I miss this. Playing together with the boys

I miss this. Playing together with the boys.

Have you been to a LAN party, Sup Forums?

No, I never had real life friends.

Had LANS twice a week all throughout High School.

It was a magical time.

These days it's only a few times a year, but it's still pretty fucking awesome.

>that transition time between keyboard to keyboard+mouse for fps and everyone hadn't realized the left side of the keyboard was better

felt awkward as fuck, i recall playing cs beta 6 or something which defaulted to wasd and it blew my mind.

>tfw lefty

>tfw used numpad + mouse on the left for the longest time as a kid

Throwing a Lan in a few weeks. 10 confirmed so far. Pretty hyped.

No, nobody ever invited me.

Attending a LAN in Germany (Northcon) in a few weeks. Can't stop cumming with excitement.

I do not miss the jhorts

Did once at the end of every trimester.

We would all meet up at my mate's house (usually 3 to 6 of us) at like 6pm and stuff all our computers around a kitchen dining table. We'd usually start off with some appetizers like Quake and Doom multiplayer then move into something like Frozen throne and Aoe2/3.

Used to have a bunch of local ones with around 15-20 people, played mostly CS, Quake 3 and WarCraft 3.

Good times.

>Have you been to a LAN party, Sup Forums?

Yeah, once a year minimum. It's good to have gaming buddies.

nobody ever wanted to do one with me, I imagine it being tons of fun ;_;

we did this a bunch with xbox back in 02-04 when i was a wee lad

shit was fun we played halo and did all kinds of shit like stunts and getting on top of levels

A friend, his brother and I setup our computers for a week of neverwinter nights co-op, then when his brother left, we switched to freelancer.

Two guys from a school invited me to a lan party held overnight at a church. We setup in a small room with 14 people. Everyone gave five dollars and you got two cheeseburgers and a drink from mcdonalds. At midnight a prayer was held in the main church room. The games played were the counter strike, return to castle wolfenstein, battlefield 1942, and pirates vikings knights

>Rejected by social rejects

Literally how?

More like I just never spoke to them.

Who here remembers the smells?

I use to regularly attend LANS with 50-100+ people that sometimes ran for a few days and holy shit forget the stinky smash player memes, that air was fucking toxic by the end of it.

They all just want to play online even when they're next door

Well I genuinely wish i'd known you so I could have invited you anyway.

After several LANs it was apparent what our group needed to compete with these trials of stink.
>take turns showering every day
>poopouri in every bathroom
>deodorant check by the wives in the group
>try to buy food that isn't fast food garbage to lower methane emissions, some wives cook

I didn't notice until I left. Get a lung full of fresh air, makes you realise you've been huffing poison for hours.

Do you miss smashing some faggot face or are you the one was bullied?