Is "the N64 was the worst big console" an unpopular opinion?

Is "the N64 was the worst big console" an unpopular opinion?

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You hardly "lost" if you had 64. On the other hand if you got a Saturn it was obvious your parents didn't love you.


Back in 5th gen, every system kinda had its own "thing" going on. Except Saturn.

Not really. It still has its legion of defendants, it being a Nintendo console and all, as well as being the first console to a substantial portion of people who even go to places like this, but I feel like there's plenty of people who recognize its games as being dated or not very good to begin with.

One's perspective of the Saturn entirely depends on his exposure of and willingness to play Japanese games.

I'm talking about in hindsight. It doesn't have a lot of good games, maybe 5 must haves at most. And all of those except for Mario 64 all look like shit, even for the time. They're all brown and blurry.

Agreed. I let myself get hyped by this commercial during the Maxx on MTV, and saved up money over a summer to get a Saturn.

Panzer Dragoon 1 and 2, Virtua Fighter 2, and Astal were great for their time, but I realized that I fucked up when I saw what Sony and Nintendo had in store. I traded my Saturn in for a Playstation as soon as Resident Evil came out.

Around Christmastime when they came out, they were hard to find- so I bought a Playstation.

>It doesn't have a lot of good games,
It does though.
Its release library alone had mostly great titles.

>And all of those except for Mario 64 all look like shit
Not only is that a highly subjective opinion, but also false. I still recall how people went "wow, this game has great graphics!" when they saw OoT.

>brown and blurry
you've never even played N64, have you?

>It does though.
Great response, 10/10.
SNES: 783 games total
PS1: 2513 games total
N64: 296 games total
You already have an incredibly small pool of games compared to its predecessor and a rival console. The amount of good games in that small pool would naturally be smaller.

>Not only is that a highly subjective opinion, but also false
Pic related

>I still recall how people went "wow, this game has great graphics!" when they saw OoT.
Again, hindsight.

>you've never even played N64, have you?
Okay, so Mario 64, Mario Party 1-3, Banjo-Kazooie, Banjo-Tooie, and Conker are the seven exceptions of 296 games. Maybe Glover too, but that game's a shitty meme anyway.

Nintendo always found it’s way into homes during that gen. you may have had a PlayStation, you may have had an N64, but Pokémon ensured that EVERYONE had a gameboy regardless.

I had a PlayStation myself, and didn’t really discover how fantastic the N64 was until i was 13 in 2003. Fell in love with OOT imediatly. Looking back, if you had made me choose between the two, i would still have picked PlayStation in the end.

>The amount of good games in that small pool would naturally be smaller.
wii confirmed for best console all time

Yeah. The influence of Super Mario 64 and Ocarina of Time alone cement its historical relevance, let alone its pioneering 4 player experiences. It didn't have a shitton of games but oh man, the games it did have.

It was shit, even back then I thought it was way uglier than PS1 despite being more powerful. Fucking vaseline smeared screen and the worst textures of all time in all of gaming.

N64 has atleast 10-15 good exclusive games. Ps4 doesn.t

>Lylat Wars
fucking degenerate name

There were infinitely less nearly identical multiplats back then, what do you expect?

That's not the point I was making, I was saying that the SNES and PS1 have better libraries, and the amount of good games in their libraries eclipse the library of the N64.
It's like if you have three glasses, one is normal-sized, one is pretty big, and one is a shot glass. Now fill up 1/3 of those glasses, the 1/3 representing the good games of the consoles. You fill up 1/3 of each glass all the same, but obviously the bigger the glass is, the more 1/3 you get.

Goddammit, why does that image of Mike crack me up so much?

Here we go with this shit

because it looks like he's on crack

>Fucking vaseline smeared screen and the worst textures of all time in all of gaming.
le imaginary N64 stereotype made up by Sonybros

total pool of games =/= number of GOOD games.
Which was the topic of discussion.

And no, the overall count of great games is in no way connected to the total count of games on the system.

>but I feel like there's plenty of people who recognize its games as being dated or not very good to begin with.

Those people are contrarian retards who have no idea what they are talking about, just like you.

>Saturn is great if you play all the Japanese region locked games!

This meme needs to die.

>That's not the point I was making

Except it was you brainlet.


>Okay, so Mario 64, Mario Party 1-3, Banjo-Kazooie, Banjo-Tooie, and Conker are the seven exceptions of 296 games.
Funny how you literally skipped some GOTYAY stuff, like Zelda: OoT & MM, Paper Mario, and Resident Evil 2.

Then there's Goldeneye 007, Perfect Dark, Doom 64, Duke: Zero Hour, best Mario Kart, Super Smash Bros, Turok 1-3, Tony Hawk 1-2, Starcraft...

Its not an unpopular opinion if you liked rpg games. In fact there is no other opinion to be had about n64 if you love rpgs.
Perfect dark
mario kart
mario 64
bomberman 64
what else was there of note? goemone was one of the few "barely" rpgs that was fun.

overrated as fuck console
ps1 was the goat
even the saturn (jp) was better

I was talking about graffix, nig. They offered up Banjo as a response to my saying that N64 games are blurry and muddy. The N64 Zelda games are some of the muddiest I've seen.

do you know what an rpg is

This is unironically the best post in the thread

>The N64 Zelda games are some of the muddiest I've seen.
captured from my N64 via s-video

>The N64 Zelda games are some of the muddiest I've seen.
unless you're referring to the native 240p, I don't understand what you're saying.
Even back in the day, the filtered, perspective-corrected textures were considered a huge PLUS over the PS1's and Saturns wobbly, pixelated mess.

Were these supposed to refute my point? Look at how shitty that is. The textures are blurry and dark, minus the goddesses in the webm.

N64 emulators can't into reproducing textures accurately.

That being said, OoT does use a lot of dark and brownish textures. They were going for that realistic gritty look then.

Actually, every console in this generation had something specific to offer.
N64 had Nintendo and Rare games. Which were amazing. It didn't sell that well because of cartridges.
Saturn had VF and a lot of exclusives that were very good, all the while pushing its 2d architecture to play 2d fighter arcade games. It failed because of shit marketing and very difficult programming.
The PS created many new franchises that became household names, and the system was very efficient. Sony pushed for 3d and won.

All three consoles were amazing. PS was just the reasonable choice in terms of number of games, as it became clear that Sega was quickly abandoning the Saturn and third party didn't come to the N64 because of sales.

Nah. It seems to be quite the common opinion amongst soyboys.

>third party didn't come to the N64 because of sales.
You've kind of got it backwards. Third party didn't come to the N64 cause of cartridges. The console didn't sell that well cause third parties didn't come.

> your parents didn't love you
Fuck off kid. I can't understand the pain that some parents go through when they work their asses off to support their family, then save little money to buy little Timmy some videogames, but because they got jewed by some sleazy saleman they end up buying some shitty console.

Yeah PS1 games didn't look blurry at all

Yeah. They don't. Have you ever seen a PS1 game before? The textures are pixilated. The N64 purposefully blurred its textures.

they had some license issues with the name Star Fox in europe, I don't know exactly who owned it, or what the issue precisely was

The first game from SNES wasn't called Star Fox, either, it was Starwing

ps1 library was more interesting looking back, but 3D adventure games on it were not quite there.

When i was a kid I had a genesis and thought 3D games were plain shit just because i played some croc and spyro on some friend's house

Then i tried mario 64, and now i'm a nintenbro. Not even sorry.

>Yeah. They don't.
Low resolution is blurry whether you use texture filtering or not. N64 games that used high resolution modes with Expansion Pak looked less blurry than PS1 games for that reason, even though they used texture filtering.

>implying n64 output 1024x768
this also doesn't look like the filter the actual systems use, probably bilinear

There's a chance it might be an xbla screenshot. I don;t really consider that "cheating" because it's not like ps1 doesn't have it's own emulator (Actually a couple of games like Chrono Cross had a visual mode that made textures look less like vomit).

Still using the original source textures. N64 support trilinear filtering FYI.

Have a video of Conker recorded off a real console then.

now lets just put that on a 1024x768 resolution monit-

Yes, because PS1 ran at 1024x768.

>It doesn't have a lot of good games
What in the literal fuck are you talking about?

you are missing my point. the original post is posting a 1024x768 screenshot of an emulated banjo tooie as if it is representative of how it actually looked on the console

Still better than the Wii U.

The original post was only trying to demonstrate that Tooie had good textures, that still looked good even when blown up to 1024x768.

it isn't blown up to 1024x768, it is output to that resolution. ps1 games did not look like this

I don;t really see the problem here. Old TV reception looked like blurry shit. I only remember the quality improving slightly when playing the vidya.

>saying games are good is a meme if they're in a different region
yeah ok

I bought a N64 at launch anyway. Sold it off when Goldeneye came out. Used the money to go towards Saturn and PS1 games.

Not him, but all user was saying is that Tooie's textures were pretty good, which still hold up if you ramp up the resolution in an emulator.

No, ps1 didn't look like your pic either, but you can use that pic to discuss the quality of the textures itself.

i didn't notice the other poster mentioned textures, i just read vaseline smeared which is my memory of it anyways. he isn't wrong though, banjo tooie and conker are very late titles often praised because of their graphics as comparatively to other games on the system such as mario 64 or harvest moon 64 textures are huge and models are detailed. i mean isn't conker one of the first 64 megabyte cartridges for the system? it isn't representative of the entire library

...have you seen the eye cancer of PS1’s 1995 game library? Pro tip, PS1 games released at the end of year 2000 were literally 7th year titles for that console. Conker was comparatively a 5th year title.

That game really pushed the graphics for that generation, I kind of wish Nintendo had gotten on the ball earlier, the graphics in most of their N64 games were shit, you can look at the textures and the models ripped from the games and it's shit like most of the texture is wasted, or this model is more than 1k poly's but should be able to look better with much fewer poly's.

I'm pretty sure Mario's model is higher poly than Conker, and I think Conker uses actual skeletal animation, his dynamically animated tail for the time was absolutely amazing.

Eh, its best games got great remasters on the 360. It was the first console I had and besides the multiplayer memories (which I cherish a lot, dont get me wrong), most of my time was spent playing banjo 2 until around 2002 or 3.

Conker has a LOT of polygons, somewhere around 1200 for the squirrel himself.

That being said, you are right that Nintendo was fairly shit at pushing their own system’s hardware. Rare’s games were technically running rings around Nintendo’s. The most technically advanced first party game was probably Mario Tennis DESU and that was made by ex-Sega devs Camelot. Embarrassing.

>The most technically advanced first party game was probably Mario Tennis

The fuck? That game looked like powdered ass.

Though I am hard pressed to find a 64 game that looked nearly as nice as Rare's shit. Even MM sort of fell apart near the end with "Pinata Gyorg"

>That game looked like powdered ass.
Emulators break shit, but on the real N64 it has a truly surprising number of advanced effects. Things like heat distortion, stencil shaped projected shadows, simulated sunlight lighting model, pseudo- bump mapping, etc

>posting a pic LITERALLY from inside a fucking tree

I am extremely grateful and happy to have experience OOT during the n64 era. I don't think I could have appreaciated such a great game and the impact that it had on the industry now that I am old and generally unimpressed.

Sounds like you're just jaded as hell lost soul with no imagination and immersion left in your body. I've seen some quite literal 30 year olds play the game for the first time in very recent years, on OG N64 at that, and enjoy it tremendously.

PS1 and Saturn for games,N64 for nostalgia.

>came out before Mega Man Legends and Ocarina of Time
>it's better than both
How did Konami do it?

Why didn't they call it Starwing 64?

>dat n64 aesthetic

absolutely love it. timeless, masterful look. something about the simple ground and environment textures with the more advanced building/architecture textures and designs is just perfect

I liked the N64 well enough but I'll always argue that the GameCube was an overall big improvement over it. The GC was my only console for a good chunk of the sixth gen and I didn't really feel like I was missing out on a whole lot by not having a PS2. I can't say the same about the N64 and PS1.

The Saturn's region lock was easy as fuck to get around with an Action Replay. My friend and I did it when we were like 12.

>highly subjective opinion
>also false

Only for normies. The worst consoles of that time was:

>Neo Geo
ridiculos prices, games hard to get, only fighting games, no technical support

Horrible loading times, badnhardware, awful controllers, high price, no technical support

>Atari Jaguar
bad games, awful controllers, NO GAMES, no technical support

N64 was great compared to those failures and is great or on par compared to Sega Saturn.

None of those were mainstream consoles that competed directly with the N64. No idea why you're even mentioning the Neo Geo.

Yes the N64 and PS1 were both great consoles, unlike modern consoles there were so many good exclusives it was worth owning multiple systems.

>In b4 PSX

The Neo Geo and Jaguar launched in 1991 and 1993 respectively in North America. They were more part of the fourth gen.

Nothing wrong with calling it the PSX and I agree. The sixth gen was the last time each console had its own unique identity and library that made them all worth owning.

PS1, N64, Saturn, 3DO, Atari Jaguar, Amiga CD32, Neo geo CD, Marty FM Towns, Pippin, etc... All are fifth-generation consoles.

Fifth generation starts in 1993

Yes, you underage faggot.
They controller was an abomination but the games themselves were kino.

>The sixth gen was the last time each console had its own unique identity and library that made them all worth owning.

I would say the Sixth gen was the one which started with the whole multiplat thing. On previous gens, multiplats had diferences between each version.

>Nothing wrong with calling it the PSX and I agree.
No there is not both are correct but there is always at least one autist who spergs out either one.

>I would say the Sixth gen was the one which started with the whole multiplat thing. On previous gens, multiplats had diferences between each version.
There were a lot of multiplats but there were still plenty of great exclusives on top of that

>Metroid Prime, Melee, Sunshine, TTYD, F-Zero GX, Rogue Squadron 2/3, Windwaker, MK:DD, Pikmin
GCN looked better than PS2 in most cases but lacked online play that many multiplats on PS2/Xbox had.
GTA, FFX, GT3, Ratchet, MGS2/3 Jak, Sly Cooper, Ico/SoC, Silent Hill, Armored Core, KH, Socom
Though some like GTA, MGS2, and Silent Hill were lated ported to the Xbox
>JSRF, Halo, Forza, Phantom Dust
OG Xbox had less exclusives but it had the advantage of having the best version of many multiplats. Splinter Cell in particular the first game was Xbox exclusive for over a year and Chaos Theory shat on the PS2 version so hard while the GCN version lacked multiplayer.

Best console coming through.

>With composite cables
Get the fuck out.

I hated it because all everyone wanted to do was play blitz and golden eye. Also, no jrpgs. And I don't like the collect a thon style mario games and mario 64 started that bs.

I suppose you could make an argument for that but most of those consoles had failed by the time the N64 launched.

Man, the early CD-ROM era was very wild west. I love obscure consoles.

>drink analogy

>I suppose you could make an argument for that but most of those consoles had failed by the time the N64 launched.

Still fifth generation consoles, so still related.

N64 was released by 1996: Neo geo CD keep going releasing new games until 1998, 3DO last games was released by 1996, same with Atari Jaguar. Pippin was released in 1996. Marty FM towns had several re-release, until disconinued in 1995, but STILL fifth gen

Ps1 games looked like dog vomit. At least n64 games looked like colourful dog vomit

No one want's to watch their weeb friend play a JRPG at a get together.

Neo Geo AES was never supposed to be a general consumer console in the first place. It was designed to be a store demo machine.

The worst big console ist clearly the Xbone, N64 Had groundbreaking shit in it, the Xbone has literally nothing.

Not exactly true. IIRC, SNK licensed AES units to Japanese hotels for rental by guests but then they discovered there was an actual demand for them for home use. Still, I never once saw one in a physical store here in the U.S. I'd imagine specialty retailers in larger cities were the only ones that sold them. I can't imagine walking into a random K-Mart in the 90s and seeing a Neo Geo for sale.

I can't understand why anyone likes N64, it seems like a really boring console with very few games, compared to the PS1 with superior aesthetics and a big ol' girthy library of really 90s games.

Pretty much depends on what you had as a kid. I went from SNES to PS1 to Dreamcast and then to GameCube for most of the sixth gen until getting a PS2 in like 2003.

I never had a N64 but I'm still very fond of its games now that i've had a chance to play them

I don't understand people trying to pick a side, both N64 and PS1 were great consoles with great offerings

Yeah, they really do compliment each other particularly well.

user I played OoT 3 years ago fun game