>I will never again come home from school and rush to my room to log in
I will never again come home from school and rush to my room to log in
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You can still do this if you really want to.
Its not the game that's missing, its everything else.
>come home from school
>log in
>see all my buds from school log in as they get home
>go out in the wildy and gank noobs and each other for fun
good times
Agreed m80. So many times me and friends would run home from school and just go on RS to hang out and go on adventures. That world seemed truly unlimited back in the day.
What changed?
Nothing And that's the problem
You failed to develop emotionally and socially and so you never got to experience actual adventures with your mates as adults.
The community is dead and gone, everything is documented online and I have life to worry about now.
I played a huge amount of Runescape in ye olden days. I've tried to go back and play it but it's so fucking tedious and grindy.
that kind of community from old wow and old RS will never come back. fuck it i have moved to MOBAs now.
I just want to go back
Good, grow up.
There is no sense of adventure in games anymore, it's all documented in nanoseconds after it's been leaked a week from release.
The closest to a sense of adventure I've had is playing BOTW during Hurricane Irma.
Runescape music just makes me want to cry now. I just want to go back
feels bad man.... I play osrs for the nostalgia im just happy we all got to have those great experience with our friends. will die happy knowing we all had so much fun
same but with habbo hotel
its still up but its nowhere near as fun as it used to be
>tfw you found out a kid in your class played too and you spent the afternoon holding the cordless phone with one and and talking about the game with him while playing with the other
>removed trading
>auto trading auction house
>got rid of most public rooms especially the one with the secret room
>player base sank
>no more classic custom game modes like cozzie change
I used to love scamming people in RS2007. What great fun.