2018 is coming in fast, hard, and without lube. That means people who are born in 2000 are able to post here...

2018 is coming in fast, hard, and without lube. That means people who are born in 2000 are able to post here. What games would they give when this topic "only 00's kids will remember" comes up?

Nice try with the image but you stretch too far when you mention so many games.

Did you get this image from reddit? That's the most normie taste I've ever seen

its literally every 90's kid favorite games

I'm male 28 Jewish and not a single game from that list is my "favorite".

Nice try but I'm catholic and my favorite game is Kirby's Dreamland 3.

>no Crash Bandicoot

t. grew up without a N64

Nice try, reddit.

Imagine a world without console gamers

No, No, No, No, No, No, No, No, No

Close but no cigar. I'm Agnostic.


jokes on you, i had a ps1 and dad wouldnt let me buy japanese games

user there are literal children posting here already. I found the site when I was 15 and I'm 28 now, shit don't change. Were you one of those kids that hit 'no' when asked if you were over 18 to browse a porn site? No you weren't because those kids have never existed.


>Implying my favorite games would be such safe choices
Nah, nigga.
They're Nocturne and STALKER which are only a tier lower safe choices.

Jokes on you, I'm 30

>Sex: Yes

This in all honesty

I grew up in the 90s and I only like 3 games from that list

>I like SMW and Chrono Trigger. All that other shit is overrated as fuck.

I'm 20 and I don't give a shit about your nintendo-core vidya

I like all of those games but wouldn't call any of them my favourites.

Nice try fedora tipper

>pokemon R/B/Y
Said nobody ever.

>2000 was 20 years ago

>20 yrs old

you're a 00's kid. go play minecraft son.

bunch of grampas

It would be things that come out between the time they are 9-12.

Probably games like Halo 3. Fucking hell. I was in Grade 12.

Male, 27, Christian, none of these video games would make it into my top 10, nigger FFVII isn't even the best FF.

>nigger FFVII isn't even the best FF

fuck off FFVIfag

all those games and not a single correct one, i'm impressed

Literally the only thing right is sex and age, try harder.

>contrarian Sup Forums anons trying to act like they don't like a single one of these games
yeah ok
the only one on that list that i think doesn't belong is goldeneye, it's really overrated and people only like it because they didn't have access to the superior shooters on PC

32 and pretty close.

>mfw cathiolic

>its literally every 90's kid favorite games
Every AMERICAN kid. Born 92, I only played GTA:SA out of that list.

Born in 90. Can confirm.

FF VII is cringe

No I'm not a numale.

>don't like any of those
you tried i guess

I'm 24 and I don't like any of those games except for SA
Also not an atheist
Try again sweetie

>Religion: Athiest

I was born in November 1999 and didn't really play a lot of games until I started PC gaming 3 years ago.
>played Little Big Planet when I was 8-9
>played CoD4/MW2/BO multiplayer when I was 9-12
>played Minecraft on my dads laptop when I was 10-12
>GTA 5 when I was 13
That's it.

>>GTA 5 when I was 13
I'm getting old for this site

Literally this murricans are numale manchilds since birth

5/12, see me after class.

>I played most those games, none of them are close to my favorites because I've got taste.

>age is right
>never played any of those games
Eat shit, OP

>half of your favorite games are by Nintendo

Games are the most basic and boring titles tossed around I've ever seen.
>Religion: atheist
wew lad, do you even know what "atheist" and "religion" mean?


Found the redditor teenager.

Australia experienced the 90s in 2003. That was when I played Pokemon Stadium, Ocarina of Time, all that stuff. I mean shit, for my birthday I got a Gameboy Color in 2001.

Actually you were just poor, cunt.

t.PS1 in '95

ey now it can be both

The people who love goldeneye were always the faggot who picked Oddjob.

>favorite games: not even my favourite ff, not even my favourite mario, not even my favourite zelda, hate smash, played goldeneye once in my life, no, no, no, hate pokemon
Nice one, OP.

All you got right is my sex.

>nintendo garbage
No. Kill yourself.

yes, no, yes, no, no, no, no, no,. no, no, no, no, no.

I've never had a nintendo console.


get fucked op

Only correct one is San Andreas.

>Oooh you guessed I was male on an anonymous image board not meant for attention whoring
>Lol I'm 19, nerd.
>Oooh you guessed I wasn't retarded
>Jap taste plus gta. Yeah, no.

>Kojima game

>never played what most people consider to be classics
You literally don't know shit about video games.