What are some games with good armour design?
What are some games with good armour design?
Tera online
Unironically Dragon Age Inquisition.
Armor customization was the sole good aspect of the game, with its sloppy combat and lazy writing.
The outfits looked positively fucking badass, looked different on each party member, could be painted and a have additional shoulderpads/boots attached to them, it made for a fun as hell dress up. The armor designed effectively convinced me not to upgrade my equipment on several occasions.
Age of Conan. Fantasy armor without XBOX huge pauldrons.
>modded armor
>Age of Conan
if only that game was actually fun
No players killed it for me
I tried playing like 2 years ago and couldn find a group for a dungeon for like 2 weeks
Shame because I really like Conan
No joke, I really like one tiddy out armors.
To be honest, my favourite is both tiddies out armor but everything else heavily covered
Gothic 1 and 2
>but everything else heavily covered
That's weird man, but whatever get you going. If we're going both out, might as well go barbarian topless like Tsun's plate kilt.
new armor coming out so we can roleplay steppe weebs
also mystery of the druids
That image would be ten times hotter if her leg and chest were also armoured.
sweet, those nipple covers look like ACTUAL nipples
Dark souls series
>nipple covers
I'm pretty sure that one is a bare mile and the other is a tattooed bare nipple
>bare mile
What the heck autocorrect
haha no way, user would never post nipples on a blue board
what game tho
NWN 2 had cool armor
patrician taste
Dragon Age had some pretty sweet armor sets. The ones without the huge shoulder pads, anyway.
Mostly reskins though, there was a few unique pieces. You can use the editor to make yourself custom armour pieces including customised visuals.. there's only like 4 variations of pauldrons iirc?
how do you even search for that?
>one tiddy covered
It's pretty hard to find. Occasionally I'll just making a thread on LL asking armors only covering one tiddy. They're better tat this stuff than I am.
Guild Wars 2
No kidding, forget the initial bugs, the game has aged terribly: zones are barren and samey, questing is limited to "collect 12 X" and nothing more, and what little story there is to be had suffers from pacing so bad it's impossible to keep track. I could go on. Let's also not forget that the game pulled one of the most flagrant bait and switches in history with that bullshit around there only being voice acting in the starting zone.
Obvious answer but it's true
Why are battle ballgown so rare?
>looked different on each party member
This will never not be a shitty thing
It's understandable that the design of armor changes between equipping it on different races, but plate armor should be the same plate armor regardless of which human male warrior wears it
Because they're a fucking stupid as fuck idea
>bikini armor is great
>battle dress isnt
So you also hate bikiniarmor? Damn user fuck off
has there been any games out _this_ year in particular with good armor design? the literal only piece of armor I like from Horizon Zero Dawn is the sun peoples set, and BotW only had 1 or 2 bits I thought were great with the rest ranging from merely good to meh
Make me cunt
Doesnt seem practical against demons. One bad move and youre naked between 100 demons.
You can find these in 2D games, otherwise it's rare, probably because the dress part of the armor would clip like crazy unless the game has good clothing physics.
>implying that's not what she wants
Destiny has some interesting designs, too bad they're waisted on a bad game
Impeccable taste
Witcher 2/3
What are some games with skimpy armor and good graffix that aren't TES?
I want to play a game that will also arouse me
Exanima has some amazing armour customization and local damage so it actually matters
the designs themself are pretty simple but it's the fact that you can completely customize everything and layer different pieces on top of each other like gambesons, undershirts etc
>dope-ass armor customization
>in a gloomy dungeon crawler
You know it pal
Update when?
just wait for Sui Genesis, providing we all haven't turned to dust by then
>Update when?
fucking never. when was the last one, march?
>practical armor
>big hole right where her heart is
Dead game. Sui Generis is never coming out.
That said, at least we got a nice tech demo. Maybe they release the source code at least so we can get something out of it.
Yeah something like that
Fucking bastards, arena could only entertain me so long
I'll fucking fight you bro.
Make sure you don't trip on your prom dress faggot
Retarded newfag.
The Fate series
Soulsborne series
the players actually killed it for me, max level enemy necromancer in starting town killing me and all the other new players while sitting on top of a tent so the guards bugged out and couldnt touch him, took 2 hours for a high level freindly to get off his arse and take him out, the next night of playing 5 of them were their doing it. took too long for the pvp castles thing to come out and keep em occupied
wtf?? how am I supposed to stab her with my dick now?