You have been banned

>you have been banned
>reason: never contact my little sister again. a police report has been filed
>date ban will be lifted: never

Other urls found in this thread:


>be woman apologist
>don't know the first thing about feminism
>want to catch my friend who keeps degrading women in the act
>can never catch him
>finally get up the courage to do something ballsy
>kick open his door and find his dick jammed in the cheek of a woman
>can't bring myself to say anything other than he's a womanizer and a loser
>they go back to fucking and ignore me

>you have been banned
>reason: not drinking Barry's™ Red Cola

>You have been banned
>Reason: how could ye like Turkish delight? That's disgusting. It's like eating perfume. It's like eating old ladies perfume, like lavander water or rose water. How could ye like that?

I like it. I dae.


In his directors commentary he barely mentioned anything about the sketch although its his most popular one.
You can tell he is using comedy to escape his reality.

Turkist delight is great, that guys a faggot >:(

Oh for fuck sak-

For curiosity sakes traveller

Kill jester.

[don't help him]
[one more time and its coming from your salary]

Name 8 games that do this.

>You have been banned
>Reason: Drink barrys red cola

8 source games with community servers


>you have been banned
>reason: spamming Sup Forums memes
why would anyone ban for this?


they only use sites like neofag and gamefaqs that breed the mindset Sup Forums and people who use it are problematic and you should actively distance yourself from them

>you have been banned
>reason: don’t kill the admin

Aey is it so easy to get things in life
[rides the bus]

if you use anything from this site anywhere that isn't Sup Forums you deserve to both be banned and slammed in the nuts


What's yer 'ing?

>You have been banned
>Reason: Steel is heavier than feathers

>you have been banned from the server
>reason: having too much fun

>Your account has been suspected of suspicious activity
Literally have to have my Blizzard account unlocked every week with no real explanation.

Pure waha

>don't know the first thing about feminism
that is

>this qualify of English


me in a fight against the kitchen knife?

aye the kitchen knife oud win then

>mod is in chat going on the usual powertrip about some trivial bullshit
>say "ban me"
>he actually bans me

No, it's not. A kilogram of steel is heavier than a kilogram of feathers

I have never been a mod for anything in my life.

Is it really such a power trip? Sometimes mods aren't fags so most of them are decent folk right?


It usually comes down to how they got to be mod. If it's their server or they've had previous moderating experience they tend to be bros because banning people for petty reasons is a good way to make your server ded, but if it's just because they're a gril or they paid for it or they're friends of the owner they tend to abuse it more.

that was mean as fuck. Why would anyone do that to a turtle?


Let's take another call.

Sorry to break it to you guys but he lived in LA for years.

what a fucking nigger

>join random tf2 server
>get into argument with some jackass
>make a joke about fucking his mum
>turns out he was admin
>you have been kicked: My mum is dead, faggot

How the fuck was I to know

China. Also, it's on a kitchen counter, the thing is soupified by now..

there are several different personality types and unfortunately the personality type that is most drawn to search out for a position as a mod is also the type that isn't best suited for it. Control freaks, people with inflated egos etc.