Got any food, mister?

>Got any food, mister?

Other urls found in this thread:


Pure reddit.

>s e e t h i n g
Nothing funnier to see you numale soboys absolutely livid. First your cuck lifestyle was shamed, now your lack of testosterone and your fondness for soya laced latte.


I know the dragon head


What's the matter soboy?
Your excess estrogen acting up again?

Soboy is neofag chemo.

I gave him chocolate so he could grow up big and strong. Tossed every bag of soy onto the dirty streets where only the skittering vegans would see it.

s e e t h i n g

I want to fuck a soy boy!

Hey soyboy i think you need to cool it

l i v i d

I dont have any soylent for you please calm down

What are some games that let me play as a soyboy?

Is JC a soyboy?

why americans look like this?

Why does Sup Forums suddenly pretend to be manly?

Why does Sup Forums like soyboys so much?

yeah i know why aren't they flattened by trucks like us Euros

*gets shot*

>le reddit asterisks


it all goes back to the alpha/beta meme started by /r9k/, the cuck/soyboy/etc shit is just a pale imitation of that

>open thread expecting comfy Deus Ex memes
>it's a reddit thread

You should've been aware of the stupid currently trending memes,

>open Sup Forums expecting comfy video game memes
>it's all reddit memes

I meant to take a pic of a soy milk carton on my desk and make a "what's your gamer fuel" thread cause we had some but now it's gone. I can't stand soy milk but it would trigger /polv/ so much. Really regret not doing it when I had the chance...

ITT: Reditt: the thread


and thread about "what games did you play today" got deleted. nice

*gets stabbed then granaded*

Sup Forums is literally trained to react with certain behavior to simple patterns.

Is soyboy the new nigger?

leftists wish human psychology were that simple

if it was she would have won

no, "ungrateful" is

Yes. Nigger was way too problematic, it had to be replaced with an insult specifically aimed at white males.

Lmao, stay arsehurt soyboy.

Technically, poc is the new nigger.