. Unless you use the pizza cutter.

Just get Plus for one month and play it online so you get to see blood stains and messages.
Though those do make it easier on a lot of ways.

Offline is totally fine
Protips : don't kill NPCs, be patient with bosses, watch their patterns and don't rush like a retard, don't spend your exp on stats you don't need, if you die learn from your mistakes

You can send him to the cathedral and fight him outside there instead of on top of the roof
But I'm pretty sure you'd lose one NPC if you did that

You didn't beat Ludwig in NG+ don't you ?

Beat him through +3. Ludwig is a vitality check.

It's still the best From game, bruh.

You should probably play the game before making your judgement.

Buy it faggot, it's the game of the decade

Ignore the spiders. Dodge magic meteors. Be aggressive. Kirkhammer is love. Kirkhammer is life.

I'd love a Bloodborne 2 with blood magic and shit

>Shortest Souls to date
good thing it's not a Souls game, the combat is completely different

>Fist of Gratia

Isn't that a DLC weapon anyway?

stop this meme
>first fight cleric beast or gas
>then fight paarl, witches, or amelia
>then fight logarias, yharnam shadows, or amygdala, or do old hunters
>then first Rom
>then fight reborn or ebrietas
>then micolash
>then nurse
>then gherman
>then moon
so really it only gets linear near the end, might have even forgotten some

I think it would be hard to make a sequel of this. The whole thing is self contained pretty well. It would be nice to have "Not Bloodborne" release and then they reveal, halfway through, that this is Bloodborne 2, kinda like the leap Bloodborne does going from Victorian horror to Cosmic Nightmare

It is, but it isn't even an actual actual weapon either. It's an offhand weapon, the same category as the guns. It's not even meant to deal damage, just to stun enemies to get an opening.

Demon's Souls is way shorter and DS2 has a shorter main story, just more extras
Not compared to DS3
>No Magic
The quicksilver bullet items replace magic, hence arcane builds
>Scarce variety in weapons
Sure if you count the shortsword, longsword, and broadsword as three different weapons despite having the same moveset. The weapons in BB are the most interesting in the series.
>No classes
>Barely any NPCs
There's plenty of important ones who can live or die depending on whether or not you complete their quests
>Small Levels
About on par with the other games
It's just bleed under a different name, just get some resist and you're good

But yes, definitely a good game, though not perfect. The things people complain about are hardly ever the real flaws. Like nobody mentions the input lag or how much wasted potential there was in chalice dungeons, or how a lot of bosses are just spaghetti beasts that sperg out at you to attack.

If they announced a bloodborne 2 was coming, would you be excited, or worried?

>Defiled Cursed amygdala and rom are great fights>Defiled Cursed amygdala and rom are great fights>Defiled Cursed amygdala and rom are great fights>Defiled Cursed amygdala and rom are great fights>Defiled Cursed amygdala and rom are great fights>Defiled Cursed amygdala and rom are great fights>Defiled Cursed amygdala and rom are great fights>Defiled Cursed amygdala and rom are great fights>Defiled Cursed amygdala and rom are great fights>Defiled Cursed amygdala and rom are great fights>Defiled Cursed amygdala and rom are great fights>Defiled Cursed amygdala and rom are great fights>Defiled Cursed amygdala and rom are great fights>Defiled Cursed amygdala and rom are great fights>Defiled Cursed amygdala and rom are great fights>Defiled Cursed amygdala and rom are great fights>Defiled Cursed amygdala and rom are great fights>Defiled Cursed amygdala and rom are great fights>Defiled Cursed amygdala and rom are great fights>Defiled Cursed amygdala and rom are great fights>Defiled Cursed amygdala and rom are great fights>Defiled Cursed amygdala and rom are great fights>Defiled Cursed amygdala and rom are great fights>Defiled Cursed amygdala and rom are great fights>Defiled Cursed amygdala and rom are great fights>Defiled Cursed amygdala and rom are great fights>Defiled Cursed amygdala and rom are great fights>Defiled Cursed amygdala and rom are great fights>Defiled Cursed amygdala and rom are great fights>Defiled Cursed amygdala and rom are great fights>Defiled Cursed amygdala and rom are great fights>Defiled Cursed amygdala and rom are great fights>Defiled Cursed amygdala and rom are great fights>Defiled Cursed amygdala and rom are great fights>Defiled Cursed amygdala and rom are great fights>Defiled Cursed amygdala and rom are great fights>Defiled Cursed amygdala and rom are great fights>Defiled Cursed amygdala and rom are great fights>Defiled Cursed amygdala and rom are great fights>Defiled Cursed amygdala and

Just use Simon's Bowblade, The Evelyn, or a cannon to shoot defiled amy in the face, then visceral for massive damage, and you're good. With Rom you're pretty fucked though, can't help you there bud.

>Just use Simon's Bowblade, The Evelyn, or a cannon to shoot defiled amy in the face, then visceral for massive damage
If frc amy is such a great fight why are you recommending me a method to defeat it that's borderline cheese and circumvents almost its entire moveset?

As long as it isn't a direct sequel, we're good.

define "direct sequel"

>No magic
I agree with you on all the rest of your points but that's wrong. In fact I think BB had the best magic of any souls game since Demon's Souls. All the spells/arcane tools are unique and have their own niches, I don't think there's any spells in BB that are just another spell but better like in the Souls games.

It tries to continue events from Bloodborne.

Yeah, the lore worked really well on its own so I'm really only interested in a sequel if they were to add more stuff to gameplay.

This magic even had it's own Transformation that gave you and amazing one shot skill.

Not only that but it was the only build that could use the barehanded move set in combat