*blocks ur path*

*blocks ur path*

>bring MAA

How do I beat this fucker.
No, I don't have MAA among my roster.

Then fucking get one, you donut.

Sorry *tips* just here for the pickins

*points in ur direction*

*deploys 4 rookies*

*steals u*

>Bounty Hunter
>Plauge Diddy
Psh, nice try...kid...

Kebab heals best heals

Killed him on my first attempt. Granted he did kill my favorite Flagellant, but he's not all that tough.



Good ones, but virgin vestal still has nothing on chad shitskin. Nothing feels as good as healing a hero from death's door right back to max health. And bleed hardly ever actually activates

I like the occultist too, but I think he's more useful as DPS/debuffer than a healer. He's just too inconsistent with his healing.

why are Darkest Dungeon memes the best?

all memes are death of humor, factory belt jokes with little originality. Memes ruined comedy.

so what you're saying is memes are a slow, and insidious killer?



That guy is the definition of annoyance, but when exactly is he going to rekt your game if you have the slightest idea about what you're doing?
>send 4 level 0 assholes to die
>he doesnt even damage your Hamlet

>ignore it completely
>he only damages your Hamlet, so you're not any closer to losing the campaign on Stygian/Bloodmoon, you're just annoyed

Also Man at Arms makes that bomb completely trivial. The only interesting thing about the whole scenario is facing loads of human enemies who actually try to stress your party out so you should bring a Jester to heal stress. that's about it. Oh, maybe also wanna bring a Vestal because huge AoE damage. It's not hard. The fucking Fanatic is hard because he shuffles your party so you'd have to think 3 moves ahead.

4 Highwaymen riposte.

Shieldbreaker and a Bounty Hunter

*heals by missing you*

brainlet here, should i bother getting this game? i beat xcom EW but found it brutal. Still sort of a new genre for me.

It's not hard at all, just lots and lots of grinding required.

I named an occultist '0 crit & bleed'
He was the best occultist any of my estates have ever had

I'm so bad at strategy/thinking games that I still lose characters in Fire Emblem. I had fun with DD though.

I never had any problems with bringing occultist as the only healer in the group. Then I had a run where I inadvertantly ran out of torches and he completlet refused to roll higher than 4. Maybe I got some 10 crit once but thinking back it probably never happened. Yes you are supposed to prepare for RNG but what you do when RNG fucks your asshole raw and then proceeds to fuck and fuck and fuck and
