How do I teach my 10 year old sister to play the original Super Mario Kart? She doesn't get the controls...

How do I teach my 10 year old sister to play the original Super Mario Kart? She doesn't get the controls, and I don't know how to explain them to her.

A button go faster
Left and right to turn
R to jump

Jump into turns to go faster and pick up the coins for a speed boost

I find positive reinforcement helps. Every time she does something right, remove a pubic hair from her Mac & Cheese.

This one makes you go
This one makes you stop
This one lets you slide around corners
Then demonstrate all of these
If she's 10 and still can't grasp it after that, she's a lost cause. Just off her.

She just keeps fucking up the turns and going off course/into the barriers...

May I ask why you're doing this one and not one of the later ones? I feel like those would be easier to get into since the controls were improved exponentially with Mario Kart 64 and so on.

Racing is hard for kids who want room to experiment or mess about. Platformers like Mario or Crash or even Zelda may be better.

Maybe give her MK8D which has actual controls designed for children.

Turning is more forgiving in later Mario Kart games.

Then teach her to brake.

>tfw my 12 year old cousin is better than me at Mario Kart, even though I've been playing it for longer than she's been alive

This but with Smash Bros.

MK8D's auto turning feature is actually pretty good for grandmas and little kids. They can race and not get stuck in walls.

>She doesn't get the controls, and I don't know how to explain them to her.
Which one of you is retarded? Someone has to be retarded in this scenario.

Just kill her already.

Mario Kart is one of the first game I ever played in my life and I loved it. But really, Mario Kart 8 is the best still. Seems to be a fuckup proof series.

Let her sit on your lap and help her with the controller yourself.

You're just a shit teacher OP

How about teaching her the best Mario Kart ( Mario Kart 8 Deluxe ) instead this poorly aged game?

Give here the console and let her play the games in it. Perfect Dark, Mario, etc.
Come back in 3 months and she'll beat your ass. Just tell her befirehand that you'll be proud if she beats you and she'll practice every day

>teaching your youngers to be good at video games rather than good at life

wew laddy

That's why you keep them away from YouTube and modern games. Leave them with older ones. Kids do need playtime as well. You can teach later that day

The problem is it got 2 easy and shitty

Yeah no children played snes

>play the games in it.
It's a snes, underage b&

Play MK8D with her instead. It's so simple and casualized that even retards should be able to stay on the track.

>go into thread expecting everyone to shit post about OP's sister
>majority of replies are actually nice and helpful
Well that was cool and unexpected.

Does she actually want to? Would she rather just play her newer stuff? If she just wants to play the newer stuff then just let her instead of being a "muh older stuff I had at ur age u don't even kno kid" douche.

she is fucking 10 yrs old. let her play something she like you dumb fuck stop projecting your insecurity by playing shitty 90s memes game for the retro feeling that she dont even give a single fuck

Nothing seems wrong about that, the control is horrible in Super Mario Kart.

then youre both retarded and i hope she gets raped in front of you

>L-L-LOOK MOM :):) I-I-I P-POST IT :) :p :p

neck yourself edgy nigger.

Ask her to make a character chart

Very epic post, my Sup Forumsro!

Stop making her play your BING BING WAHOO games

This, she probably just wanted to look at shopkins. Stop being a sperg.

Fake and gay

have her play as mushroom or the turtle

Chances are 9/10 that OP is a creepy perv trying to groom his sister into being the cool gamer girl he always dreamed about.

you acting like he doesnt touch her, you know how many times ive dry humped my baby sister? ive commed in her face multiple times, pretty sure my dads got a blowey off her too

and then fuck her?

why are you old enough to give a fuck about super nintendo but your sister is only 10? did your parents have another accident?

This. I think OP's "sister" is actually him

>If she's 10 and still can't grasp it after that, she's a lost cause. Just off her.
This, get a new sister OP.

ebin simbly ebin XD


Also, I had already beaten super mario world and donkey kong country by age 6. WHY IS YOUR SISTER SO WORTHLESS!?!!??!?!?

god I wish my nephew were a bit older and less of a whinny little bitch to show him the path of good gamming
but he's a spoiled little brat, raised with smart phones as babysiter

I can't be the only one right?

SNES games were meant for children to play around with and get good at over the course of weeks or months.
Modern games allow them to jump into the games for a more instantly gratifying experience.

That actually explains everything.