What's the best game ever made and why is it Vampire the Masquerade?
What's the best game ever made and why is it Vampire the Masquerade?
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Does anyone unironicaly think this? I mean I liked the game and all but it's extremely linear and the gameplay wasn't something amazing, it had a good atmosphere though.
>Does anyone ... think this?
yeah it's got a huge cult following
Yah I know it does but "best game evah", come on, nobody can be this blind
what about blind people, they're p blind
I unironically feel that this is the best gaming experience I personally have ever had. I loved the setting, characters, music... everything. It was fucking amazing.
But I don't think it's THE best game ever. It is to me, but that's just my opinion.
>extremely linear
Not a problem.
>gameplay wasn't something amazing
More of a problem.
>I don't think it's THE best game ever
>I just think it is to me
It was fun for what it was, it just came second to the atmosphere.
My main gripe is that the game gives you all this classes that have different gameplay but the game itself is too linear to make you wanna play it again with another vampire.
Fair enough, it is a good game after all
such an underrated game
funny way to spell gothic 2 OP
Whadaya, fuckin gay?
Fallout 2 and unironically Dark Souls are the two games that are the founding pillars for what I find a "good game". Fallout 2 for the RPG elements, vast interactive world, story telling and conversations with NPCs, and Dark Souls for the raw unadultered gameplay. Dark Souls is all about the gameplay. It has a couple of minutes of well done cinematics and that's it, the rest is all gameplay.
I love Bloodlines because I consider it pretty much a downscaled Fallout 2 with vastly superior voice acting and graphics, and it's definitely among my favourite games ever, but it could never be the best.
*blocks your fun path*
*pull up hammer*
*blood buff*
huh,but yes it was a bitch to kill.
I mean it's great now(though hard to call the best) with all the patches, but on launch it was an absolute nightmare full of game breaking bugs. Making it in source was a huge mistake. We need another dev team to die because they launch an incomplete good game so unfinished games stop being released for a while, RIP troika
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They also had to delay the release because Valve didn't want them releasing a game before they did, so it got overshadowed by HL2 since both games were released on the same day.
Is this a troll post ?
While Dark souls has the better level design and lore, if you're talking about gameplay ds3 beats up 1 by a huge margin.
And while we're at it, Fallout 1 beats 2 to a pulp when it comes to how the player interacts with the world and how the world responds, 2 has cooler perks and weapons, but world and characters 1 > 2 all day every day. (both a still great nowadays tho)
It's fucked up thinking that the way it was launched was the delayed version, I wish it would have been delayed even more since QA was sending back tons of bugs that got shipped with the game anyway.
is she supposed to be hard to defeat?
it was piss easy
I played Fallout 2 before 1 so that could easily be part of the reason I always preferred 2. Also I didn't exactly pick the game, it was part of some "get 1 pc game a month" program my parents were gracious enough to pay for, I was like 13 at the time. I have played 1 a lot and it's an awesome game but it's not huge in the same way as 2 is, my first language isn't english and I had pretty much no fucking clue what I was doing while playing 2 as a kid but I discovered shit by accident like doing the caravan quests. I am obviously biased towards 2 but you cannot deny it is the larger game, it's the game you can sink hundreds of hours into without progressing the story. 1 had a strict timer.
it's hard if you are a scrawny nosferatu