Most disappointing game sequels of all time

Most disappointing game sequels of all time.

I'll start with the obvious one.

C&C4 probably


Diablo 2/3
Dragon age 2/3
Mass effect 3 (2 if you hate gears of war)
Farcry 2
Max payne 3
Fallout 3/4/nv
Ultima 8/9
Age of empires 3
Cnc 4
Red alert 3
Company of heroes 2
Duke nukem forever
Doom 3
Quake 4
Wolfenstein tnc
Half life 3

Literally the only good game in the series.

Go away grandpa

nice meme


>that pose

>Farcry 2
>Fallout 3/4/nv

I enjoyed them at least.....


So glad I found that armor. It is the best looking to me in the game.

Good one, OP. Let me add this mess, made by the same developers.


Brawl single-handed destroyed my ability to get hyped or excited for a video game ever again.

There are some good games in there user



For sure I like some of them, but judging by the salt when they were released I'd say they were fairly disappointing!

C'mon now, Diablo II and Fallout NV were improvements compared to previous title.

The early 2010s were really shit for sequels.

>Kids these days.
Enjoy your lootbox extravaganza boogaloo sequel to whatever your favourite game is!
I've already come to accept that we'll never get a proper spoopy diablo, or another good silent hill, but one day, you'll come to know the disappointment too.

It didn't help that the console version of FC2 didn't let you save anywhere other than checkpoints, or that it wasn't true 1080p on consoles.

NV was the best FPS fallout no doubt about that but it still wasn't as good as the original trilogy (I'm including tactics as well)

I haven't played DS3, but there's absolutely no way it was as disappointing going from 2 to 3, in contrast to how disappointing it was going from 1 to 2.

Regardless of how shit 3 may be, it's a sequel to 2, not to the first, so unless it is literally unplayable, the correct answer is .

TNC is liked a lot by normies and if you count games Sup Forums were salty about your list would be a lot longer.

Nv improved on 3 sure, but d2 was a totally different genre with the same basic mechanics.
It went from spooky horror dungeon crawler to superfast action McGee lootfest.
I don't hate it, but it isn't the sequel that they originally promised.
And hell, nobody can defend d3!

dark souls 2 is better than dark souls1 though
not that plebs would understand

I did actually stop myself.
I was just gonna copy paste a list of sequels to games from Wikipedia or some shit!

History has vindicated the quality of this game but man it sure was just a huge shit on a lot of people at the time for being a bait and switch and never releasing a 'real' Banjo 3.


im serious, good argument though as expected of dark souls 1 fags
>muh interconnected world!

It has begun.

nice meme!

As a sequel to 4 its a big disappointment. As a prequel to 6 it's a masterpiece.

more great arguments, nice
soulsfags are such fucking brainlets

Invisible War was the first Deus Ex game I ever played and I liked it

I liked it so much in fact, that I still play it from time to time


IQ: ultra greatsword

Invisible War was good. You're just a picky little girl.

Never played em.
Just know how this usually goes.
What's next? Crying Sony wojak?

wait people think dark souls 1 is actually any good? i replayed that game the other day it aged like milk
not to mention invasions are dead as fuck

the sequel to that game however is probably the best Hitman game ever, save for the online only shit

Dark souls 3 has worst level design than ds2. Only good thing about 3 is that it has some good bosses. Other than that, it's short and linear,it has more problems than ds2.

Sheva is a 10/10 waif, but fucked if I'd ever want her watching my back/biceps in a fire-fight with that Ai!
Was a great game, but not a great resident evil.

Patently false. Invisible War is the biggest case of consolization ruining an otherwise good concept in the history of video games.

demon's souls > dark souls 2 > bloodborne > dark souls 3 > dark souls 1

only non plebs will agree

I only just now realize how stupid this was

Remember when companies would just make new ips instead of ruin old ones?

Dark Souls 2 and Metal Gear Solid V
Both those games aren't even just bad games or bad sequels. It feels like the people behind it had absolutely no knowledge of the prior installments, and that they couldn't grasp a single facet of their design that made them so great and successful.

Being on console didn't ruin it. At all. You're a spoilt brat that can't appreciate anything.

dark souls 2 is better than dark souls 1

I didn't even bother finishing DaS3. It was so dull.

New IPs are risky and gamers are very easy to satisfy. Keep feeding them shit as long as it has the same name on it.

Dark Souls 2 is merely an average action adventure game, which is all it tries to be.
If it was the first installment, the series would've never taken off.

If you bought it, you deserved it.

To be fair calling Evolved a sequel is a stretch. It's a spin-off, very much like Gun Hazard.

who are you quoting?

that's just wrong, 2 improved on everything except the world design, but even that is arguable
>perfect weapon balance, everything is viable even literally your bare fists
>power stance
>great covenants
>PvP at its peak
>magic wasnt ez mode for pve for the first time
>some of the best bosses in the series in the dlc, such as fume knight or ivory king
>introduced respeccing
>not limited when it comes to upgrade materials which lets you use a lot of weapons

no, only thing ds2 does worse than 1 is the level design. Other than that, it's objectively superior


Shhhh it's okay my sweetheart.
One day someone will believe you.
But mommy's still loves you just the same.

Too bad all of this is nullified by the horrendous animations and controls

boring, i give a good argument and all i get back are memes
that's the thing though, literally all the complains about das2 are memes
but i guess that's how internet arguments work, at the end of the day ill never persuade anyone with my facts, and nobody will persuade me with theirs

yup, memes
im out, keep believing your shitty game is better than the objectively better one and have a nice day

>wahh memes memes
The absolute state of DS2 defence force


You just figured out the internet!

But in all seriousness, nobody gives a gangbang in a clowncar whether you personally thing darksouls 2 is good.
The thread is about shit that was disappointing, and that game disappointed a fuck of a lot.

2016 ignores Absolution mostly, not really a sequel.

Rome 2 Total War
Dark Souls 2
Gothic 3
Witcher 3
Star Wars Kotor 2
Deus Ex Invisible War
Devil May Cry 2
Valkyria Chronicles 2 and 3
Mass Effect 2 and 3
Final Fantasy X-2
Prince of Persia WW and TTT
W40k Dawn of War 3

What are they supposed to be arguing against exactly? You haven't made any points yourself.

Diablo 2 and New Vegas were, if nothing else, a pretty dignified sequels. In fact New Vegas proved that Fallouts can be actually good even after the 3D transition.
I do agree with the rest though.
And I would also add:
Homeworld 2
Serious Sam 2
Mafia 3 and arguably even 2
Vietcong 2
Starcraft 2 (as far as singleplayer is concerned, at least)
Might and Magic 9 and onwards
Kohan 2 (god, that one was really painful. origianl Kohan was a completely underappreciated fucking gem that just deserved a lot more polish, instead they turned it into a bad WC3 clone)
Bioshock series if we view them as sequels to SS series (though Bioshock 2 was suprisingly better than it's own original)
Crysis 2
Gothic 3/4

Nothing illustrates how utterly and completely fucked the standards for contemporary gaming are better than this. People actually go out of their fucking ways to FUCKING EXCUSE AND JUSTIFY Invisible War. It's actually kinda surreal.

Yeah, except that game director Harvey Smith himself said in 2007 that the reason that game disappointed a lot of people was because it was made for Xbox first, PC second.

And have you even tried the first one? Invisible War is a completely different type of game. Like making Fallout 2, which would be a dumbed-down Diablo clone.

>Witcher 3

>Kotor 2

Otherwise a decent list.

this piece of fucking shit

the best thing this game ever did was make FEAR2 look much better by comparison

>no ass
>10/10 waif

Some people liked Invisible War, some didn't. Mardy little babies like you that expected miracles will always never be satisfied, and that's why no one will ever care about your wank opinions.

threw out the great star trek esque atmosphere of the first game and dumbed down the RPG mechanics way too much
focused too much on being a cover based shooter despite having poor shooting mechanics
i feel like this game was the beginning of the end for bioware

It disappointed a lot of people and it was also enjoyable for a lot of people. At the end of the day, it's personal preference.

It was enjoyable to console fags and disappointing to actual fans of the series. There's no defending it.

Several side quests like the loyalty missions were good. The voice acting was also good. Other than that I feel that this game is a mediocre rpg and a mediocre shooter

Yeah I feel the same way.
Like sure the shootan was better, but it had no atmosphere. It was so by-the-numbers and the main story was pretty lacklustre.
I enjoyed it, but in the same vein that I enjoyed resi4 and 5. Shoulda been a spinoff.

A) absolute majority of people fucking hated it, a small minority of people, mostly ones who never played the previous games and had no experience with PC gaming.
B) the game is littered with UNBELIVABLE, UNDENIABLE poor design, massive technical issues, voefull lack of content, and largely terrible story.
It was incredibly ugly even for it's time, the art direction is a mess, the level design is either completely linear, or the levels literally consist of four or five rooms at max, with in a "make your own way" centered game is a FUCKING JOKE, it is buggy as fuck, the U.I. is even today considered a textbook of "how not to do it", melee is god-awful, it has fucking universal ammo, the A.I. is worse than in it's preqeuel, so is the actual gunplay, melee and stealth.

You can't fucking deny any of these. The game was rushed, completely fucked over by Xbox incredibly poor RAM and piss-poor input strategies, it was a husk of the previous games.
Why the FUCK would anyone ever fucking defend this piece of shit? What the fuck is actually wrong with you? Who hurt you this bad?

absolutely no contest

If you didn't enjoy the game and picked at it, console or not, you are NOT a fan of the series. You're another critic with an opinion, and and that's all it'll ever be, an opinion.

You sound like one of the prequelfags
>if you don't like episode 1 you are not a true fan
give me a break

If you enjoy Deus Ex, you enjoyed IW. It really is that simple. You were clearly spoiled hard as a child and don't know how to appreciate something for what it is. I could throw Red Faction 2 at you and you'll still find a trillion faults to peg it as a failure and then begin to shun the entire Red Faction series, simply because you are that type of person, one who cannot appreciate the value in something because you've been given everything in life.

>Why the FUCK would anyone ever fucking defend this piece of shit? What the fuck is actually wrong with you? Who hurt you this bad?
Simple: He's a consolefag and the first taste of Deus Ex he had was Invisible War.

>I have no standards, so no one else should either
And you're right about me. I'm not a fan of the Deus Ex series. I'm a fan of Deus Ex, the original first game. That game is the shit and way better than Invisible War, which is complete trash, and the two new Deus Ex games, which are merely alright.

Then don't bother saying you're a fan in the first place, because you're not. You're a picky soyboy that expects everything released to conform to his autistic safespace.

Saints Row 3 and definitely 4

I love how you can sit there on your fat arse and say that MD is 'merely alright' but start slopping away like a Hutt when it comes to IW.

OP here, I agree with all of those points. All I wanted was a serious immersive sim with the "cyberpunk spy espionage" theme, interesting NPCs and writing.

It was very removed from the style of the first game, like comparing James Bond to Star Trek. Sometimes this can be interesting, like in Tiberian Sun, but in DX2 it just made it bland.

Correct. Mankind Divided is actually way less consolized than Invisible War.

I played the original. You probably weren't even born so come off it.

Uh, isn't Red Faction II universally known worse than the first one?

You're entitled to opinions.

Today user was not a fag,

VC3 has some soul to it, dont drop it on the list simply because it got made for a shit platform. Emulator version is decent.

known as*