>exist for 50 years
>everybody is happy about them
>still use scammy advertisment just like video games
>cheap choco
Why do you like the original Lootbox this much, Sup Forums?
>exist for 50 years
>everybody is happy about them
>still use scammy advertisment just like video games
>cheap choco
Why do you like the original Lootbox this much, Sup Forums?
Because you buy it for the chocolate, the toy is extra.
Imagine bring so autistic you can't grasp the difference between a Kinder Surprise and a Slot Machine.
So 99.9% of Sup Forums?
The majority of this board are dumbass NEETs who never fucked a girl or been outside. This is why lootboxes aren't going anywhere
this, also the toy's retain value because they can be sold or traded and are physical goods and are only priced high because of collectors making them artificially expensive where the creators don't do that, whereas lootboxes do not retain any real world value
>banned in the US because kids would swallow them whole and choke on the toy capsule
>illegal in the US
Why exactly they were banned from the US? did some autist tried to eat one whole?
>Food analogies
It's natural selection.
>You buy Overwatch for the gameplay, the cosmetics are just extra.
Because americans are stupid
Kinder egg
>get chocolate and a random toy
>costs a few cents/1$
>pay $60 for a video game
>video game already has all content locked on disk
>have to pay extra for content which has already had its cost covered by the production budget and costs money solely to generate profit
>you have already paid for the content of the lootbox with your $60, but you have to pay for it again
>only have an x% chance to get what you want
I don't think it's gambling, I think it's blatant anti-consumer bullshit that's an even worse form of on disk DLC
never understood why a child can get a military grade weapon but not a little sweet4
Are you shaming virginity?
Isn't that just as bad as slut shaming?
This. It's like if you bought cracker Jacks for the prize or Bazooka Joe for the comics. You bought the snack and the prize/comic was extra.
>>cheap choco
kinder chocolate is my favourite
good thing they sell it without the toy
Except you buy lootboxes separately, brainlet.
>the toy is extra.
no it isn't you double nigger. if i wanted just chocolate then i just buy some ritter sport or whatever german has for chocolate these nowadays.
>lootboxes are good
>play OW
What's wrong with blizz bastards?
>shills are this retarded
ban anyone and everyone that defends lootboxes
Ritter sport is great, but if you wanted the same taste then you get Kinder chocolate. Or Kinder Bueno if you like waffle and a softer cream.
Kinder Surprise is technically meant to be for kids, given as a gift, not because it has some bigger value, but to see them get happy and surprised.
>tfw Kinder is banned in burgerland and we're stuck with Hershey's dirt-flavored bars.
I mean our laws are outdated with tech advancing so fast I wouldn't have considered lootboxes(was it even present back then) as gambling a decade ago but now publishers and devs are getting tax free money so easily that it fucking blinded them. So regulating them and changing the laws to accommodate them so that it doesn't fuck over the consumer is the next logical step. I hope all this news coverage leads to something instead of pr, and greedy devs coming out and saying lootbox & micro-transactions is the norm and considers them to be integral to game design and muddying the waters with fucking drones coming up in defence of loot boxes specially OW drones.
Just go north to Canada
>and greedy devs coming out and saying lootbox & micro-transactions is the norm and considers them to be integral to game design
only saw EA CEO's defending this
Old law banning non food items placed inside food. Blanket law like many of our laws
>this thread
I honestly can't believe there are people, shill or not, that defend lootboxes.
>I don't think it's gambling, I think it's blatant anti-consumer bullshit that's an even worse form of on disk DLC
This, whether they're gambling or not is irrelevant. They're designed to squeeze every penny out of not only naive children and people with gambling problems but they also serve as a dampening to future bullshit with their "it's just cosmetic" claims.
You like to play that champion? You're justified to buy the skin, despite it already being on the disc just locked behind insane grinds, rng, or a paywall. Is that right? Absolutely not. When I play Super Mario Odyssey, whether you like the game or not, I can get every outfit, souvenir, and sticker from playing the game itself without thousands of hours of grinding.
O .M .G !i use memeful com too LOL !i really like youre meme! hahaah ! !
Can't bring em back. Massive fines trying to sneak them past customs
I don't know if gamesindustry is a trust worthy or not I just saw it when I was surfing the net
Holy shit, is there a competitive game based around the toys you get from Kinder with different stats levels based on rarity?
Sounds rad, what neighborhood is that on?
If it makes you feel any better, the rest of the world thinks Hershey's tastes like vomit, not dirt.
why do trolls do the things they do and why do idiots like me and you respond to them?
Because America just that fucking retarded.
>also boredom
>banned in the usa.
>not allowed to travel into usa with kinder surprises.
The absolute state of burgerland.
Super sweet vomit
>American that can't stand Hersheys
And what if the boxes weren't there, why'd they make cosmetics?
This. Why can't I have a solid Egg of that nice white shit they have on the inside?
Well good news. Trump unbanning them.
Of course bastard children had to choke and die, ruining it for everyone.
The cosmetics are there with or without lootboxes
If you want to know why then ask Mario Odyssey
>This, whether they're gambling or not is irrelevant.
Yes and no. Personally I don't think it's gambling but I'll keep complaining that it is just to add pressure and have governments regulate this bullshit. For once the "muh children" will bet good for something.
You the real nigga.
You want a cosmetic, go buy it outright. You purchase only what you want.
>Warframe has ideal model for this sort of thing
Burgers ain't free, gotta be sauced with the blood of foreign goods.
He's got a point, if you're unable to to have you're probably on the outskirts of a genepool.
Source: what? Odyssey is a 60$ game and it needs everything to make their meme console succeed.
It's not some F2P game that's funded purely by microtransactions
Gotcha force.
SD Gundam Gachapon wars.
Ferrero makes the best chocolate. Prove me wrong.
>it's no gambling if instead of buying lootboxes, you buy an item that comes with a lootbox as an extra
all eggs containt same value items. And you can order them individually.
Overwatch and Battlefront 2 are also $60 games
They're the only reason people are complaining about lootboxes, mobile games have been doing it for years
That's a more apt comparison, but it still isn't an equivalent since they have value outside of the game.
Any lawyer would laugh you out of existence if you genuinely believed these things are comparable.
Opening a kinder surprise egg guarantees you chocolate no matter what else is on the inside. Lootboxes guarantee you nothing.
No, Warframe doesn't. What Warframe has is an acceptable system until the industry shifts in favor of the consumer. It's better than Lootboxes by a mile but we shouldn't stop pushing until cosmetics are free. The only thing we should pay for after release of a game is actual expansion packs, not single missions and recolored guns but a full fledged expansion pack. This of course applies to games with a price tag, I can accept pay-for-cosmetics in free games but will never support lootboxes in games whether they're free or not.
Lindt would like to have a word with you.
>Eat Food
>Small percent chance I might get food poisoning
Sounds like a gamble to me
You bought it for the candy chocolate. The little toy inside was a bonus incentive. Like Happy Meals from Mc Donald's getting a random toy., or a box of cereal with a prize inside. None of these are the main reason for those who purchases them.
Video game Loot-Boxes provide nothing but a random item of value. It is gambling. You are paying money for a random chance at getting something of value and rarity among the community that put monetary value in. You are not paying for a specific new skin, it is random chance. Thus, a gamble.
>Buy a copy of Overwatch
>Eat it
>Trade the skins that came with to kids to get skins you don't have
Yep user. Airtight comparison you've drawn here.
>literally makes one thing
idk dam
my nigga
This is true though.
You do know warframe is free, right? And that the expansions are also free? And that the premium in game currency is tradable among players? And that of your willing to grind it out you can trade for said currency to spend on that precious swag.
TL:DR warframe is free and everything in the game can be acquired for free if you choose.
Because it can't be rigged
Actually, it's illegal in some countries.
Was it always free? I have it and thought I payed for it, might've been some deluxe edition or something. Warframe is forgiven if that's the case. My point still stands on the topic at hand however.
>the true patrcian choice
Kinderbabbies need to go
Always free as far as I know. I'm not a founder so I don't know back then. I think it just relied on the voluntary purchase of founders packs.
>sweet has bonus inside when main purpose of good is the shitty tasting chocolate
>can trade bonus to anyone for money or other barters outside of Nestle's shit or even inside if such a thing is possible
>not tied to another fucking product in which gameplay or enjoyment is enhanced through its usage
>especically when segments required to obtain it are bypassed
EA fuck off.
this is worth up to 12000€.
If someone uses food analogies it is a clear sign that they are mouth breathers
A kinder egg doesn't come with every single toy in the chocolate, but the moment I bite into it a bunch of men in suits rubbing their hands together come up and steal all but one toy. When I pay $60 for a disc full of content, I want all the content on that disc. Everyone who isn't baiting, which I'd imagine is a small number, is defending cut content micro-transactions just because they sprinkled RNG on top. Before you hit me up with the "buy you can grind for them!" excuse, the grind solely exists to be long and tedious and burn you out on the game just so you can consider paying more money. The grind wouldn't have to exist in the first place if there were no paid option.
Reminder that we are under attack by EA paid shills who try to defend EAs lootboxes.
Report these threads, do not reply to EA shills.
With lootboxes, you already want some specific cosmetics, but you have to gamble for them and get a bunch of filler junk instead to make stupid people believe they still got some worth for their money, when they didn't get jack shit, they just blew some $ for not getting anything close to what you originally wanted. But they will try again because the system is designed to make it seem like you can get a lot of value for your money so easily.
With Kinder Surprise, you know exactly that you will get some random ass, very simplistic toy inside, and you know that for example if you want a proper spinning top, you better just buy one seperately than buy a bunch of Kinder Surprises and gamble for it.
tldr: With Kinder Surprise the "fun of excitement of what's inside" is the focus of appeal, with lootboxes it's the "seemingly high chance of getting something valuable for risking your money"
enjoy your 52% sugar brick of shit
All the toys have the same value
Yep, what of it?
>Not the 90% dark chocolate
because of a archaic law
Kinder is literally for kids you autists
only jews and good goys support loot boxes
Because the toys used to be really fucking cool, especially in the age before computers. And unlike most toys they were small yet high quality, so you as a kid could always have your favourite toy with you.
In the last couple years toys went to shit.
Wait till the toys become stickers
>poor cracker jack
>having a kinder toy as your fave
What's it like being poor
EA shils exterminated in less than a minute. Topkek
It's pretty much about the chocolate and the content is extra.
Try Milka...purple holiness of chocolate
>guaranteed "rare"
Also no $60-$120 entrance fee.
>food analogy/comparisons
In the trash it goes
>a food analogy