Why is the English voice acting so much better than the Japanese one?

Why is the English voice acting so much better than the Japanese one?

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Whoever localized BB knew what they were doing. You could tell the VAs were actual professionals and really into their lines, and the lines themselves were very well-rendered.

>Have you heard how curiously the sea churns?

All the souls games use the same third party company to source their VAs, and they're very good at their jobs.

If you were a native Japanese speaker you might've thought otherwise.

Because it's set in quasi victorian England and English fits like a glove.

because they actually wanted to fit into the setting

because you don't speak japanese fucker

Because the game is written for the English language. The Japanese version is the dub, not the English one.

>this thread

You don't speak it fluently in japan. You wouldn't know if it was good either dumbass.


it does


BB wasn't localized like normal JP games, English is done first, Souls games only had English voice acting and is considered more important and the canon language.

Bloodborne was different for using Japanese but English is still "main" language of souls games

Also no American cunts holy fuck those accents ruin so many Japanese games. Shit voice directors, same recycled American anime dub shitters in every game.

Bloodborne launch trailer was in English subbed. All souls games but Bloodborne was English only

So no surprise the language the original creators prefer is better, same reason all American dubs are instant shit with rewrites and changes

English is the base language for all souls games and they use theatre actors for the voice work.

Doll and Eileen and some others were better in Japanese but English voices were still better overall.
The Old Hunters has better English voice acting than 99.9% of western games, especially in that clinic where they were all insane, it is so easy to make these lines sound forced, yet there it was all natural as hell.
>"Can you hear it? The sound of water."
Other examples of G-d tier English voice acting in souls games is that bird NPC from Dark Souls 2, the Firekeeper from Dark Souls 3, King Allant from DeS, Gehrman and probably a bunch of others I'm forgetting right now.

meant to say JAPANESE launch trailer was in English subbed

Why aren't more studios doing that? Even DeS had amazing voice acting, and From didn't have even a fraction of its current resources.
Zelda is my GOTY and it had really bad English voices, Nintendo is like a gorillion times bigger than Fromsoft, that should be no problem for them and many others that fail in that regard.

I want to hear MiB and Doll's voice actor forever


because noa is retarded and want their americans

fucking americans can't do a british accent to save their lives

Seriously, some of the voice acting in this game gave me goosebumps

>Byrgenwerth... Byrgenwerth...
>Blasphemous murderers, blood-crazed fiends.
>Atonement for the wretches, by the wrath of Mother Kos.
>Curse the fiends. And their children. And their children's children for ever more
>Let each wretched birth plunge each child into a lifetime of misery
>Mercy for the poor wizened child
>Let the pungence of Kos cling, like a mother's devotion

the english voice acting is the original
the japanese voices were added much later with the dlc

>Voice acting

What? Therere's like less than a thousand words of dialogue in the entire fucking game.

Yeah, but what little there is is actually top notch. There are more memorable lines in those