Why does such a successful game need a free trial and a 50% off sale?
Why does such a successful game need a free trial and a 50% off sale?
Why does such a successful thread need to be reposted?
Why do lefty faggots report videogame threads on a videogame board?
Because they don't like that Sup Forums is packed with literal nazis, and so constantly bitch.
>MFW I didn't realize it was 50% off
>If it wasn't for Sup Forums shitposting and complaining, I would have forgot to buy it, and the season pass
Thanks for reminding me to buy this game when it was on sale to infuriate faggots. $60 wasn't worth it, but I can totally justify $40;
>wolfenstein, neofag or south park thread
>completely devolves into pol tier shitposting
I wonder why.
>literal nazis
You literally spent 40 bucks on a bad game to hypothetically piss people off on Sup Forums.
Oh my goddddd I'm so infuriated by you wasting your money AHHH!
This is why I stay on Sup Forums more intellectual discussion
Because political activists are oversensitive numales and pray for even the most obvious shitposters?
A fool and his money are soon parted
>Why do lefty faggots report videogame thread
LITERALLY outing yourself as a Sup Forumssperg with the intent to have a Wolfenstein hate circle-jerk b/c of ''Durr Killin muh Nazi's''.
Oh no, how will I ever live knowing that a literal nobody bought a game? brb going to an hero.
>more stolen Sup Forums meme formats
>successful game
The game didn't sell well. But lots of games go on sale for Thanksgiving/Black Friday.
Because some won't buy the game without a demo. There are so many games coming out on weekly basis and you have to make moves to stay relevant after release.
I did it all the time in medal of honor, resorting to reporting threads is just being an ass pained no fun allowed faggot.
Why does the far left try to steal Sup Forums's memes without coming up with their own?
So what's so bad about the game?
Do Bethesda games generally flop or something? I've seen games like Doom, Dishonoured 2 and Prey get massive price drops shortly after release. I'd never buy a Bethesda game at full price because of this.
Can't talk about videogames, reportable offense thanks to our enlightened betters.
>Reporting this thread
Whoa hold on now,I maybe a Sup Forums hating fag but reporting threads?
I'm not that kind of fag user.
They're jews, they recycle things that worked, they don't create anything new. Hence Hollywood as an industry.
Guy who ran the official twitter account referenced Trump and his supporters every few tweets, along with most reviewers comparing the game to the US' modern political landscape.
The game is alright otherwise, but a bit short and very cutscene heavy.
Dude you kill nazis and the game is anti-Trump. We 4channers won't tolerate this.
So only the ideologically pure (as determined by you) are allowed to talk about video games?
You must be anti-NN.
>tfw Evil Within 2, a niche survival horror shooter/stealth game outsold a multi million 25yo franchise about LE EBIN NAZI PUNCHING
>We 4channers won't tolerate this
>Implying all 4channers support Trump
You're better off checking the last thread, some user posted a very nice summary of his experience with it and why he disliked it.
>Evil Within 2
Because as much as everyone wanted to like it, it was absolute dogshit.
After the recent patch, I can't even launch the game on steam. Also fuck the crazy headbob, bad damage indication and shitty level geometry and item pickups.
This will not be a Sup Forums thing where the game is good but Sup Forums says it's shit, correct?
disregarding literally everything else
>8 hour at most game
>3 hours of cutscenes
>zero replayability
take a wild guess
Well yeah, it's a fucking corridor shooters, I wasn't expecting the game to last for 345 hours, but 3 hours cutscenes?
White peoples skull-shape don't look like that though.
>Why does an interactive product need to let you try if it works?
Don't forget about the walking sections
>base your entire ideology around a cartoon frog you just keep editing
cool promo render
Why would you need so many cutscenes? Isn't the plot just about BJ wanting to unfuck America because he hates nazis and has a baby on the way and the nazi lady from the previous game hunts him down?
>Vento Aureo.jpg
well we need to support the part of the industry that still makes a decent single player games, and 40€ is what I payed for Nier:Automata so I'd say The New Colossus is worth it
alright fine.
They take a cartoon meme frog and then edit to fit whatever alt right ideology they desire and claim it to be original, but then turn around and accuse others for being pathetic meme thieves
is that better?
Trials and demos are just nu-"gamers" trying to cash in on the real eras of gaming (1990-2006)
Get fucking drumpfed on machinegames
The left can't meme. Never has, never will. You are not as funny as Sup Forums.
How the turning of tables commences so swiftly
>The left can't meme
they don't need to
Because this thread is propaganda.
Stop buying jewish propaganda.
Sincerely - a non 4/pol/ national socialist
So emasculating, I can't wait to play this game
So one side is creatively bankrupt, while the other is a bunch of thieves.
Apples and oranges mate.
You know your Id pol shit fad has blown over right leftists? You have lost the normies over the last year. Admit it, it was not the right wing death squads rioting and smashing shit up. The common people know who the real twats are. All i will do is point and laugh.
All you had to do was keep your noses out of video games.
>implying these faggots aren't Sargon of akkad drones
keep digging soyboy
>I hate the Last of Us so much!
>game becomes a shitty last of us ripoff
I hate Sup Forums sometines
>implying there's a difference
Just telling you the truth cuck. Not my fault you can't meme. Perhaps you should do as we ask and git gud?
>He has even stolen the soyboy meme
hahahahha point proven.
>creatively bankrupt
so creatively bankrupt they have to hijack a smug looking frog and plaster it with nazi symbolism, yes
why do so many Sup Forumsirgins think that sales and free trials and free weekends means a game is tanking?
Wait, the game was bad? This is the first i heard about it being bad, i've heard nothing but praise until now.
Let me save you the bother: you kill Engel in the end. c
That's literally what I said.
>The common people know who the real twats are
you drove a car into a crowd of protesters
Where did he state he loves Evil Within 2?
Because if it was a good product it would still be full price.
Sales after a few months = fine
Sales at the end of the month you just launched from = Bomb
>thinks soyboy is a Sup Forums original
gosh I think I see the problem here. you just use Sup Forums exclusively as a lens to peek into the world
I can almost hear your fragile bones rattling under your skin
Their first DLC just came out and the extra content behind the vault door has unlocked so they're probably just trying to do a promotional event to get more buyers now that the game has more content.
that means it underperformed and for big companies unless one game makes 500 billions its a flop.
Soyboy was invented by black twitter to make fun of white men
self defence, also so what? just one heart-attack related death
You assaulted a guy with a bike lock. Your crimes are worse in the eyes of the common people.
I don't care if i am not pure , least i am not commie red. And the common man knows that the shrill feminists, the ugly trannys and the beta cucks you sent at them are just nothing but shit.
So you are telling me the left has to steal from black men? Sounds a bit KKKih to me lads.
Better not let Tariq hear you
but the OP literally proved that wrong, same with sales and free weekends on overwatch
Member when free trials were a default?
Worst of all it's a demo of when you're in a wheelchair.
Who would want to play as a terrorist in a singleplayer game?
Established Blizzard fanbase
A game nobody gave a fuck about till #killnazis was trending on twitter.
That is the difference.
i have no idea why people say Sup Forums is creative or spawn good memes when its the most repetitive shit board on the entire site. they keep giving different names but its the exact same concept. nu-male then cuck now soy how is this original when only complete spergs use them
>releasing on the same day as Mario, Assassins Creed and a few days before CoD WW2
What the fuck were they thinking
this was literally terrorism
you are terrorists
blizzard stopped showing current player statistics in wow after it went less than 4 million players and destiny 2 after less than 2 million players. overwatch has no such option. both star craft games went f2p.
Playing as the bad guy is always fun though
I'm a libertarian but it's okay to be white was pretty funny.
Didn't you hear? Antifa is as well.
May the best terrorist win. (fat chance you will)
You seem to be under the delusion that i give a fuck about "being above you" oh no. I am willing to come to your level and shit on your couch. You can't win hearts and minds by calling every white person a racist shitlib.
yeah ill admit that was fucking funny
It was perfectly legal, due to a decree by Obama, the CIA can assassinate any american without a warrant
Those fucking shoulder pads lol
You're both retarded
Bad guys with good writing are great. BJ is just a delusional idiot.
I want to murder every socialist on the planet naziniggers included.
>White nationalist
>Wears brown
Sup Forums is full of teenagers, not Nazis
>those football ready shoulder pads
>Black swastika
>Thick black columns
Mmm ;)