Do you cook your 'nades, Sup Forums?

Do you cook your 'nades, Sup Forums?
>tfw it explodes right on the enemy's face

grenades arent food

Reminder that if your grenades don't throw fragments your game is shit.

Why are they called pineapples then?


because only a fucking idiot would try to eat one or put it on a pizza

Pineapples by themselves are good dumbass

Says you.

Depends on the situation or the game. Generally if I have a feeling someone is coming through soon or want to flush them out I throw it uncooked. If I know someone is there and want to go for the kill I cook it.

I'm fairly confident in my ability to dodge bullets when I WANT to die, so I cook grenades all the time when I know I can't win a gun fight.

only to allahu akbar in pubg when i land on school or military and find a frag before a gun

Yes, absolutely

Vidya grenade usage power ranking:

Can be cooked
Can be held after pulling the pin
Can be neither cooked or held

>tfw it explodes right on the enemy's face
That's basically why I always count to three or five before I actually throw it

>undercooking your nades

I don't cook my nades because I'm a lazy faggot that doesn't want to learn the timing.

>Play black ops
>see enemy gun poking out of the window
>Time to get creative
>Cook nade for two seconds and trow it.
>break window and explodes, killing him
>cinema mode
>Camping faggot POV
>last thing he sees was the grenade directly in front of him.
Good times

>You can change weapons while cooking your nade


Army manual says to wait 3 seconds before tossing a grenade for the best results

nades are trash luck based garbage, real men use detonatable c4

The ISIS Army?

can be held/prepared and you click a button while doing so to pull the pin manually goes at the very top
throwing without doing so results in an uncooked grenade of course

No? Most nades a have a 5 second delay. You're supposed to cook em in live combat if it suits the situation. never ever in training. This works well with vidya

I formed a bad habit in Titanfall 2 of cooking grenades when I got ambushed or just whenever I panic. More often than not, I pick up the kill when they run over my dead body for no reason at all.

That seems incredibly dangerous, 5 seconds is really enough time considering the time its going to take to land where you threw it

Considering in most games they have a 3 sec delay, no, not a very good strategy

In CoD they have a 5 sec delay. And i think RO2.

Maybe, but if you got to clear a room it works well.

Don't post gore please. Thanks. Think of the children.

Which CoD? up until Black ops (last one i played) they were 3 sec delay

I disagree but that's a good joke.

WaW might be wrong tho, but it feels a tiny bit longer than 3

pineapples are awesome on pizza yo

nah, definitively 3 sec. a lifetime of playing MP and Zombies made me knowing that by heart.

>he doesn't like pineapple on pizza

Go to bed Ramsay.

rare only

I remember some RO2/RS grenades actually being different from one another Like the Russian grenade had a 3 second fuse while the rest were 5, American grenades don't auto-cook and you have to manually release the spoon, and the jap nades were a whole 'nother kettle of fish.