Why do they let niggers gain acces to the market auction houses

why do they let niggers gain acces to the market auction houses

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Like 4K gold is a lot.

>Hurr I cant into TSM and scroll my mouse to make millions

Honestly even without tsm or auctionator even scrub players should have 100k+ just sitting around collecting dust. Its not like its hard to make gold anymore

is not

>checking auction
>saw a cheap item time left change from 2hr to 30min
>wait till last min
>tfw bid 1s higher and got it

Kus Wyneth.

I think what the OP is trying to get at, is that the mongoloids started undercutting by hundreds of gold, when a 1c undercut achieves the same purpose and doesn't lose everyone gold.

I believe thats what hes saying.

>abloobloobloo why isn't everyone playing this for the economics simulation
You should literally be put in front of a firing squad for ruining games with your kikery.

>that guy who hearthstoned out of an dungeon/raid because he had to cancel auctions since they weren't selling for full price

>making reasonable 100-200g profit off of crafting, not overcharging or anything
>go to bed
>wake up next morning
>some fucking faggot annihilated the market
>never recovers

You sound like a giant faggot.

To the gulags with you, kike.

Did your stupid faggot ass ever think that maybe your suddenl influx of you suddenly dipping into what people have been doing before would suddenly cause an influx of the shit you're trying to sell thus devaluing it?

geez, what a true fucking mind-bender

Maybe if I jumped into an overcrowded market, but I didn't. Some fucking retard went into a small market and started charging 1k less for no reason.

Can't you get 4k from soloing cata raids?

I want to sell my shit, not get into a Jew-war with other faggots


I am still making large profit

I don't care if I'm not making as large a profit as I could


At least I'm not a disgusting fucking joo.

Fuck you. I'm Chinese. Not a Jew. Learn the difference.

You don't want to get killed by ninjas do you?

Will I get Legion for free when BfA comes out?

>playing Legion

yeah on your existing account.

>some faggot on my realm bought up all the black trillium ore and is selling it in stacks of 50

I just wanted to discover the Crafted Malevolent Gladiator's set for my Paladin

>i'm a chinese subhuman, not a jew subhuman
Fuck outta gaming and into the stock markets.

Why do Legion players have such beautiful eyes?

Either you sell it cheap to some autist who sits there relisting everything to protect his market or you lose the dumb 1c markdown war because you've got better things to do with your life.

I remember in classic/bc when people weren't so Jewish. You could get most things but BoE epics affordably

>buy out the cheap shit
>post it at market value
You do have enough gold to do that, don't you, user?

flask market has been broken for months because the only items in the recipes are herbs and thus botted into oblivion

the only markets left with profits in them are things that are harder bot like enchanting and BOEs, and even those are borderline dead

the gold farm is currently in wane until next xpac

bop epics where the line between israel and palestine

>being retarded

>making ~25% profit by clicking a few times is retarded

Their day will come my friend

If they're charging 1k less than it's because it can be sold for 1k less without losing profit, stop being a greedy jew and get the fuck over it. If that is wrong then don't lower your prices and it will go back to normal after whoever doing it bankrupts it themselves, it's that fucking simple.

Pro-tip: Just ask a friend that is an enchanter. After bitching about the cost of shards (It's pretty insane) they will most likely give you the enchant.

>mfw im going to skip Devilsaur Set on my pre-raid Hunter because there are cheaper alternatives and you find replacements really easily anyway

feels good brehs, cant wait for vanilla

This wasn't even a month into Legion. Some guy went into a market that maybe 4 people other than me were in and fucking annihilated it for no reason.

It never recovered and no, you couldn't make a profit off of it after he did that because it was being sold at 800g under the cost to craft the fucking thing.

Why is he selling them at that price?

scarlet crusade?
if so, that was me lol

>he doesn't make 800k a month from the mission table
step it up senpai

still making more profit on you as your bots undercut my already slashed prices

how's all those unsold auction mail going?

He probably couldn't do math and had a bunch of gold or wanted to fuck with people. Either way the bracer market collapsed long before people realized obliterum was a waste of time because of him.

Another win for the consumer, Jews BTFO!

>the stupid valentine's event mount I've been using for a joke for years is now insanely popular on my realm and goes for around 100k

Huh so there are way more fags out there than I thought

Why not farm BoE relics with argunite? It's by far the most efficient way to make gold!

I always undercut niggers by 40-50%. I don't give a damn, I want to sell my shit and my shit will sell fast

>i'm a slant-eyed jew, not a round-eyed jew

that pink naked chicken? I have that

>couldn't do math
The market decided on the price, deal with it, oligopolic kike.

oh wait that was an Easter thing

Isn't this free market capitalism in action that Sup Forums is always obsessed over?

>achieves the same purpose
not really. When you undercut by a lot it catches the eye and also triggers addons that look for bargains

I love undercutting fags by 30% and crashing the market.

same, especially when some kike has cornered the market because a) I'm losing him a sale and B) people will buy it super quick

In burning crusade people would actually whisper you angrily.

i don't even understand gold and the AH in this game, unless you are getting Token. the game throws thousands at me every day but my only expense is repairs and flightpoints.

bot buys it instantly if you undercut by enough
some guy has been buying so much armor of me that i cant believe he will ever get his money back

Once some guy sent me a very strongly worded letter about my undercutting tendencies.

What a fucking nerd

i loved having the servers' netherweave cloth/bag market under my control back in BC, got so much hate.

there are plenty of gold sinks in the game for those willing so spend. BMAH, collectible pets and mounts, etc

implying your one or two items can crash the market

you faggot

ITT: Dumb retards with no idea how to manipulate the market so they complain their """Money making""" method was ruined even though someone who's manipluating the shit out of them is just making 10x as much off their terrible waste of time ''''''MUNEY MAKING!!1'''''

Actually 95% of players who use the auction house to any regard probably have an auction addon like auctioneer that automatically undercuts items by a certain percentage.

Depends on how long the auction is up for user. If someone is selling 1 or 2 of an item I doubt it's something that's sold in bulk.